(1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

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Wow, I just noticed Flygon too. They gave it the perfect sprite in DP. They should have just kept it!

And Weavile's new sprite is bad, while its Platinum sprite was epic.
Yes medicham.Not much to talk about that pokemon....

Offtopic:Very interesting avatar.
I just noticed that when a Pokemon is inflicted with a lasting status condition (FRZ, PRZ, SLP, BRN, PSN), it glows in the respective color (light blue, yellow, gray, red, purple). And the Pokeball icon on the bottom screen acquires that color as well. Isn't that cool?

Of course, it happened when a toddler's grass monkey Licked my Boappu...

EDIT: Stop sending me PMs asking for the ROM. No, I'm not going to give you the link. If you want it so badly, use Google and find it yourself.
And they used Magnezone's DP sprite, which wasn't accurate because it lacked the Red/Blue tips on the magnets. They fixed this on its Platinum sprite, so why did they go back to the sprite that was WRONG?
They may make the magnet tips glow in the animation, like I think they do in PBR. (I might be thinking of something else.)

Anyway, did everyone see the backsprites and shiny sprites, too?
The backsprites are nice. Many are better than the front sprites actually, which is pretty sad lol.
Oh, thanks for the other spritesheet links Xous O_O Omf, full body backsprites finally, I love them!
Front sprites are never to decent.Weavile Platnium/HGSS for example.The foot seems to be mis or dis located.
It's somewhat great to have those pointers in the game like they show you how to catch a pokemon but if this your 2nd or so on game of pokemon it get's boring to watch.
Xous- Those shiny sprites are amazing! I really like.. All of the isshu's shiny sprites! (cough cough especially musharna cough cough). Except with his shiny sprite, the power ranger pre-evolution looks like a gold and silver sprite?!?
Eh, the Isshu shinies look pretty wierd, but I'll get used to them.

The backsprites are amazing, Game Freak. Excellent job on every last one of them.
Here's a list, from the same site, that details on how each pokemon will evolve. It tells the level. http://stuff.veekun.com/bw-evo.html

just noticed- the monkeys evolve by item?
OMGG... OMGG!! I just fell in LOVE with Zuruzukin's backsprite. Do ya see that?! It has a hoodie!
That just PROVED that it's based off of a gangster. <333 MUST have that thing on my team. Definitely my favorite 5th generation Pokemon now~ And Medicham's looks awesome, ofc.
Blue Tsutarja....Treecko all over once more.I love this idea It shall feel as though I am playing Hoen once more.
@luigi ~ I do hope we are talking about this one. It might just be that I like Koffing. I like the pose of Moltres. I don't like how Magnemite is darker than Magneton.
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