scuba stevee said:@TheDarkLucario: Really can you just drop it? We already know all that stuff, but you're just wanting to bring it back up to start another spam war.
1. English is obviously not his first language so heaven forbid that he spells a word wrong.
2. He said there was a misunderstanding between him and his source, and he has been telling WPM that this is all true. So even though his credibility went down after that, he did have an excuse for what happen, so we haven't label him a liar yet.
3. Xous already said that he will be treating all credibility discussion of mr. muller as spam, so I'm just warning you, you better stop.
Anyway, the map does look a bit empty, but as somone else pointed out on another thread, sinnoh's first map wasn't full of stuff either.
i agree about the sinnoh map thing and is it just me or is there what looks to be a large staircase beside celestic town leading up to mt.coronet cause that looks really suspicious if you ask me and if they do take out gyms and the pokemon league then i really dont think anyone will buy these games not even me and gamefreak will possibly go bankrupt but thats just my opinion anyway excavating ruins? c'mon thats ruins of alph and the sinnoh underground all over again but if they do plan on putting in ruins again like in johto then they'll probably make it to where you use special pokemon attacks to do so because otherwise your pokemon are basically useless