(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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I don't like that Pidgey is obviously named after a pigeon but looks nothing like one XD.

I don't quite like the new pigeon either, although theres a chance it might end up flying/poison, since Pigeons are WELL known to carry diseases. That would be the first flying/poison right?

In fact... I think I'm gonna draw up some evos for it with that typing.

Edit: I just did some research and its actually controversial as to whether they carry diseases or not : /
My sucky take on it.~


Weyard said:
I don't like that Pidgey is obviously named after a pigeon but looks nothing like one XD.

I don't quite like the new pigeon either, although theres a chance it might end up flying/poison, since Pigeons are WELL known to carry diseases. That would be the first flying/poison right?

In fact... I think I'm gonna draw up some evos for it with that typing.

Edit: I just did some research and its actually controversial as to whether they carry diseases or not : /

I think they already announced that it was flying/normal. This normal type is getting old. Time to give it a new tune ...
I updated my post (#1381, lulz). Maybe the two mountains is where the legendaries live (Zekrom and Reshiram)?
darksun said:
I updated my post (#1381, lols). Maybe the two mountains is where the legendaries live (Zekrom and Reshiram)?

If you ask me, the map does not look big enough for a long version game!
darksun said:
My sucky take on it.~



I only see one problem with this post. In the pic of the starting town you can see that the your house has a blue roof. This matches the map, so check. But in the same picture you see a shadow, similar to that of a rectangle shaped building with curved edges. What buildings are usually shaped as rectangles in the games? The Professor's reseach labratory. Now flipping back to the map you see a rectangular building with a orange roof behind your supposed house. Based off of this I would say that the Prof.'s lab is actually in the home town.

The city closest to it is probably just a town similar to Cherrygrove in Johto.

But then again, what do I know? Your guess is as good as mine.
Hmm.. yeah interesting.. I updated my post with a few more pictures at the top btw, but you're probably right. I'll try to think some more, lulz. For all we know that may not be the whole map.

Edited the lab location.^
Look like the guy is a fluke after all since he says everything will be more evil vs. good and all that but I read the descriptions of Reshiram and Zekrom on the official site today and it seems to be leaning toward the "sky theory" direction with Reshiram burns everything and generate hot air current and Zekrom generate thunder clouds where it hides in.
There probably is more to Isshu then what they're showing us, but it can't be TOO much, maybe an extra area or a couple routes & towns. Or there may be none at all, idk. I certainly hope there's more to it because Isshu seems to be lacking in the towns department. I'd say that's as far as the west side of the map goes (i.e., no more after the mountains) but there may be more to the north, south, & east areas of the map. Maybe Isshu is actually bigger than how the image looks, who knows?

I can say that I really like the looks of Isshu, I'm really curious to find out what that big desert is & what some of the landmarks are. Hopefully we'll see some stuff at E3.

As for these "spoilers" & Mr. Muller: He hasn't even given us any proof, none whatsoever & he's been very shady at best, so something smells fishy either with him or his sources. So...I'll believe it when I see it then I'll swallow my pride & eat my words if it's true.
I definetly think your going to start off either in Hiun city, or the small settlement on the main far bottom right of the map.

About Mamepoto, I meant that its other 1/2 evos might be flying/poison. The only thing they confirmed is that Mamepoto himself is normal/flying. His evos could/should change type. There are already WAY too many normal/flyings.

Also here is my take on an evo for him.


For the first evo I didn't add any poison elements, so hes just an adult pigeon, with the green and pink scaley parts that adult pigeons have on their necks. I also ruffled his feathers a bit, because the last form is going to look sort of pitiful, with balding spots. As well as large purple patchs of feathers to display that is truly a poison-type. Maybe some saliva dripping from its beak.
Weyard said:
I don't like that Pidgey is obviously named after a pigeon but looks nothing like one XD.

I don't quite like the new pigeon either, although theres a chance it might end up flying/poison, since Pigeons are WELL known to carry diseases. That would be the first flying/poison right?

In fact... I think I'm gonna draw up some evos for it with that typing.

