(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

Mijumarulover though i agree i too am a lover of the Mijumaru persuasion that is the most fake thing i have ever seen. (Sudenly i'm thinking of jessica simpson)
It's kind of looking like we will just have to wait until the 11th for the rest of CoroCoro.

Even though its looking like the fat blue guy is fake. I actually kind of like him
Hey look what i found! I found more and will post them here!

I think the raccoon guy is fake. The eyes don't seem right to me, and I think all the petals would be the same size rather than having that one tiny one among the other six which are all bigger and identical to each other.

I also think the Gigaiasu prevo is fake. It looks like someone just cropped off the head of a Gigaiasu sprite. :p

Here's hoping for more (legitimate) pictures tomorrow.
Well i know this one is real right and now if this pic is real. The Battle ground changes and stays the same on communications!

lotusoftheleaf said:
Here's hoping for more (legitimate) pictures tomorrow.
I think next "round" will begin in about 4 hours. However, I doubt that there'll be new Pokémon.

Edit: Haha wow, a couple of seconds after I posted this, Redneck made me realize that Serebii updated with Wakoishi details. I suck.
Zalman said:
If it's real, then it might be the new Geodude.


It actually does, and so does plant owl and darumakka.

Little blobs without arms or legs that turn into things with arms and legs.
Just a thought, but could these seasonal changes remove the need for HMs? Like, rather than having to Surf, you can just wait until winter when the water is frozen over then walk across the ice? If so, I hope Surf will still be around as a TM because that's actually a good move.
lotusoftheleaf said:
Just a thought, but could these seasonal changes remove the need for HMs? Like, rather than having to Surf, you can just wait until winter when the water is frozen over then walk across the ice? If so, I hope Surf will still be around as a TM because that's actually a good move.

Eh it would probably be for some special TMs and items, Id imagine HMs would still be needed.
lotusoftheleaf said:
Just a thought, but could these seasonal changes remove the need for HMs? Like, rather than having to Surf, you can just wait until winter when the water is frozen over then walk across the ice? If so, I hope Surf will still be around as a TM because that's actually a good move.
I really don't think they'll make you wait till winter. Imagine it's spring, you gotta wait 3 months.

Could someone tell me what the trainer is standing on in the third pic and what is that thing in the very first pic?(that object)

blastoise91 said:

Could someone tell me what the trainer is standing on in the third pic and what is that thing in the very first pic?(that object)


That shiny thing is a badge.
blastoise91 said:
Could someone tell me what the trainer is standing on in the third pic and what is that thing in the very first pic?(that object)
I'm pretty sure the first picture is her badge.

edit: crap, aaroncsmall2 beat me to it.