(1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]

Interesting; when it shows the player dash through that forcefield and changes appearence the area loses colour (black and white). Hmmm. It's in the sky too.

Triple battles, eh? Double battles were quite popular on PBR. This could get a bit convoluted though. I think we'll just have to wait and see.

My thoughts on the new Pokemon (can't be bothered with their romanisations):
*Giant mole w/metal claws: AWESOME. Probably my favourite Gen V Pokemon so far, bar Reshiram and Zorua. I would say almost guaranteed Steel type, second type Ground or Dark.

*Axe-head-thing: Um. Different. I feel mixed right now, but I imagine it will grow on me. It looks like a Rock type to me. Second type (if any) possibly Bug or, dare I say, Dragon.

*Sarcophagus: We can only see the back, but the concept alone is......odd. For a Pokemon. Don't like it. Spiritomb grew on me, but I'll have to withhold judgment for now I think. Likely Ghost type, second type Rock or Ground. Maybe Steel.

*Tarantula: Only a back sprite, but it looks decent. Bug + Electric very likely. Very interesting combo, as Electric nullifies half of Bug's weaknesses. And bug negates the Ground weakness.

*Floaty green thing: What the heck is it supposed to be based on? It looks almost like a skeleton in see-through skin. With red things on its hands. Hm. I'm really unsure how I feel about this one. Maybe when I know what it's supposed to be I'll like it more. Grass + Ghost?

*Jagged, spikey dinosaur thing: EW. URGH. GET IT AWAY. I'll take Probopass over that any day. It looks so....blocky and crude. Possibly the worst Pokemon I've ever seen. Rock or Steel, or both.

*Girl/Tower/Doll thing: ....weird. But not so bad considering we have Jynx and Mr Mime. I highly doubt it's related to those 2 though, at least in evolution paths. Looks like a jack-in-a-box, minus the box. Psyhic, Ghost, Dark, or a combination of those.

*Little mole: Well, it's very likely the prevo of the large mole, so I guess I like it :p. Just the backsprite though. Again, Steel and Ground. Or just one of them maybe, seeing as it's not a final form.
Overall, I'm not terribly thrilled. The mole family is alright, and I like the Bug/Gira Dragon pokemon, along with the Rock Beast. The tarantula isn't bad, especially with its proposed typing, Poison/Electric. The others I am very edgy about. The green...thing looks almost like a bear consumed by off color rotom gases, the tower chick is strange to say the least, and I don't even want to start in on this sarcophagus.

What fans generally want in pokemon is organic, animal-like. When they look too iron-clad, or mechanic, that's when I think pokemon is strange. Here's a list of pokemon that have snowballed into pokemon like Gear and Desukaan:

Porygon-Porygon2-Porygon Z
Beldum-Metang-Metagross (Popular enough pokemon, but still my point)
All 4 Regi's

Not saying these pokemon should have never been created, but I feel like pokemon should have a beating heart, as if they themselves make their own animation, not animated by witchcraft (Claydol/Bronzong) But out of the 5th generation, Gear, Desukan, and all 3 unnamed pokemon look too "forcibly animated". I know there are some in my list above that people may disagree, but these are the basics on why fans (or at least my own opinion) can be somewhat disappointed.
sgtspontaneous said:
Overall, I'm not terribly thrilled. The mole family is alright, and I like the Bug/Gira Dragon pokemon, along with the Rock Beast. The tarantula isn't bad, especially with its proposed typing, Poison/Electric. The others I am very edgy about. The green...thing looks almost like a bear consumed by off color rotom gases, the tower chick is strange to say the least, and I don't even want to start in on this sarcophagus.

What fans generally want in pokemon is organic, animal-like. When they look too iron-clad, or mechanic, that's when I think pokemon is strange. Here's a list of pokemon that have snowballed into pokemon like Gear and Desukaan:

Porygon-Porygon2-Porygon Z
Beldum-Metang-Metagross (Popular enough pokemon, but still my point)
All 4 Regi's

Not saying these pokemon should have never been created, but I feel like pokemon should have a beating heart, as if they themselves make their own animation, not animated by witchcraft (Claydol/Bronzong) But out of the 5th generation, Gear, Desukan, and all 3 unnamed pokemon look too "forcibly animated". I know there are some in my list above that people may disagree, but these are the basics on why fans (or at least my own opinion) can be somewhat disappointed.

