(1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

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@Tarazuma: It's hard not to be! I just think it's adorable~
Might nickname mine Junkie, or something that relates to gangsters. x3

And ZOMG, the Daruma Mode ability sounds really interesting. :0
So in the middle of a battle, Hihidaruma will just... transform? And will it stay in that form after the battle? (It should.. :x)

EDIT: Ya, GF went a COMPLETELY different direction with Mijumaru than what I hoped for. That is definitely not a samurai, and I find it amazing that it learns Fighting type moves, and its second evolution is classified as the "Training" Pokemon, yet it stays a pure Water type.

I've actually come to accept Tsutaja's evolutions, though. It makes sense that it would lose its arms and legs, since they were beginning to become stubbier by its second evolution. But I can't STAND how its skin is white instead of the peachy (yellow?) color it had before. 3:<

Pokabu's evolution is still a HUGE disappointment for me. It being a Fire/Fighting type AGAIN freakin' sucks, since I've been using the Fire type starter since the 3rd generation (and that's where the Fire/Fighting type trend started). Its similarities to Magmortar and Rhyperior is just uncanny, and makes it look all that much more uncreative. And heck, it even has the same patterns on its body as Infernape does. T_T
It's better than him just being a bigger version of himself (most of all other generation's starters say hi).

EDIT: And yes, I'm tired of fire-fighting as well. I'm not even considering a pokabu team anymore (despite how much it pains me to leave flaming bacon with either a know-it-all or dumb runaway blonde).
ok thanks. also if you could offer an opinion on

as possibling adding One of those to the team i mentioned above.

fyi i battle Semi competitively, i pay attention to movesets and make sure i have all my types covered to counter against, but i dont ev train..but i might start in this gen. most of those first 4 are guaranteed a place in my gen 5 team but i may change it a bit. also whats the best overall offensive/speed legendary in gen 5? Zerkrom?
BTW, I was wondering if there is a lot of GREAT gender variation this generation, not only Kenhorou, but the water/ghost pokemon Burunkeru also has major difference, I wonder if I had seen it wrong but I saw a pink Burunkeru, I was wondering if that one is shiny or is it female.
@ the starters topic, the grass and water evo look like an evolution Backwards in terms of actual Real evo standards (grass shouldnt have Lost its legs..just gotten taller or not had them in the first place) and bipedal water to quad is also like..ok..not it has no hands.. XD
@mlouden03: All of them are great choices in my opinion, especially gorog with its expansive typing.

@coalsonicmario19: It is a bigger ape with more fire. Sure, it has great speed and attack, but you wouldn't love it as dearly if it had horrible stat.
Oh yeah, the pink Burunkeru is totally different, it must be the female one or a different forme I'm assuming. The shiny male one is like turquoise.
Yep, I'd totally use the female one, if I were to choose one, but unfortunately they are completely useless in battle :( Well, there's still no info on what the cursed body ability does actually.

Thank, I'm so exciting already, just wish they could revamp the entire gender thing, and if they want to do it right, I wonder if female Mebushijika should lose their horn. I really wish they change Kirlia evo line into only female evolve in Gardevoir and only male Snorunt evolve into Glalie.
eh you rlly think deathkan is offensive enough? i have yet to check its moveset.. anyway..random q. for anyone who Does ev train, do you actually like write down on paper/comp what it has already so you can keep track of how many times it needs to get evs
Yeah, the gender thing is messed up Tensho. Examples being the ones you mentioned, but also, instead of the deepseascale and deepseatooth, they should have male Clampearl evolve into Huntail, and females into Gorebyss. Also, they should revamp sprites, so like female Kadabra/Alakazam has NO moustache, instead of just a shorter one, and make like a totally different sprite for female Machoke and Machamp...*shudders*
Tha male female forms in BW are totally different. I like the pink jellyfish more than the blue one. :p

I think it's one of the earlier pictures that WPM posted in Friday.


I totally forgot about the Machop line, keep thinking they are male only.

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