(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

Zalman said:
I really don't think they'll make you wait till winter. Imagine it's spring, you gotta wait 3 months.

Yeah, but maybe HMs won't be as important this generation. Like, Cut will only be needed to get to out of reach items or a grassy area where a rare Pokémon might be caught, but not be needed to access towns or other places necessary to finish the game.
The third picture guys it looks like stairs to me. Also people think that little Pokemon on the previous page is real? Really?
Playerking95 said:
The third picture guys it looks like stairs to me. Also people think that little Pokemon on the previous page is real? Really?

There isn't anything suspicious about it.
Playerking95 said:
The third picture guys it looks like stairs to me. Also people think that little Pokemon on the previous page is real? Really?
It's possible. You know how Game Freak design Pokémon nowadays...

Its name is Wakoishi.

Koishi means pebble
Also i think that new pre evo, that they are in a cave because either
1: its night out
2: In a cave

Very possible cave because, if you are outside in the back it will show a city or something, so this might mean it will probaly be a rare rock pokemon like Nosepass, or hes this generations Geoudude!

Purple230 said:
So pre-evos will be little heads now?

I smell a digimon =D

-__- theres only like 2 heads and pokemon is pokemon not digimon so stop compering!
zero20 said:
-__- theres only like 2 heads and pokemon is pokemon not digimon so stop compering!
You know, it's funny because it's true. I love Pokémon and it's hard to admit, but it's actually kinda true.
Zalman said:
You know, it's funny because it's true. I love Pokémon and it's hard to admit, but it's actually kinda true.

well if you think about it pokemon was first and always better so i think they have the right to make little head thingys 2 rite?

Purple230 said:
Whoa, calm down. I was joking around xD

lol :]
sorry hehe

Wakoishi is the little angry rock on the left. So it's name contains the word for pebble, Koishi. Many people think its a Gigaiasu prevo.

I can see the visual similarities, but what about the name similarities?

Gigaiasu's name may have been derived from ギガス Gigas, a term used to describe a race of chthonic (Earth-associated) giants in Greek mythology, and ガイア Gaia, a Greek Titan and mother of the said giants.

So a pebble turns into an Earth Giant. Neato.
While we're on the topic of names, I posted this in a previous thread, but it kinda died down.

I was doing a bit of research and I don't think it's been mentioned. Shikijika's name comes from "shiki," meaning four seasons and "shika," which means deer. Shika is also the name of a specific species of deer native to Japan.
aaroncsmall2 said:

So it's name contains the word for pebble. Many people think its a Gigaiasu prevo.

I can see the visual similarities, but what about the name similarities?

Gigaiasu's name may have been derived from ギガス Gigas, a term used to describe a race of chthonic (Earth-associated) giants in Greek mythology, and ガイア Gaia, a Greek Titan and mother of the said giants.

So a pebble turns into an Earth Giant. Neato.

do you think it has a 2nd evolution? maybe gigaiasu is the 3rd evo
zero20 said:
do you think it has a 2nd evolution? maybe gigaiasu is the 3rd evo

Most likely the angry pebble starts to develop a shell, and then that it develops it even more when it turns into Gigaiasu. I agree that Wakoishi is a basic form pokemon and Gigaiasu is a Stage 2 pokemon.
Hamarill said:
While we're on the topic of names, I posted this in a previous thread, but it kinda died down.

I was doing a bit of research and I don't think it's been mentioned. Shikijika's name comes from "shiki," meaning four seasons and "shika," which means deer. Shika is also the name of a specific species of deer native to Japan.

I mentioned it.