(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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I think they're really drawing a lot from Chinese classics this gen.

The pig evolution is probably based on Zhu Bajie from the Chinese classic Journey to the West, which is interesting given that Infernape was obviously based on Sun Wukong, the monkey god and main character of said novel. That's why they share that gold symbol -- it's a reference to the circlet Sun Wukong was tricked into wearing by a monk so that the monk could control him through shrinking the circlet, thus causing him unbearable headaches. I'm hoping he turns out to be Fire/Steel, haha!

And there's Tsutajaa's evolution. Likely based on the character Green Snake from yet another Chinese classic, the Legend of Madam White Snake.

/Chinese classic nerd. :B

As for the monkeys' origin, yep, they're probably based on the Japanese legend of the three wise monkeys.

Anyway, I was shocked initially, but they've grown on me since. Can't decide between Mijimaru and Tsutajaa!
I think the monkey trio is nice.

Dento is a gym leader that has Yanapo in his party and will probably follow ash in his travell ,but is Dento just going to leave the gym? No....
He got brothers....Two brothers...Each of them got one ape each! I am 100% sure in this theory! The two other broders will take over the gym after dento is gone. Anyone agree with the theory??
(sorry if my english isn't perfect!)

That theory is great man! I agree with it.
the Magikarp Gyarados thing was based on a Jap legend about a carp leaping over a waterfall or bridge or something water-based which is tall (I can't really rmb what exactly) and after doing so successfully it turned into a dragon.

Remoraid's one I'm not too sure.
I think they're really drawing a lot from Chinese classics this gen.

The pig evolution is probably based on Zhu Bajie from the Chinese classic Journey to the West, which is interesting given that Infernape was obviously based on Sun Wukong, the monkey god and main character of said novel. That's why they share that gold symbol -- it's a reference to the circlet Sun Wukong was tricked into wearing by a monk so that the monk could control him through shrinking the circlet, thus causing him unbearable headaches. I'm hoping he turns out to be Fire/Steel, haha!

And there's Tsutajaa's evolution. Likely based on the character Green Snake from yet another Chinese classic, the Legend of Madam White Snake.

/Chinese classic nerd. :B

As for the monkeys' origin, yep, they're probably based on the Japanese legend of the three wise monkeys.

This actually makes a lot of sense. I doubt someone could make a fake with this in mind. This supports Pokabu's final evo being true. This also would make an interesting episode in the anime if the final pokabu evo faced Infernape.
I'm still shocking with 3rd evolution of Mijumaru , so ugly T_T
I'm alway choose water starter everytime but since Mijumaru turn to this ... I'll choose Tsutaja .Tsutaja is the best this time , look like he is Grass-Dragon .

Hope it's fake .
@ ManhattanTheStarr - I'm glad someone else understands my disappointment!!! Just when I thought there was no way for Black and White to let me down, they show me Mijumaru's final form! SMH!!!!!
Another Fire/Fighting, probably? So disappointing if these are real. Dreadful designs with little coherence to their earlier stages.

Tsutaaja's final stage lacks the fundamental asset to be a Starter Pokémon - limbs (although it's coincidentally the only final stage that makes sense with its previous stages!). If there is a prehistoric snake that this is directly based on it will lend some weight to its Grass Starter credentials, but aside from the lack of limbs it's the most believable.

Pokabu's final stage... seems a bit directionless for me. I was kinda hoping for a pirate boar with flame-cannon tusks and smoking nostrils :p I really don't want this to be Fire/Fighting but I think that hope has been stomped on already. The middle stage looks like a Disney character or a Wind Waker style Zelda enemy rather than a Pokémon.

Mijumaru itself is a mishmash design of arbitrarily selected body parts from the play-dough pot so it doesn't surprise me too much that its final stage would be equally mismatched, but seriously? I mean, it's pretty cool but where the hell did it come from? :S Perhaps we need a clearer image.

My hopes and dreams hinge on these being fake. But I reckon they will be the real deal.
Dude i swear, if we have another fricken fire/fighting type...IM GONNA FLIP! (sorry for caps)
They all look bad, i do kinda like mijumaru's final, its growin gon me, but pokabu's *gags*, tsutaaja *ehhh* that one is kinda in the middle? And 3 monkeys? Kewl just like Gf promoting Double battles with a double battle gym in 3rd gen, guess its triple type gym!
So... it'd confirmed because Pokexperto said it was? Didn't he also have a picture that WPM said was fake?
I'm confused... ~_~
I have been looking a lot at the pictures and i have noticed that the colors are not that brilliant as those of mijumaru,Pokabu and tsutaaja, and they appear in the same picture so it cannot be a quality issue what makes me think they could be fake.
I am not an expert at drawing and design but i have been observing the images for a while and observation is part of a good expert at a certain field.
I hope my opinion will be useful to all
I'm actually thrilled -- unpredictable is an understatement, but that's why I think I like them so much.

Tsutaaja's final evolution fits in perfectly through progression; Chimchar15's post explains it well. The only thing I'd change is the coloring -- shame the mint green isn't the cream color from its earlier evolutions. It looks regal...could be my option for a starter choice (I'm thinking I'll have to buy a DS for B/W).

Pokabu's line is the only one I'm shaky on, but I wasn't planning on picking it either. I like how the brown on Pokabu developed into a wrestler's singlet on the Stage 1. The final evolution is pretty decent, but I'm waiting better pictures to see the detail in the face. Like I said earlier, totally unexpected path for this line to take. The only disappointment is the potential Fire/Fighting typing...again.

Though I really didn't like Mijumaru at first, its evolutions really got me digging it, and I'd pick this as my starter. I love the final evolution...the conch shell on its head is awesome. I'm glad the orange nose of Mijumaru developed into a pink one for its evolutions!
@alupom That makes sense! Generation V seems to be heavily influenced by Chinese culture. (Isshu supposedly being based on Shanghai, the starters being based on Chinese classics) I like the direction GF is heading with this. :)
Well, i personally love tsutajas, and mijumarus. As for pokabu..they killed my favorite starter D:. But ill proably grow to them eventually.
The Yanappu, Hiyappu and Baoppu could be based off the Three Wise Monkeys:

From Wikipedia:
The three wise monkeys (Japanese: 三猿, san'en or sanzaru, or 三匹の猿, sanbiki no saru, literally "three monkeys") are a pictorial maxim. Together they embody the proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil. Sometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted with the three others; the last one, Shizaru, symbolizes the principle of "do no evil". He may be shown crossing his arms.
There are various meanings ascribed to the monkeys and the proverb including associations with being of good mind, speech and action. In the western world the phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by looking the other way, refusing to acknowledge it, or feigning ignorance.
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