Pikachu6319 said:
I'm not sure that Dragon Type energy should be excluded just because some consider them to be 'more powerful'. After all, if they have another element type (for one example we'll say Kyurem in NV) they just use the energy of their other type (in this case water), kind of invalidating that point as they have their 'own' energy anyway. And since basic energy isn't rotated that means the basic energy from Base Set is still just as valid as the BW energy that means (with the possible exception of the newer Dark and Metal basic) everyone is proverbially drowning in Basic Energy.
I too don't think we need to get rid of an energy card to make another one, but if we did I'd say get rid of any Colorless energy. Colorless Pokemon can use all the energies anyway and we can live without Colorless energy that provide effects..Though with the amount of energy I see in decks these days if they released two theme decks in Dragon Blade/Blast with ten energies each then that's enough energy to make a Dragon deck and if Dragon Energy came in packs (even one per) than that would quickly add to the energy count.
colorless energy doesn't count, it doesn't even have its own basic energy.
Let's say for example, I want to make a Psychic Darkness deck. Every pack has exactly 10 cards. Adding another basic energy type would mean it is harder to pull a pokemon of a certain type. It's like rolling a dice, and wanting to get a 1, 2, or 3. It is a half chance to get one of those. Now, adding another basic energy is like trying to roll 1 or 2, or should I say a third chance to get one of those. To make it simpler, it is like picking one color out of a jar of 2 colored balls, then picking one color ball out of a jar of 3 colored balls.
Dragons should be one of those types that are used in any deck, but specific ones in certain decks, such that Haxorus could only be used in Fighting metal decks. Dragon's shoud NOT be the ninth type where someone can have half his deck be all dragon type, so I say NO to basic dragon energy.
Unlike some people, some other people do not have a huge pokemon community to trade with.
Like in the games, dragons shouldn't appear a lot often in the TCG, which is why there should never ever be basic energy for them. It makes them an official common type much like what they did with Darkness and Metal, which make sense, since in the game they are starting to be more common. Dragons are not.
Do you know WHY World of Warcraft TCG has 19 card boosters? The rule says that you can only use one faction, and one class, I think. When people are opening boosters, they are getting stuff not of their class and/or faction, so they wasted $4 on a booster, so what they did is the upped the amount of cards in a booster to 19 to increase the chance that they can get the correct faction and class. Nobody likes to crack a booster that has no cards of the type that they want.
Now, go to sealed. The more different types of pokemon there are, and if Dragon is separated into it's own official type, with it's own basic energy, then people would have to start making 4 type decks since it is hard to get enough pokemon of a certain type to build around.
So right now, Dragon should be like colorless, where neither of them have their own basic energy card. While colorless represents colorless, dragons should represent multicolor.