(1) Dragon-type Rayquaza, Salamence, and Haxorus from 'Dragon Selection' Revealed! [1/5]


quiet you

(Besides, sometimes discard takes priority over shuffle.)
Salamance...I love you. Salamance and Sharpedo/Victini lololololol most frustrating deck to play against.
Xous said:
I like the artwork on Rayquaza and Haxorus, but I'm not 100% behind the base color of the card. It seems a little bit too dark and feels more like a color that would be used for Ground-Types. Rayquaza and Salamence sharing a move is a little strange. If the two were in different sets it would be more acceptable, but since the two came out in the same set it just feels lazy.

Looking forward to the other Dragons.

Agreed 100%, Xous. I'm not exactly disappointed with the color choice, but not completely sold on it, either. Although in hindsight, there's a lot of shadow on the Energy symbol, so I suppose I should've seen the dark background coming.
Rayquaza's background seems reminiscent of the Rayquaza ex from EX Deoxys. This is fine by me, but it seems slightly repetitive. I do not like Salamence's artwork. Haxorus's is unique, but the new color for Dragon-types is kinda...ehhhhh for me.
Finally, a dragon type Haxorus! I hope they remake some cards from the earlier gen.... I wish they could make an ice type for TCG! :)
I do quite like the dragon symbol, but the card color is something that should be worked on. The artwork for Haxorus is one of the best out of the other two (in my opinion at least). It'll be quite interesting to see the other cards in this mini-set.
The cards are awesome. I like the art on these holos because of the way they printed these cards. It is awesome XD.:)
Do not hold your breath for a basic Dragon energy.

I'm now incredibly confident that the Dragon type will not stick around for the longer term. A healthy number of sets, like other one-time mechanics (Delta, SPs, etc.) but it isn't sustainable.
DMYSYS said:
Do not hold your breath for a basic Dragon energy.

I'm now incredibly confident that the Dragon type will not stick around for the longer term. A healthy number of sets, like other one-time mechanics (Delta, SPs, etc.) but it isn't sustainable.

dragon type having no basic energy is to colorless type having no basic energy.

While colorless pokemon have an OR energy, dragon pokemon CARDS are characterized by one attack having AND energy.

If someone here wants basic dragon energy, tell me which of the existing 8 you want to remove.

Dragon types work as a special kind of card, much like how gold framed multicolor cards are to magic. They are going to be there in the longrun, but they won't be a common sight.
Furn said:
Maybe I'm reading this post wrong, but this first and second parts contradict themselves -

Swablu isn't a dragon type, so it wouldn't be in with the 'pure dragons' anyway

Sorry, I typed that when my head was hurting. But you've definetly got it. I didn't include Swablu+Altaria in my list because of the whole "pure dragon" thing. (I know that Swablu isn't a Dragon.) On top of that, Altaria (and Kingdra for others) don't really "look" like dragons. That's why I didn't include them in my list. I'm really sorry if I confused anybody!:D
Broken Pokemon EX said:
Why would another basic energy have to be removed for a Dragon energy to exist?

So that the number of basic energy types stay at 8? 8 basic energy types is already enough,and should be the maximum amount of basic energy types in the game. We don't need someone buying a booster, cracking it open only to find no psychic cards in it, just because we have way too many elemental types.

There is a reason why World of Warcraft trading card game comes in 19 card boosters.

What we see in Dragon Selection will probably be what we see in Dragon Blade and Dragon Blast, in such a way that all dragon types have an attack that require 2 different energy to use. The makers of the TCG know fully well that adding more basic energy cards will ultimately destroy the game, and make it even harder for a person to build a deck, since you have to crack even more boosters to get all the cards of a certain elemental type you want. You must know that just because it works in the video game, that it doesn't work in the TCG. If the video game and TCG works the same, then we'd be seeing 16 different basic energies by now, and including colorless for normal types.
DMYSYS said:
Do not hold your breath for a basic Dragon energy.

I'm now incredibly confident that the Dragon type will not stick around for the longer term. A healthy number of sets, like other one-time mechanics (Delta, SPs, etc.) but it isn't sustainable.

