(1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

EeveeLv99 said:
Sylveon is also apparently weighs the least out of all the Eeveelutions...

Weighs the least > Lightest > Light > IT'S A HFKJSLAGGHH LIGHT TYPE :D


Thats as good as any other argument for any type Ive seen lol
KiranTheWitch said:
Chrono said:
"The V comes from the word "Sylvanshine", which is a phenomenon taking place with light. Hence why I think they will be making it a light type."
Wow. Congratulations good sir, you have now provided me with the first somewhat plausible reason why Sylveon might be light type. Bravo!
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not.
If you're not, then I guess I should be flattered.
So thank you. I'm glad that I've accomplished something today.
Although I am a sarcastic person, that was a completely serious comment.
No, guys, I got it.

Sylveon = Sylpheon = Silpheon = Silph Scope which allows you to see GHOSTS so its a GHOST TYPE.
Or Sylveon...as in...all this type speculation is so silly XD

gamefreak reading and laughing their asses off I imagine. "omg putting up that question was genius man, they actually think this might be Bug and stuff hahah"
Pokemon has officially gone to crap. At this point, they've run out of ideas completely. This is gonna be the worst generation yet. They really should just stop now in my opinion.
Dragon Pokémon said:
Pokemon has officially gone to crap. At this point, they've run out of ideas completely. This is gonna be the worst generation yet. They really should just stop now in my opinion.
I don't quite agree with that. No generation can be worse than 4.
Mitja said:
Or Sylveon...as in...all this type speculation is so silly XD

gamefreak reading and laughing their asses off I imagine. "omg putting up that question was genius man, they actually think this might be Bug and stuff hahah"

It'd almost be sad if they didn't get a kick out of fan speculation when it comes to Types. It happens every Generation so there's never going to be a shortage of material.

As far as the name is concerned, I like it. Not hard to say and not close to the other Eeveelutions' names. There is a part of me that would appreciate a new Type being introduced, but at the same time I'm perfectly content with what we have now. So Light, Rainbow, whatever is fine, but if it turns out to just be Normal or something that's fine too.
Dragon Pokémon said:
Pokemon has officially gone to crap. At this point, they've run out of ideas completely. This is gonna be the worst generation yet. They really should just stop now in my opinion.

....said everyone for every new generation since gen 3. Seriously. Stop all the new gen hate, there have only been /6/ pokemon released so far. Im sure all the complainers will continue to buy the games either way no matter what. Pokemon has far from gone to crap, if they didn't continue to make millions on the franchise, they would have stopped production long ago.
Dragon Pokémon said:
Pokemon has officially gone to crap. At this point, they've run out of ideas completely. This is gonna be the worst generation yet. They really should just stop now in my opinion.
Ermagherd, Purist!
If pokemon has gone to crap, how is it one of the top 10 best-selling franchises then? It's people like this that piss me off. Progress is progress, get over it.
Oh, and Gen IV had some big problems compared to any other, imo.
Gen 4 was my personal least favorite as far as Pokemon designs. But even then, I never thought Pokemon was going to crap and should end the franchise right then and there. No true pokefan would say that.
I'm surprised so many people dislike Gen4. It's the only gen besides the first where I like all three starters, especially their final evolutions. Darkrai, Manaphy, Shaymin, Arceus, Dialga, Giratina, and Heatran are all awesome legendaries and the normal Pokémon are pretty cool too. Kricketune, Bibarel, Luxray, Staraptor, Rotom, Croagunk, Abomasnow, Garchomp, etc, etc are all really interesting. I think Gen4 is probably my favorite in terms of design with RSE being the worst overall, but maybe that's because I quit playing after Gold and didn't start again until Diamond was already a year or so old, so I missed out on the entirety of gen3 until after I had already played through gen4.
jynxed said:
I'm surprised so many people dislike Gen4. It's the only gen besides the first where I like all three starters, especially their final evolutions. Darkrai, Manaphy, Shaymin, Arceus, Dialga, Giratina, and Heatran are all awesome legendaries and the normal Pokémon are pretty cool too. Kricketune, Bibarel, Luxray, Staraptor, Rotom, Croagunk, Abomasnow, Garchomp, etc, etc are all really interesting. I think Gen4 is probably my favorite in terms of design with RSE being the worst overall, but maybe that's because I quit playing after Gold and didn't start again until Diamond was already a year or so old, so I missed out on the entirety of gen3 until after I had already played through gen4.