Dialga isn't based on some strange thing, its based on a Dinosaur along with Palkia (which you oddly enough haven't pointet out XD)

Btw. about that green flying thing; a person here said it may be based on Water Bear. Maybe not fully on its outside, but the fact thats its a kind of a "bear" inside some kind of "water" thing could point it to be it ;b

(i dunno, but I think it may be)
I'm surprised no one's noticed this. Stackohats seems to be based on the same thing that giant enemy from SSBB with the tower body is. It's not a stupid design, it's just another design based on some mythical creature.

The green thing has already been said to sort of resemble a waterbear, by being a floating green see-through teddy bear. Teddygrade, anyone?

Also, didn't someone earlier say Ononokusu was a mantis based on its name?
I must have some stupid curse where I say Onisuzume instead of Ononokusu. There are two different things brain!
Nintenfreak said:
I'm surprised no one's noticed this. Stackohats seems to be based on the same thing that giant enemy from SSBB with the tower body is. It's not a stupid design, it's just another design based on some mythical creature.
You're absolutely right, I noticed that too. If that towergirl is based of that enemy form Super Smash Bros. Brawl, then Nintendo really is running out of Ideas for Pokemon.

Ononokusu is awesome, it's probably a combination of Dragon, Bug, Ground or Steel, but that's just my opinion. Doryuuzu grew on me really fast, and I think he's Ground/Steel, he has to be ground because he's a mole. I liked Denchura from the start, he's got great potential for competitive gaming with his type combo (Poison or Bug and Electric). He could learn moves like Poison Jab and Thunderpunch and X-Scissor (presuming he has attack stats). I can't really judge Desukaan yet because I can only see a tiny bit of him, but from what I know, I don't like the sound of it. I'll have to wait and see. I don't like the three revealed Pokemon in the second picture, although the one in the middle (the possible Nosepass evolution) is starting to grow on me. Moguryuu is great, although I see a stage one in between it and Doryuuzu, I just don't think that it could evolve into Doryuuzu so fast.
LuxTwo said:
hope they have a luvdisc evo
= )

Agreed. :D

And i'm probably the only one who thinks that the electric tarantula -thing looks more like an evo for dunsparce than ariados, mainly just because of the colors and the funny-looking butt. :p
It could be cool if the coffin would be a split-evo for Bronzong. Maybe it's ground-ghost type or something?
Though i kinda think that most of the revealed pokemons aren't evos for the earlier generations 'mons. =/
Mucrush said:
Here is that black-girly-thing in my eyes:


Actually after looking a little on its hands, it looks like a white puffy thing and then some pink hands along with its pink face, with red limps and blue eyes :3

This looks like a Gothic Lolita evolution for Jynx. o_O
Hey everyone, I've been lurking on the forums for quite some time now, and I finally decided to create an account and whatnot.

But here's my breakdown of the eight new guys:

Ononokusu - Seems like a dinosaur/insect hybrid, I'm feeling a Bug/Rock, Bug/Steel, or Bug/ Dragon possibly. :p

Doryuuzu - He's pretty cool in my book, I'm not sure if I'd use him yet though since I want to try out Meguroko. I feel a Ground/Dark or Ground/Steel typing for this big guy.

Desukan - I like him, a lot, I think he'll fit in nicely in the desert of the Isshu region, maybe there's pyramids hidden under the sandstorm? :p But I think a Ghost/Ground or Ghost/Rock would be appropriate for this guy.

Denchura - I like this guy too. I think opening up the Bug type to more unique type combinations is definitely a huge welcome to me. I'm feeling a Bug/Electric on this guy without a doubt.

Moguryu - I have no problems with him, probably a pre-evo to Doryuuzu, more than likely going to be a pure Ground type at first.

Ectoplasm Guy - When I first laid my eyes on him, I wasn't impressed, but after some time and looking at him a bit, I can say I will more than likely use him on my team in some way shape or form. It's hard to speculate his typing because he seems like he'd be Grass due to him being green, but at the same time I could see him being Ghost as well, or even water because he's surrounded in some sort of plasma.

Rhinopass - (Combination of Rhino and Nosepass ;)) But this guys pretty chill. He looks like in a bunch of Nosepass were stuck together or Nightmare from Soul Calibur. I feel a Rock typing for this guy for sure.

Lolichan - Ehhh, I really don't like her. She's down on the bottom of my least favorite list along with Munna.
sgtspontaneous said:
Overall, I'm not terribly thrilled. The mole family is alright, and I like the Bug/Gira Dragon pokemon, along with the Rock Beast. The tarantula isn't bad, especially with its proposed typing, Poison/Electric. The others I am very edgy about. The green...thing looks almost like a bear consumed by off color rotom gases, the tower chick is strange to say the least, and I don't even want to start in on this sarcophagus.