>_> Dark didn't have a Basic Energy for a LOOOOOOONG time sir....Neither did Metal....

Edit: ^What in the....dude I have enough energies of every type to build a bon fire with while still having enough to build 8 decks and still have some left over to feed a family of 4....adding another energy to the mix won't do anything. They have been making energies harder to come by though. Also that is what trading is for....trade a good card to get a whole bunch of energies...that's what I did. (Last count I had about 3,000 Basic Energies....ya....energies are SOOOOO hard to come by.)
Energy hasn't come in Japanese boosters in quite a while anyway, in fact they brought out a new specific energy pack only about a month ago.

They'd have no problem just making a new one with dragon type in, or even one entirely made up of it.
I'm not sure that Dragon Type energy should be excluded just because some consider them to be 'more powerful'. After all, if they have another element type (for one example we'll say Kyurem in NV) they just use the energy of their other type (in this case water), kind of invalidating that point as they have their 'own' energy anyway. And since basic energy isn't rotated that means the basic energy from Base Set is still just as valid as the BW energy that means (with the possible exception of the newer Dark and Metal basic) everyone is proverbially drowning in Basic Energy.

I too don't think we need to get rid of an energy card to make another one, but if we did I'd say get rid of any Colorless energy. Colorless Pokemon can use all the energies anyway and we can live without Colorless energy that provide effects..Though with the amount of energy I see in decks these days if they released two theme decks in Dragon Blade/Blast with ten energies each then that's enough energy to make a Dragon deck and if Dragon Energy came in packs (even one per) than that would quickly add to the energy count.
Pikachu6319 said:
I'm not sure that Dragon Type energy should be excluded just because some consider them to be 'more powerful'. After all, if they have another element type (for one example we'll say Kyurem in NV) they just use the energy of their other type (in this case water), kind of invalidating that point as they have their 'own' energy anyway. And since basic energy isn't rotated that means the basic energy from Base Set is still just as valid as the BW energy that means (with the possible exception of the newer Dark and Metal basic) everyone is proverbially drowning in Basic Energy.

I too don't think we need to get rid of an energy card to make another one, but if we did I'd say get rid of any Colorless energy. Colorless Pokemon can use all the energies anyway and we can live without Colorless energy that provide effects..Though with the amount of energy I see in decks these days if they released two theme decks in Dragon Blade/Blast with ten energies each then that's enough energy to make a Dragon deck and if Dragon Energy came in packs (even one per) than that would quickly add to the energy count.

colorless energy doesn't count, it doesn't even have its own basic energy.

Let's say for example, I want to make a Psychic Darkness deck. Every pack has exactly 10 cards. Adding another basic energy type would mean it is harder to pull a pokemon of a certain type. It's like rolling a dice, and wanting to get a 1, 2, or 3. It is a half chance to get one of those. Now, adding another basic energy is like trying to roll 1 or 2, or should I say a third chance to get one of those. To make it simpler, it is like picking one color out of a jar of 2 colored balls, then picking one color ball out of a jar of 3 colored balls.

Dragons should be one of those types that are used in any deck, but specific ones in certain decks, such that Haxorus could only be used in Fighting metal decks. Dragon's shoud NOT be the ninth type where someone can have half his deck be all dragon type, so I say NO to basic dragon energy.

Unlike some people, some other people do not have a huge pokemon community to trade with.

Like in the games, dragons shouldn't appear a lot often in the TCG, which is why there should never ever be basic energy for them. It makes them an official common type much like what they did with Darkness and Metal, which make sense, since in the game they are starting to be more common. Dragons are not.

Do you know WHY World of Warcraft TCG has 19 card boosters? The rule says that you can only use one faction, and one class, I think. When people are opening boosters, they are getting stuff not of their class and/or faction, so they wasted $4 on a booster, so what they did is the upped the amount of cards in a booster to 19 to increase the chance that they can get the correct faction and class. Nobody likes to crack a booster that has no cards of the type that they want.

Now, go to sealed. The more different types of pokemon there are, and if Dragon is separated into it's own official type, with it's own basic energy, then people would have to start making 4 type decks since it is hard to get enough pokemon of a certain type to build around.

