(2) HEART GOLD AND SOUL SILVER: GS REMAKES CONFIRMED!!; Advent of Arceus [5/7 - 5/8]

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Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.
It was a JOKE, he was just KIDDING, he WASN'T SERIOUS.

He even said the announcement this Sunday would be about the remakes...
I don't know about you, but that does not look like sarcasm. It wouldn't even sense even if it was sarcasm. Also, he doesn't even know what the announcement on Sunday is going to be. More than likely, it will be the Gold and Silver remakes, but you never know.
Prof. Shinx said:
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.


Arceus spam will be a kick butt deck, 30 Arceus and 30 energys :D
Again, it doesn't look like sacasm, and would you know if it was.
red blastoise said:
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.

Marky Vigoroth said:
I have been assuming Ruby/Sapphire remakes for some time now.
(Then again, if they are going to Remake Ruby/Sapphire, then would they also remake Red/Green in the same generation?)

Why would they remake fire red and leaf green? I highly doubt those are going to be remade. Infact, I am positive those won't be remade. If they did, they would be remaking a remake.

actually, theres a thing called sarcasm :p

Again, how does that look like sarcasm? For example I could say, "There won't be a 5th gen of pokemon." How would you know I was being sarcastic or not? You can't. Because there are people out there that think there won't be a 5th gen of pokemon. If your going to be sarcastic, make it obvious, because people can't hear the words you type.
Bonsly, to anyone (I guess a few aside) that has followed WPM's fervor on how no other site will stick their necks out and just say it's a GS remake, it's obviously sarcasm. xD (Hence the people saying it was.)

So, yes, it's entirely possible to see how it was sarcasm, so long as you've read what WPM has said in these threads. :3
Gosh, it has only been one day and the post count for this thread already skyrocketed over 100! :p Well, it's worth the praise... G/S Remakes are going to be awesome! I wonder what new features they are going to add. One thing is for sure... Lugia and Ho-oh will be obtained and will be legit. Maybe even Celebi will make an appearence? Who knows? It's exciting. :)

- Luigi
If you can play unlimited Arceus, does that also include the Level X? Or will you have a max of 4 on them? Even then, I'm betting that will become ridiculous... I kind of like the idea of making a deck that's purely one Pokemon. He doesn't seem like he would be a team player, so it makes sense.
Bonsly said:
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.
It was a JOKE, he was just KIDDING, he WASN'T SERIOUS.

He even said the announcement this Sunday would be about the remakes...
I don't know about you, but that does not look like sarcasm. It wouldn't even sense even if it was sarcasm. Also, he doesn't even know what the announcement on Sunday is going to be. More than likely, it will be the Gold and Silver remakes, but you never know.
Prof. Shinx said:
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.


Arceus spam will be a kick butt deck, 30 Arceus and 30 energys :D
Again, it doesn't look like sacasm, and would you know if it was.
red blastoise said:
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.

Marky Vigoroth said:
I have been assuming Ruby/Sapphire remakes for some time now.
(Then again, if they are going to Remake Ruby/Sapphire, then would they also remake Red/Green in the same generation?)

Why would they remake fire red and leaf green? I highly doubt those are going to be remade. Infact, I am positive those won't be remade. If they did, they would be remaking a remake.

actually, theres a thing called sarcasm :p

Again, how does that look like sarcasm? For example I could say, "There won't be a 5th gen of pokemon." How would you know I was being sarcastic or not? You can't. Because there are people out there that think there won't be a 5th gen of pokemon. If your going to be sarcastic, make it obvious, because people can't hear the words you type.

The sentence in question has sarcasm written all over it...:p

Xander said:
I'm more puzzled as to how anyone could have NOT taken that as sarcasm.

You're not the only one :rolleyes:
*puts $35 aside for the US release of SoulSilver*

While we all saw this coming, it's great that Nintendo has officially confirmed that they're remaking my favorite Pokémon games of all time. My only gripe is the names - HeartGold and SoulSilver? What the heck were they thinking!? Maybe it has something to do with an addition to the plot...?
I cant wait.
Im going straight for Gold.
Its always been my favorite :]
Time needs to speed up to the release date! COME ON TIME!
i'm gong for silver but since you still can catch ho-oh in that game.personaly i like ho-oh a little better.but kugia is better for the elite 4

Hopin' to get SoulSilver when it's released here. The name sounds awesome. =D

..But my brother will probably end up getting that, so I'll probably get HeartGold. =P
*Tries to find $35 under the couch cushions*


I do have one question though. If all the Arceus are level 100, how do the level up?
palkia dialga clash said:
I'm gong for silver but since you still can catch ho-oh in that game.personaly I like ho-oh a little better.but kugia is better for the elite 4

Don't take that for granted. They could easily change up what is exclusive and what is not from the original games.
Awesome news, It'll be great to see what new features will be added, I loved pokemon gold when it first came out! I'm thinking that Ho-Oh and Lugia might get new formes in the upcoming games!

Also, on the topic of the Arceus cards, I noticed the in the Fire and Lightening versions of Arceus, it has the 'plates' form D+P around it and the colourless doesn't, so maybe you'll need to transform arceus in the TCG as you do in the video game?!

-- theMaster
OMG!!!!! I absolutely adore the name SoulSilver! The name feels quite poetic and smooth to me. I cannot wait for it to come out!!!

Wow, infinite Arceus cards? Every deck with them will probably be an Arceus Army. They will defeat opponents with their sheer numbers. Now is the time to fear Arceus.
I feel like i should wait a tad for the crystal remake.

Or, does everyone doubt that release?

I doubt they would make a remake of a remake in the same few years. If anything, they would save Blue, Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum for the next time they remake the games (if they decide to).
Man these games are going to be BEAST! I wonder if the U.S. version of the game will keep the same name, I think dusk gold and dawn silver sound better.
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