(1) Dragon-type Rayquaza, Salamence, and Haxorus from 'Dragon Selection' Revealed! [1/5]

don()shinobi said:
But the little kiddies over in Japan can't play the Kingdra without the Horsea and Seadra D=
This is a miniset. It doesn't have to follow the pattern.
Ok ok, to reiterate what I said, and ultimately want:

1. The only time that Basic dragon energy should be printed is when the sun physically engulfs the earth. They could prevent the sun from engulfing the earth if they got rid of an existing energy type.

2. Never ever have a Dragon energy icon near an attack, which means, no pokemon shall require a dragon energy to have an attack.

3. All Dragon type pokemon needs to have at least one attack that requires 2 different energies to use.

4. The only dragon energy card that exists is special dragon energy, who's purpose is to change the effects of an existing attack, for example, without special dragon energy attached, the attack, which requries Lightning and Psychic energy to activate, for example, makes the opponent's pokemon paralyzed, but with dragon energy, it makes it poisoned instead. Sort of like that.

It be cool to have Earth energy for ground and rock types, and Air energy for flying types, but I know that the gameplay and the amount of spending you need to make a deck would suck, and adding another official elemental type, (technically I don't consider dragon it's own element, rather it is a multi element), would destroy the game, unless boosters came with 20 cards or something, rather than 10. I don't consider multicolor gold framed magic cards to be "gold cards", but rather, multicolor cards. So I see Dragon types in the same boat as multicolor magic cards.

It's sort of like this

Red = fire
Orange = fighting
Yellow = Lightning
Green = Grass
Blue = Water
Violet = Psychic

White = Dragon
Black = Colorless

I don't mean the colors as being the color of the energy card or the frame of the cards, I am referring that the other 8 elements only allow their own element to activate, while dragons, while not having their own basic energy card, relies on at least 2 or more of the other 8 elements to activate their attack, much like if you combine all those colors, you get white, with the exception that dragons don't need every single energy card to activate an attack.
Mudkip4321 said:
Well what I ment was this set REALLY focuses on Dragon types, so I thought that it would only make sense if it only included the"pure" Dragons. What I mean by that is Pokemon that have always been a dragon. I know that Altaria and co. are Dragon Types, don't get me wrong, but please think for a second about this tid-bit: Does it really make sense to have a teeny-tiny Swablu in front of these vicious and ferocious dragons? (I still love Swablu:p.) I definetly understand what everyone is saying though. I'm really excited for this set!!!:D

Maybe I'm reading this post wrong, but this first and second parts contradict themselves -

Swablu isn't a dragon type, so it wouldn't be in with the 'pure dragons' anyway
Not really sure why so many people don't want a Dragon Energy. That seems like a total waste. I can maybe see the logic in the dual type dragons like Kingdra, Dialga, Palkia, etc. who have a secondary type, but I think it's sort of silly to create a Dragon type and then no energy for it. At the very least we need a special Dragon energy I think.
I can't wait for Salamence. I have to incorporate Salamence into some lock deck.
Broken Pokemon EX said:
Not really sure why so many people don't want a Dragon Energy. That seems like a total waste. I can maybe see the logic in the dual type dragons like Kingdra, Dialga, Palkia, etc. who have a secondary type, but I think it's sort of silly to create a Dragon type and then no energy for it. At the very least we need a special Dragon energy I think.

It would just have colorless energy to activate, but does 10 damage if it doesn't have a special dragon energy attached to it. If it does, it does 100 damage or something.
don()shinobi said:
The only thing that possibly hinted at Dragon energy was the fact that a new special energy is going to be in Blast and Blade. You can't conclude just yet that the special energy will indeed be Dragon.

I'm just echoing what the article said and it's safe to assume there will be a Dragon Energy of some sort. Types and energies go hand in hand.
Anyone else think of salamence, and durant? And maybe cheerleaders cheer( I'm not sure that's the right card but anyway.)
But over all, I think these cards order ok, in the right deck.
I want that rayquaza so much

He's going to be right at home in Eelzone decks.
RE: (1) Dragon-type Rayquaza, Salamence, and Haxorus from 'Dragon Selection' Revealed

DNA said:
This is a miniset. It doesn't have to follow the pattern.