So right now, Dragon should be like colorless, where neither of them have their own basic energy card. While colorless represents colorless, dragons should represent multicolor.
@signofzeta: I see what you're getting at, but colorless already has that effect. That's why colorless pokemon can usually use any type for they're attacks, unless they are really dragon type. Salamence, Rayquaza, Lati@s for example. As to where Snorlax or Swellow or Tornadus just use colorless, because they are normal or flying.

But if you see colorless for an attack cost, you can use any energy. And why colorless pokemon have a rainbow design on the cards; they pretty much are multienergy already. That's kind of the concept. Dragon, though wouldn't mean "rainbow". Colorless IS that already. Dragon is just another type.

And it's not meant for anything that special, either. The main reason is because it's a great MARKETING STRATEGY. It's just another type, able to be slipped in due to the year of the dragon, in order to increase sales.

I do get your point, though, that another energy type might make things... bleh. I mean, I agree, too many types would ruin it. But I don't think 8 should be the limit. And I don't think Dragon is gonna be some special thing.
zoradude said:
@signofzeta: I see what you're getting at, but colorless already has that effect. That's why colorless pokemon can usually use any type for they're attacks, unless they are really dragon type. Salamence, Rayquaza, Lati@s for example. As to where Snorlax or Swellow or Tornadus just use colorless, because they are normal or flying.

But if you see colorless for an attack cost, you can use any energy. And why colorless pokemon have a rainbow design on the cards; they pretty much are multienergy already. That's kind of the concept. Dragon, though wouldn't mean "rainbow". Colorless IS that already. Dragon is just another type.

And it's not meant for anything that special, either. The main reason is because it's a great MARKETING STRATEGY. It's just another type, able to be slipped in due to the year of the dragon, in order to increase sales.

I do get your point, though, that another energy type might make things... bleh. I mean, I agree, too many types would ruin it. But I don't think 8 should be the limit. And I don't think Dragon is gonna be some special thing.

I kind of want to settle on 8, because it seems like a nice number, since there are 8 gym badges, 4 elite 4's, 4 sets per year, and 16 other pokemon types in the video game, mot counting normal. Making 9 basic energy types just doesn't feel right, since it isn't a multiple of 4. To be honest, it would have been better if Metal energy was Air energy, which incorporates flying types, while metal energy went with fighting, but I don't really care. It seems that the pokemon type in the TCG is really the color of the skin of the pokemon. I mean, find me a water type pokemon card, that isn't a shiny version, that has red skin in the majority of it's body? I didn't think so, which was why poison went from green grass to purple psychic.

Also look as the Dragon Selection Salamence. Why do you think his energy requirements for one of his attacks is fire and water? I'm not saying that this is true in all cases, but it seems that it is mostly true.

I'm not saying that Dragon represents the rainbow, more like, colorless should represent the OR aspect, that is, you can use any energy you want, and Dragons should represent the AND aspect, where you must use certain combinations of energy. That way, it makes it so that the dragon isn't a common sight in the game, and it makes it harder to achieve certain attacks, although, from what I saw, the attacks are pretty weak.

When I open packs, I want to go, WOW A DRAGON, rather than, pfft, a dragon. Making a basic energy for them would mean that they would start to join the crew of the other 8 types that have basic energies, and that would make them feel more common, and less special. That would also make them lose it's wow factor.
signofzeta said:
colorless energy doesn't count, it doesn't even have its own basic energy.

Let's say for example, I want to make a Psychic Darkness deck. Every pack has exactly 10 cards. Adding another basic energy type would mean it is harder to pull a pokemon of a certain type. It's like rolling a dice, and wanting to get a 1, 2, or 3. It is a half chance to get one of those. Now, adding another basic energy is like trying to roll 1 or 2, or should I say a third chance to get one of those. To make it simpler, it is like picking one color out of a jar of 2 colored balls, then picking one color ball out of a jar of 3 colored balls.

Dragons should be one of those types that are used in any deck, but specific ones in certain decks, such that Haxorus could only be used in Fighting metal decks. Dragon's shoud NOT be the ninth type where someone can have half his deck be all dragon type, so I say NO to basic dragon energy.