What fans generally want in pokemon is organic, animal-like. When they look too iron-clad, or mechanic, that's when I think pokemon is strange. Here's a list of pokemon that have snowballed into pokemon like Gear and Desukaan:

Porygon-Porygon2-Porygon Z
Beldum-Metang-Metagross (Popular enough pokemon, but still my point)
All 4 Regi's

Not saying these pokemon should have never been created, but I feel like pokemon should have a beating heart, as if they themselves make their own animation, not animated by witchcraft (Claydol/Bronzong) But out of the 5th generation, Gear, Desukan, and all 3 unnamed pokemon look too "forcibly animated". I know there are some in my list above that people may disagree, but these are the basics on why fans (or at least my own opinion) can be somewhat disappointed.

Lileep and Cradily are based off sea lilies. Dialga a dinosaur.
They don't even look like Pokemon. :p I really think it isn't much more to make pokemon off. Then they just make some random creatures and call them pokemons. That's really sad.
like the mantis and moles. The Egyptian sarcophagas and spider thing look very odd.

As for the other 3 un-named Pokemon screenshot, the black one of the far right almost reminds me of a voodoo doll, which is beyond creepy. I'm not really sure what to think of the other two.
The pattern on the back of the sarcophagas - like pokémon reminds of the pattern behind a bronzor for some reason.
tweety210 said:
The pattern on the back of the sarcophagas - like pokémon reminds of the pattern behind a bronzor for some reason.

Yeah people have touched base on that already and we came to a conclusion that they look "alike" but are still different. And Bronzong is steel/physchic I can strongly make a guess that sarcophagas is ghost XD
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

ryan.jay said:
hey, um, does the middle of the un-named pokemon look like a alternate Porygon evolution and the right un-named pokemon look like an evolution for Shuppet? Just a thought...

I agree, The girl black thing looks like an alternate evolution of Bannette.

Mucrush said:
Here is that black-girly-thing in my eyes:


Actually after looking a little on its hands, it looks like a white puffy thing and then some pink hands along with its pink face, with red limps and blue eyes :3

This is a nice sketch, but would this thing fly or walk? or just drag itself haha?
Nintenfreak said:
I'm surprised no one's noticed this. Stackohats seems to be based on the same thing that giant enemy from SSBB with the tower body is. It's not a stupid design, it's just another design based on some mythical creature.

The green thing has already been said to sort of resemble a waterbear, by being a floating green see-through teddy bear. Teddygrade, anyone?

Also, didn't someone earlier say Ononokusu was a mantis based on its name?

I noticed both of those. Pages 2 & 9
And how exactly would you go about finding a better translation?
o_O what is this i don't even

*begin rant*

I just died a little inside.
Thank you, GameFreak, for crushing my hopes of even a half-decent generation. Maybe little Pikachu-crazed kids will buy into this, but not me. Were it not for the potentially epic gameplay, I'd quit Pokemon right here and now.

Ononokusu is alright, and I'll have to see if I like the tarantula, small mole, and Spirito- er, sarcophagus, but everything else is just... wow. I can't even come up with a word descriptive enough to explain this revulsion. This will have to suffice: "And I thought Munma was bad." Seriously. These guys make Budew's design look like Charizard's.

These things don't even have a coherence like any of the other generations! I mean, R/B/Y was, well, R/B/Y. Then Johto Pokemon generally had that bright, circular kind of feel; R/S/E Pokes were kind of mythical. Even D/P/P had some kind of obsession with dots or other assorted and peculiar patterns. But other than looking like rejected Yu-Gi-Oh monsters or Bakugan - and that's saying a lot, considering where the latter franchise has gone - the 5th Gen doesn't really cut it. Just compare Shimama, Reshiram, Mijumaru, and that green blob. They look nothing alike. (In contrast, you can easily tell that Rapidash, Mewtwo, Venusaur, and Muk are from the same generation.)

*end rant*

Well, I really hope to see Tsutaja's evos sometime in the future (they'd better not screw THAT up too!). I'm curious to see what the front of the tarantula looks like as well.

Triple battle seems a bit much, especially after a generally negative response to doubles when R/S came out, but I think it could possibly turn out really cool.

I also think the graphics are looking great for a Pokemon game. At first, the 3D looked like a gimmick, but they're actually integrating it throughout the game, which is more than I'd hoped.