(1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

Man, this is has to be yet another awesome day for Pokemon. We get to see tons of new Pokemon, and they all look pretty exciting.

Chiramii and Shimama look pretty cool that's for sure. Gear, Mamepato, Hihidaruma, and Meguroko look epic too. Mun'na looks pretty odd though, but it's cool it is a Psychic type. Some of the new moves and abilities sound awesome. Gear Saucer, Sweep Slap, Telekinesis, and Wild Volt definitely sound like awesome attacks. The new abilities sound pretty cool, as well as how they work, especially Earthquake Spiral.

It is also good to see that Pokemon Black and White will be the first games to have a female professor, Dr. Araragi. Now that sounds like an awesome professor.

This game will even have some awesome internet capability. You can battle people randomly from around the world in Pokemon Centers. That's good to hear, since you don't need to do this in the Battle Tower anymore. The ability to upload save files to the internet is quite cool too.

Well, I can't wait to hear more cool info about the new Black and White games.:)
You need to say, that some people are just sick of the design, okay, but there people (like me) who are happy they're turning back to the realistic animal look! This is also the reason why I loved the 1st Generation, since you could nearly say what that Pokémon should resemble. Now it's not that clear anymore with all that fancy "future" thing going on (Even Digimon was so much future focused...) .
Another reason is/was that the Pokémon were not that simply designed, if you compare the 3rd Gen with the 1st or 2nd Gen you'll see what I mean. I just think that it doesn't had the Pokémon note anymore (that's why I'm still a bit unhappy about the 3rd Gen and it's, in my oppinion, the worst edition so far!)
You should see, that the idear was from beetles battleing, transported to animals and plants.
Interesting new reveals. Fire Gorilla is cool, but my favourite by far is goggle-wearing crocodile of coolth.

Also, naming fire gorilla as Chimchar and Heatran's lovechild made me LOL.
The fire Gorilla will probably have an evolution that will probably look something like King-Kong.
kriffix said:

Sorry, Guaranteed fake!

I don't think we'll see the day that Kanji will ever be used in actual pokemon names.
Also it says "新しい画面" which is just plain odd here lol

But who knows, you might see something similar for the next evo anyway ^^

Lmao, omg nooooo. Snowcone what did you evolve into lol. Looks so fake. But would be hilarious if the creator was dead on.
Chiramii: Probably the 5th Gen's version of Rattata, but I feel like it might evolve into something somewhat useful, if not, at least cool looking.
Mun'na: My least favorite, but only because of the flowers. I mean, the pink is obnoxious, but the flowers are just too much for me. Again, it might evolve into something sweet.
Gear: I actually kinda like this one. I was thinking, perhaps it's the evolved version of Bronzoar? Give it metal coat, trade, and you have a Gear? Probably not, but there's always the possibility.If not, the evolved version will likely have three or more gears. I like it for the fact that it's pure steel though.
Mamepato: Guaranteed the 5th Gen's Pidgey/Starly, who knows what the evolution will look like/be capable of.
Hihidaruma: Pretty good, actually. Like I said earlier, 5th Gen NEEDS more fire-type Pokemon, so hopefully we will get them. I'll probably catch one but it won't be on my team, most likely.
Shimama: My favorite of what has been revealed today! The only electric-type Pokemon I actually like is Manectric, but now I really like this one too. Plus I've wanted a zebra-like Pokemon for the longest.
Meguroko: A very close second favorite for today. I like that it is Ground/Dark, making it immune to Psychic and Electric. This one will probably be on my team as long as it's got good attacks, I'm all about picking the best type-pairing.

And I hope the second page has some more good information about the game, such as the villainous team. But I'm happy with what I've got :)
I love them! They went back to the animal look that has been somewhat missing. Chiramii is the cutest, but Gear reminds me of a knock off of Bronzor. And the name could ahve been better.
Other than that, awesome reveals!
The Good:
-Zebra (although his eye is freaking me out)
-Hilarious Gorilla thing

The Bad:
-Bronzor2 (Evolves into
-Flower Power (Evolves into

The Ugly:
-The Alligator Pilot (Evolves into
My future Black and White team will most likely have the fire Gorilla for sure. It is so beast. ;)
Not too impressed with the ape or the gear thing, but I'm loving Chiramii, Shimama, and Mamepato. Munna and Meguroko are alright enough. New Professor is cool! I hope she's a likable lady. Looking good so far, I hope there's still more scans out there though. (Surely this can't be it, right?)
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHAT THE **** IS THIS? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?? Really, these "pokémon" are so ugly!!! And don't even look like Pokémon. They screwed up for good! For me, Pokémon ended with Arceus. I think i'll just stick with gen 4 and ignore this gen 5.
What the **** is that gear thing? A fusion of Bronzor with Hagurumon? That pink thing is just so horrible! The only one that looks a bit good is the desert crocodile one but even that is kinda pointless when we already have Totodile. I know that there are a lot of pokémon based on the same animal but this new crododile wasn't necessary when there already is Totodile which is a starter.

Seriously, all you haters criticizing Gen 4, I just tell you this: Gen 4's Pokémon are much better than these! By far!... Even gen 3's are better than these...

Black & White just disappointed me... I think they are trying to replace Gen 1 with these new stupid "pokémon"... and yeah, the fire one looks like a child of Heatran & Chimchar...