I didn't like gen 4's designs for pokemon over all. There are a few and those are all legendries other than that the designs weren't the best. Not saying that other gens haven't had some crappy designs. I am sure we will see one or two this gen.
I personally dislike Gen 3. A lot. The only good things to come out of it were Absol and Manectric. I'm still trying to remove all that brass, water and Wingull from my ears.

Also, I think Platinum > HG/SS.

Bring on the hate!
Why would they be hyping it so much just to make it a normal type. If anything, it would just piss people off. I do think flying, but I honestly don't care. Anything but normal though.
jynxed said:
I'm surprised so many people dislike Gen4. It's the only gen besides the first where I like all three starters, especially their final evolutions. Darkrai, Manaphy, Shaymin, Arceus, Dialga, Giratina, and Heatran are all awesome legendaries and the normal Pokémon are pretty cool too. Kricketune, Bibarel, Luxray, Staraptor, Rotom, Croagunk, Abomasnow, Garchomp, etc, etc are all really interesting. I think Gen4 is probably my favorite in terms of design with RSE being the worst overall, but maybe that's because I quit playing after Gold and didn't start again until Diamond was already a year or so old, so I missed out on the entirety of gen3 until after I had already played through gen4.

My reason for disliking gen 4 is because a lot of the Pokemon look... unnatural to me. Almost mechanical. Arceus in particular was way over designed to me. Darkrai... sorry to the Darkrai fans.. looked like GameFreak deliberately created a Pokemon just to appeal to the emo and scene people (a bit like Keldeo can be related to the bronies). He even had an emo slash hairstyle. Manaphy was alright, and I did like Shaymin especially (both forms). Croagunk will always be hideous to me.. as well as Garchomp. Garchomp looks like they just threw a bunch of different Pokemon together, almost like a fanmade sprite.
Everything else you listed im okay with, I love luxray and staraptor was pretty cool. Over all though, gen 4 had that weird unnatural/mechanical look to it. A lot of the Pokemon had designs that were way too unnecessarily complicated, with random spikes poking out or weird designs. The gen 3 legendaries had a lot of this as well, and Kyurem and his forms... ack.

Im not trying to bash anything though, its all just my personal preference. My favorite gen is gen 2, for the way they eased into it so well and for all the happy looking creative Pokemon.

I realized how off topic this is.... BACK TO SYLVEON!
Im starting to doubt the normal and flying types as well. It is unusual that they didn't just reveal the typing and added suspense... my standings are now 30% Flying, 30% Normal, and 40% Light or new typing.
Always this "I liked gen x designs best and y worst"

I don't buy it.

You cant just throw hundreds of creatures on a handful of piles and describe one as best and one as worst.

Its not like there is much beyond their "release dates" that would distinguish them in said groups (generations), especially design wise. They are all as much pokemon as the others.

The only thing about favoring/disliking a particular gen that seems like a valid opinion instead of some form of pointless baseless nostalgia, is if someone says they like/dislike the approaches one gen took (like focusing on special pokes/evos/legends or focusing on new casual pokemon..), but that always requires at least some observations and reasoning, instead of meaningless descriptions as "best" and "worst".

@Dragon Pokemon: as far as your post.... I really don't see where yo're coming from. I've been along the ride since the beginning, and observing the complete opposite, with pokemon only improving in all aspects as a franchise and every generation extending the family in the most creative, appropriate, consistent yet fresh way possible.
Although I loved the Generation II games, I hate the Pokemon. I honestly like the designs of Gen IV Pokemon more than Gen II.
And to the person that said they didn't like Darkrai, well that's your opinion. Simply put, I personally believe Darkrai is ******* awesome, he's also in my opinion one of the better designed Pokemon of Gen IV.