(1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

Froxy said:
scuba steveE said:
I can't wait to see the new legendary Trio, any ideas of what the theme will be? We've had birds, dogs, golems, pixies and weird sword dog/deers...

I've always wanted to see horses. A unicorn (ground), pegasus (flying) and a hipocampus (water). Maybe a fourth one sleipnir (fire) to complete the 4 elements
Of course this news had to be announced on a day that I was traveling all day, but I was super excited to watch the video and learn about the new games.

I'll admit that I'm sad about the move to 3D graphics (I'll miss 2D sprites :<) but they do look nice and it's probably about time for Pokémon to move onto 3D graphics like almost all other games have now. The starters are all cute, but this is the first generation where the grass starter isn't my favourite! Love for Fennekin <3, though I can't wait to see the evolutions of the starters as well. It's exciting that we'll get a good few months of new Pokémon and snippets about the game... and then be able to play ourselves right away, without the temptation of reading about the Japanese playthroughs for full spoilers. These next coming months will be a lot of fun.
The games being in full 3D might be a problem for spriters.

How are we going to make splices and recolors if the Pokémon are all full 3D models?

Will there be any 2D sprites in the game at all? (Maybe in a menu or something).
Froxy said:
I can't wait to see the new legendary Trio, any ideas of what the theme will be? We've had birds, dogs CATS, golems, pixies and weird sword dog/deers...

I would say another set of birds...or at least some kind of airborne creatures should be next ;)
So what we saw in the trailer is not the final product according to the pokemon game website, that means it will look more awesome in the final product!

Sent from Samsung Galaxy S3 to planet earth.
Yveltal sounds kinda Nordic, I really want to know the back stories and folk lore for them both, I can't imagine what it'll be.
The names are alright. Yveltal as a name looks and sounds interesting ("ee-vel-tal"), and Xerneas is alright.

What I don't understand is why Gamefreak is on this scraggly, techno tron look for much of its legends the past four generations. Surely if Yveltal is supposed to be a bird-like legend they could have made it look more like an actual bird? It looks rather grotesque in that picture. Even if it isn't supposed to be a "bird", or even an offshoot of any regular animal for that matter, the tron look is annoying. At least Xerneas looks something like a real world animal as an elk.
The names are alright. Yveltal as a name looks and sounds interesting ("ee-vel-tal"), and Xerneas is alright.

What I don't understand is why Gamefreak is on this scraggly, techno tron look for much of its legends the past four generations. Surely if Yveltal is supposed to be a bird-like legend they could have made it look more like an actual bird? It looks rather grotesque in that picture. Even if it isn't supposed to be a "bird", or even an offshoot of any regular animal for that matter, the tron look is annoying. At least Xerneas looks something like a real world animal as an elk.

If it's based on chromosomes, then it makes sense that the Yveltal, who is based on the male chromosome, it more crude in nature, whereas Xerneas, who is based upon the female chromosome, is more elegant.
They needed Yveltal to look like a Y, that's why it looks stupid. They could've done much better with the design.
I hope they bring back item limits in the bag. 10-12 items should be fine (including TMs, etc) which would mean those would have to be one-time again. And more HMs please. Maybe another Water one or two like TM09 Tide which lets you raise and lower water allowing you to pass in some areas and TM10 Current which can change the current in water which would let the game have more areas like that water route in Hoenn where you get one of the Regis.
The names are alright. Yveltal as a name looks and sounds interesting ("ee-vel-tal"), and Xerneas is alright.

What I don't understand is why Gamefreak is on this scraggly, techno tron look for much of its legends the past four generations. Surely if Yveltal is supposed to be a bird-like legend they could have made it look more like an actual bird? It looks rather grotesque in that picture. Even if it isn't supposed to be a "bird", or even an offshoot of any regular animal for that matter, the tron look is annoying. At least Xerneas looks something like a real world animal as an elk

I completely agree with you. The bird one looks horrible, Xerneas is a forest guardian from princess Monoke or was it nazika of the wind. It also made an appearance in the new 2012 snow white movie! It's not original at all; but i love it.

I just don't understand why they don't make another water(fish) legendary like kyorge. Whats with all the flying legendaries, we just got done with zekrom and and all the b/w flying legendaries.
I think the water one will be the Z since X = land, Y = air, that leaves water/ocean, no?
and Yveltal reminds me of FF8's Quezacotl (did I spell that right?)
Xerneas is awesome-sounding. I'm very pleased. Yveltal...eh. I'm not crazy about it, but it's ok.