Unlike some people, some other people do not have a huge pokemon community to trade with.

Like in the games, dragons shouldn't appear a lot often in the TCG, which is why there should never ever be basic energy for them. It makes them an official common type much like what they did with Darkness and Metal, which make sense, since in the game they are starting to be more common. Dragons are not.

Do you know WHY World of Warcraft TCG has 19 card boosters? The rule says that you can only use one faction, and one class, I think. When people are opening boosters, they are getting stuff not of their class and/or faction, so they wasted $4 on a booster, so what they did is the upped the amount of cards in a booster to 19 to increase the chance that they can get the correct faction and class. Nobody likes to crack a booster that has no cards of the type that they want.

Now, go to sealed. The more different types of pokemon there are, and if Dragon is separated into it's own official type, with it's own basic energy, then people would have to start making 4 type decks since it is hard to get enough pokemon of a certain type to build around.

So right now, Dragon should be like colorless, where neither of them have their own basic energy card. While colorless represents colorless, dragons should represent multicolor.

Someone must be new...you don't make decks based off types....you act like every set is jumbled into 1 pack. What if they made a set where they only Dragon energies were in the set? Your problem is solved. Energies are harder to pull than in the BS-BS2 days. Out of 5 packs I got 3 energies when opening BS packs...ya...3/5 packs had an energy. It would be a problem if it was still that way. Now it's more like 1/5-2/5. Opening a tin I will usually only get 1 energy...and as I said before just trade for the energy you need. It won't change anything...it will just change that getting the energy you want by opening packs will be a little harder and that is solved very easily....
catutie said:
Someone must be new...you don't make decks based off types....you act like every set is jumbled into 1 pack. What if they made a set where they only Dragon energies were in the set? Your problem is solved. Energies are harder to pull than in the BS-BS2 days. Out of 5 packs I got 3 energies when opening BS packs...ya...3/5 packs had an energy. It would be a problem if it was still that way. Now it's more like 1/5-2/5. Opening a tin I will usually only get 1 energy...and as I said before just trade for the energy you need. It won't change anything...it will just change that getting the energy you want by opening packs will be a little harder and that is solved very easily....

pfft, yeah, so you are saying that since decks aren't based off types, that is, the color of the card frame, that it means everybody's deck has cards in thier deck from all the colors of the rainbow. I'd like to see how your deck isn't based off type, and I better see at least one pokemon of each type in your deck.

Decks are based off types and that is fact. Why do you think people make fire fighting, or grass lightning decks? By making basic dragon energy, you are essentially adding another common type, and thus making it harder to pull a pokemon card of a certain type from a booster pack. If you say buy singles or trade, mind as well not have the cards packaged in boosters and just ship them in bulk to card stores just so people could buy singles.

Notice I never mentioned anything about being harder to pull a certain energy card? I think you are making up a response without fully reading what I have to say. I will say it again. Making basic dragon energy would mean that the dragon type would just be the ninth official common type. Making only special energies would mean that dragon types are more uncommon than they already are. It is also stupid that when you crack a booster, and there is no certain card of one type, it would be a wasted $4. Adding another type, that is as common as the other 8 types, would make it even worse. If dragons had attacks that used at least 2 of the existing 8 energies, the attack would be harder to use, and the fact of the matter is, dragons as a whole won't be as dominating, and like in the games, dragons should be a rare sight.

Ok, if trading for energies is the best way to go, then are you going to pay for my shipping and insurance? I didn't think so. The fact of the matter is, some places do not have a thriving pokemon community. The fact that you are getting even more basic energies doesn't matter. There is a thing called garbage, or donation. There are others out there who can't even obtain any basic energy other than from theme decks, and even then, it makes it a rip off and harder to obtain certain types, so yes, energy is hard to obtain when there isn't a thriving pokemon community around you, so don't go saying that just because you can get that many energy cards, that everybody could do it. Last time I checked, in the entire city I live in, none of the hobby stores sell pokemon singles, and a lot of players play Magic and Yugioh.