Edit: I just did some research and its actually controversial as to whether they carry diseases or not : /

One of the most abundant pokemon says hello: zubat.
But why would Mamepato evolve into a Poison-type? I like that there is a pigeon Pokemon now because of Hiun City, cities & pigeons go hand in hand.

I don't think you start off in Hiun, that would be just weird. You probably start off in the bottom right of the map, like you said.
I can't believe I forgot zubat XD.

As for how Mamepoto could evolve into a poison type:

-Mamepoto is a pigeon
-Pigeons are thought to be dirty/disease carrying
-Diseases/filth are associated with poison types

That pretty much sums up my entire argument XD.

I'm simply hoping, no matter how small the chance, that he could end up was something OTHER than normal/flying. To me, Poison seems to be a nice choice. I can't really think of any other types that you could associate with a pigeon unless they take him down a weird path.
Coach said:
But why would Mamepato evolve into a Poison-type? I like that there is a pigeon Pokemon now because of Hiun City, cities & pigeons go hand in hand.

I don't think you start off in Hiun, that would be just weird. You probably start off in the bottom right of the map, like you said.

That's what I think. Then I think you go to Hiun City first, then on a boat somewhere. I don't see going through the desert that early in the game, but it would be cool if we could. It means I can catch dark croc early on :D

@Tensho: If what you say is true, why hasn't either pokebeach or serebii said anything about it? Also Reshi and Zek are the Ying/Yang pokemon, which actually fits better with what he is saying.

Just to add, I still don't get what fire and electric has to do with Ying and Yang, but I have a feeling it will all make sense in the end.

Edit: @ Weyward: Nice drawing there btw. Also, there is only three pokemon with the ability Super Luck(murkow, honchkrow, and absol) and all of them are part dark type. So mamepato could be dark type(but another flying/dark type would be kinda of boring) But on the other hand, very interesting because ash in the anime has never owned a dark type and he always catches the standard stage 2 bird line.
This is my first post ever. Please be nice. also Xous I hope it was ok for me to use your relicanth avatar?

I dont know if any one has compared the map on the internet to the scan from corocorro but if you look closely you will see that the far right of the magazine scan shows ocean on the other side of the mountain so I dought that there is much to the east of the map.
Thanks :D.

I just finished the final evo so I might as well post it.


On topic:

Considering that those 3 had the ability and were dark, mamepoto might end up dark as well :/. If B/W starts remaking pokemon as they did in D/P than he probably is flying/dark in the final evo.

Ya the desert/wasteland is probably blocked off until some point in the game. If Meguroko's ability is as good as it sounds, I doubt they would give you access to it early in the game.
Weyard said:
If Meguroko's ability is as good as it sounds,

I know, right? Can you say OU? XD

Im wondering if his probable giant crocodile evo will be high in atk/defense, or maybe it'll get a bad attack stat to balance it out.

I don't know what to think of this fella, I'm guessing he's going to be, stat wise, similar to hippowdon.
He is likely meant to replace Hippowdon.

I'm hoping he'l lose his unique Ground/Dark and end up Dark/fighting or Ground/fighting and be bipedal. If his ability is broken, then maybe he would do fine as a single form?
Weyard said:
I definetly think your going to start off either in Hiun city, or the small settlement on the main far bottom right of the map.

About Mamepoto, I meant that its other 1/2 evos might be flying/poison. The only thing they confirmed is that Mamepoto himself is normal/flying. His evos could/should change type. There are already WAY too many normal/flyings.

Also here is my take on an evo for him.


For the first evo I didn't add any poison elements, so hes just an adult pigeon, with the green and pink scaley parts that adult pigeons have on their necks. I also ruffled his feathers a bit, because the last form is going to look sort of pitiful, with balding spots. As well as large purple patchs of feathers to display that is truly a poison-type. Maybe some saliva dripping from its beak.

Good picture and all but it is just way to realistic to be a pokemon. It just doesn't have that pokemon feeling to it. However I am not sure if you meant to draw it as a pokemon or simply to give an idea of what if could look like.

With the whole pigeon and Huin City idea, I'd say that there is a good chance that Mamepato will evolve in to Peregrine Falcon. As these falcons are known to have adapted to the city life. If Pidgey can turn into an eagle, I am sure Mamepato could turn into a falcon.


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