(1) Dragon-type Rayquaza, Salamence, and Haxorus from 'Dragon Selection' Revealed! [1/5]

I really thought they'd have held off on dragon type Hydreigon and Garchomp families for being the selling point for the half decks, if not Blast/Blade; but then disregarding them, with Rayquaza at #11 and including the four confirmed Unova ones, the only other choices for the last 5 are Sinnoh/Unova legendaries, which I can't see them leaving out of the promotional material.

#4 and #5 I can't work out what the hell they could be either, other than a non-dragon type; unless they make a dragon card for a non in-game dragon.
EDIT -They could be Kingdra and Altaria both on their own without their familes looking at it again, in fact that's the only way I see it working unless they change someone's type

Is it 100% confirmed that the entire set is Pokémon? I haven't heard that anywhere than this news post.
I am going to have to disagree Xous.
I do not like the card art....Haxorus seems like the only legit art representation of the 3.
Rayquaza well....I'd like to see more risks taken with it's poses or at least make it...attacking....the coiled up look has been done in the TCG several times already. Salamence just looks off and the background is a joke...I mean at least make it in the sky.
I was kind of hoping that the Dragon type look would be a little lighter than it is. I kind of expected it to be darker than the electric border but still lighter than what we got.

I still kind of hope we get some dragon energy in the Blade/Blast set but we still have a couple months before we get information on that (we still have twenty two days before we see all of Dragon Selection). To me it seems kind of pointless to create a new type and have them use the same old energy, and having exclusive special energy (like Darkness and Steel types had in the Neo days) makes it harder to work a Dragon deck.

Of course here in the states we likely won't see these cards until at least August (Next Destinies in February is our Hail/Psycho set, and unless they make the set much bigger than normal Dark Rush and probably some various promos will likely be our May set).
Saviour_Gundam said:
I hear a base Set Charizard crying because his HP is now nothing compared to newer Pokemon
He started crying at EX Dragon with the Stage 2 EXs, then again in Black & White when Basics had giant HP.

I wonder how much playability these cards will have. I'm guessing not much, except that maybe Rayquaza will be played in Eelzone as a starter to mill the deck and maybe some Lightning Energies for Dynamotor.

Now if only we had Lightsworns in this game.
IMO Since dragon types are normally stronger thsn other pokemon, if they used only one type of energy it would be too easy to use them.
Trainerhan1 said:
IMO Since dragon types are normally stronger thsn other pokemon, if they used only one type of energy it would be too easy to use them.
this actually makes sense, if you think about it enough.
DNA said:
He started crying at EX Dragon with the Stage 2 EXs, then again in Black & White when Basics had giant HP.

I wonder how much playability these cards will have. I'm guessing not much, except that maybe Rayquaza will be played in Eelzone as a starter to mill the deck and maybe some Lightning Energies for Dynamotor.

Now if only we had Lightsworns in this game.

If only lightsworns wasn't the most inconsistent and lucksack deck in all of yugioh. Rayquaza looks like it might have its uses in some decks though. Salamance would be better if there weren't so many draw cards
Salamence looks like it could be a good tech in a variety of different decks. As for the artwork, i love it! I like the brown-gold card art.
I'm gonna guess the set list goes something like this, assuming the order of the cards is consistent with previous releases

1. Dratini
2. Dragonair
3. Dragonite
4. Swablu
5. Altaria
6. Bagon
7. Shelgon
8. Salemance
9. Latias
10. Latios
11. Rayquaza
12. Axew
13. Fraxure
14. Haxorus
15. Druddigon
16. Deino
17. Zweilous
18. Hydreigon
19. Reshiram
20. Zekrom
I was thinking that there shouldn't be basic Dragon energies, and none of the attacks in the entire TCG need Dragon energy to use. There is however, special Dragon energy. The trick here is that, some attacks may say "If a dragon energy is attached, this attack does something more". I think that is how they should implement dragon energy, otherwise, I really hope that basic Dragon energy will never exist in the game ever. We already have 8 energy types, we don't need more.

The reason why WoW TCG has 19 cards in a pack is because there are way too many different types of cards, like 18 types (2 factions, 9 classes), that somebody has to buy a billion boosters just to make a human warrior deck. It isn't the case for magic, where it has only 5 colors.

If you really want dragon energy, you need to get rid of an existing one, and 8 seems to be a good number of energy types, to match the number of gym badges in the video games of course, and 9 seems a little odd.

If I compared this to Magic, it would be like this. Magic has the core 5 colors, and Pokemon has the core 8 elements. Colorless cards would be like Magic's Artifact cards. Dragon type cards would be like Magic's gold framed multicolored cards, and I hope that all dragon type cards all require 2 different energies to activate the attack, and none of the dragon type cards require dragon energy, as I hope won't exist.