True. And remember how Red Collection had Conkeldurr and Gigalith without their pre-evos? I can to ally see Kingdra or maybe Altaria in this set.
scuba steveE said:
I'm just echoing what the article said and it's safe to assume there will be a Dragon Energy of some sort. Types and energies go hand in hand.

So um, where's the basic colorless energy cards?
I'm not completely sold on the Dragon type as being valid so far based on these 3 cards. That beings said... they are just 3 cards from a mini-set that only has 20... and we probably won't see any real good representation until Blade/Blast. I could see a special Dragon Energy being released similar to how Miracle Energy was released back in Neo Destiny. It was basically a Double Rainbow for Shining pokémon (which were also a gimmicky idea that revolved around pokémon with multiple energy requirements). This is truthfully the only way I could see them going. I'm hoping they don't go the way of the React Energy to add some effect if React is attached and if the attack has some bonus React-esque effect. That gimmick failed... whereas Rainbow energy variants have been relatively successful, even if they have gone by several names (Rainbow, Double Rainbow, Miracle, Prism... etc).

The other option would be to make it similar to Darkness or Metal energies by adding or subtracting damage. The only way that would work would be at give it a different add/subtract value than Darkness or Metal.. and since they add/subtract 10 damage this would mean that the Dragon Energy would be inherently better than the special energies for D or M. If it were to have some kind of effect like this, I'd suggest adding HP... like 20. I feel that would fix the whole "Rayquaza needs more HP" issue and wouldn't take away from Darkness or Metal by surpassing them... it just does something different.

Either way, Dragon energy or not... I'm expecting more from this type and I can't wait to see what else they've come up with.
Wouldn't introducing a new type mess up the balance of the game, as all cards until now have no weakness or resistance to dragon?
Hungry_Gulpin said:
Wouldn't introducing a new type mess up the balance of the game, as all cards until now have no weakness or resistance to dragon?

Not really because as of right now Dragon Types take 2 types of energy to attack and they are weak to themselves plus not all types have resistance.
RE: (1) Dragon-type Rayquaza, Salamence, and Haxorus from 'Dragon Selection' Revealed

TacoTurtle said:
True. And remember how Red Collection had Conkeldurr and Gigalith without their pre-evos? I can to ally see Kingdra or maybe Altaria in this set.

Yes, but Conkeldurr and Gigalith had just, only one set earlier, had their pre evolutions made into cards. They were still playable.

There is no Swablu card in rotation (nor Seadra/Horsea) in Japan, therefore Altaria and Kingdra cards would be completely redundant until the release of another set.
Hey did anyone else notice that the Haxorus isn't holo? In a previous post it was said that each card in this set would be holo. A japanese holo foil card has holo stripes on the border of the card. Both Salamence and Rayquaza have it, but Haxorus doesn't. Does anyone find this strange?
PaulThePokeMan said:
Hey did anyone else notice that the Haxorus isn't holo? In a previous post it was said that each card in this set would be holo. A japanese holo foil card has holo stripes on the border of the card. Both Salamence and Rayquaza have it, but Haxorus doesn't. Does anyone find this strange?

Haxorus isn't part of the set, he's a promo.
PaulThePokeMan said:
Hey did anyone else notice that the Haxorus isn't holo? In a previous post it was said that each card in this set would be holo. A japanese holo foil card has holo stripes on the border of the card. Both Salamence and Rayquaza have it, but Haxorus doesn't. Does anyone find this strange?

In the news story, it said that Haxorus was a promo.

It would be kinda stupid not having a basic energy. I always hated not having basic metal/dark. Of course, I don't even buy cards anymore anyway. I just like to play with the ones I have and make fake ones. I haven't faked in a long time, though, due to lack of a computer. I just use the internet on my wii and dsi.

If I want a basic Dragon energy, I'll make one.:p
...and that's when I realized that this Salamence could combo with Yanmega Prime.

Think about it. It could work.