Having Dragon types is good, in such a way so that Ratattas can't be super effective against Dragonites.
konter_j8902 said:
If only lightsworns wasn't the most inconsistent and lucksack deck in all of yugioh.

signofzeta said:
I was thinking that there shouldn't be basic Dragon energies, and none of the attacks in the entire TCG need Dragon energy to use. There is however, special Dragon energy. The trick here is that, some attacks may say "If a dragon energy is attached, this attack does something more". I think that is how they should implement dragon energy, otherwise, I really hope that basic Dragon energy will never exist in the game ever. We already have 8 energy types, we don't need more.
The TCG already tried this. It was called "React Energy". It only lasted for one set; do you think this will be the same?
I think a better idea would be rather to have this Dragon Energy provide a special effect when attached to a Dragon type, like Rainbow or something, as a few people have suggested already.
Just to clarify since people overlooked it, the Dragon Energy is going to be in Blast/Blade since this set only consists of pokemon.

I like the color of the cards. I feel if they made it any more lighter, than kids would get them confused with Lighting. Rayquaza's and Salamence's artwork is ok, but it feels like I've seen it before(the background on Rayquaza is pretty cool though). I really like the Haxorus artwork though.
scuba steveE said:
Just to clarify since people overlooked it, the Dragon Energy is going to be in Blast/Blade since this set only consists of pokemon.
The only thing that possibly hinted at Dragon energy was the fact that a new special energy is going to be in Blast and Blade. You can't conclude just yet that the special energy will indeed be Dragon.
Holy Cow! Finally... I like the background color. The cards look really cool. It's a shame they suck in playability... I'm also dissappointed that they don't use Dragon energy to attack... and Rayquaza should have 130 HP... but other than that, I like them!
Ysmir said:
I am going to have to disagree Xous.
I do not like the card art....Haxorus seems like the only legit art representation of the 3.
Rayquaza well....I'd like to see more risks taken with it's poses or at least make it...attacking....the coiled up look has been done in the TCG several times already. Salamence just looks off and the background is a joke...I mean at least make it in the sky.

Rayquaza's body shape doesn't really lend itself to being portrayed very well in the cards' illustration dimensions unless it's all curled up. Unless you mean something more specific by "coiled up look."
Broken Pokemon EX said:
I'm gonna guess the set list goes something like this, assuming the order of the cards is consistent with previous releases

1. Dratini
2. Dragonair
3. Dragonite
4. Swablu
5. Altaria
6. Bagon
7. Shelgon
8. Salemance
9. Latias
10. Latios
11. Rayquaza
12. Axew
13. Fraxure
14. Haxorus
15. Druddigon
16. Deino
17. Zweilous
18. Hydreigon
19. Reshiram
20. Zekrom

hmm... I agree until Rayquaza... I don't think the Hydreigon line will be in Dragon Selection... It will already be featured in BW5 AND one of its theme decks... But I don't what could be used instead either... Maybe Dialga, Palkia & Giratina? Or, Kyurem instead of Giratina?
Frost said:
Meh. I'm not impressed by the background color since it's too dark IMO. I'm also glad I never assumed that Dragon Selection was going to have every Dragon Pokemon ever created in it, like some people did, especially with the bump to 20 cards from the previously-thought 40.

Isn't Salamence #8?

It seems like we're getting Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite (1-3), Swablu/Altaria (4-5), Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence (6-8), Latias/Latios (9-10), Rayquaza (11), and then some Sinnoh and Unova Dragons. Or the Dragonite family could be the Horsea or Trapinch family, I dunno. Swablu and Altaria pretty much HAVE to be there with a three-stage family though unless they're excising all of the non-Dragon pre-evolutions. The thing is, though, if they had Vibrava and Flygon without Trapinch... well, there are no Trapinch cards in rotation, right?

Well what I ment was this set REALLY focuses on Dragon types, so I thought that it would only make sense if it only included the"pure" Dragons. What I mean by that is Pokemon that have always been a dragon. I know that Altaria and co. are Dragon Types, don't get me wrong, but please think for a second about this tid-bit: Does it really make sense to have a teeny-tiny Swablu in front of these vicious and ferocious dragons? (I still love Swablu:p.) I definetly understand what everyone is saying though. I'm really excited for this set!!!:D
Have Kingdra in place of Swablu.

Problem solved.
DNA said:
Have Kingdra in place of Swablu.

Problem solved.

But the little kiddies over in Japan can't play the Kingdra without the Horsea and Seadra D=

Er, sorry. Anyway, I really like these cards. My only gripes are that Rayquaza should have a little more HP (130 would be good) and I am not a huge fan of the Haxorus art. Other then that, though, I love them! Contrary to what some people have said, I think the background is perfect. The dull gold can't be confused with lighting, but it's not so dark it feels like ground or fighting.

As for dragon energy, well... I honestly don't care one way of the other. I kind of want dragon energy just to make dragons feel more special, and Special Dragon energy would be sick, I won't be mad if they don't give them their own energy. Maybe they'll do something like what they did with darkness and metal; release special energy first, then eventually make basic dragon energy.

My final thoughts are as follows: First, this totally explains Rayquaza being on the Dragon Blade pack art. They're waiting to give Rayquaza the EX treatment in the main set. Second, I think Salamence is better then you all think. Third, I can't wait to see the rest of DS and the upcoming dragon sets in March. And finally, I really hope they make Latios and Latias good. :).