(2) HEART GOLD AND SOUL SILVER: GS REMAKES CONFIRMED!!; Advent of Arceus [5/7 - 5/8]

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As many Arceus as you like? Next they'll say one Arceus X stops bodies, (stop Mewtwo) one have the Mewtwo body, and the last will shut down powers.

They're awesome. They aren't the best, but I'm sure Ultimate Zone will change that, and sky rocket their usability.

BTW: Now we have all of the generations connected, finally.

I'm not into Pokemon anymore, but this might just get me back into it.
Wow, sure has been a busy time for Pokemon lately. :p

This is pretty cool, although hardly unexpected. I was expecting names to be related to sky/sea or sun/moon, but this works too I guess. Also, forget a RS remake, we want the Pokemon TCG game next! >:[

Arceus looks interesting... although to be honest, I think so many cards of the same Pokemon (God thing or not) is a little over the top.
Noobnerd said:

I'm not into Pokemon anymore, but this might just get me back into it.

Maybe you'll be a supermod next year again.

I am so glad and I know so many people wanted this to happen. About 1200 people that I remember from the petitioning and even though it was not necessary, it was epic.
It seems like most of the arceus cards (based off of what we can see out of those 3 cards) deal with getting rid of energies... so maybe the ultimate zone somehow lets you keep those energies? If so, broken for sure.

An arceus deck would be a lot of fun I think, just hopefully not too expensive. Surely all three of the lv X's can't ALL be good, right?

oh yeah and g/s remake is great news :] Just have to wait forever
Well, the lightning and fire type Arceus got shafted. No surprise there. The colorless one's first attack isn't honestly all that good. It requires way too much (6 DIFFERENT typed Arceus out?) for energy acceleration, and by the time you have those 5 benched (remember, you can't play any Uxies or use Claydol or anything like that to speed up your draw!) the energy accel is too late.

Oh, and his HP is horrendously low. :D
Varna, 4 great ball, 4 roseannes, and some more balls would get you your arceus pretty quickly. The energy acceleration means you don't need a whole lot of draw power once you get going with the colorless arceus.
nardd said:
Varna, 4 great ball, 4 roseannes, and some more balls would get you your arceus pretty quickly. The energy acceleration means you don't need a whole lot of draw power once you get going with the colorless arceus.

I'll believe it when I see it. Hopefully the other Arceus cards will be better, though.

Sadly, Macheap runs right through them.
Currently replaying Crystal to be able to say "yeah, they messed it all up" when the games get release :D
(Also because Pt is boring me, and I haven't even finished it yet ._.) (Playing it again isn't an argument, I replayed Gold after I last played Pearl)

The Arceus cards seem neat, being able to use an unlimited amount of a card (which is quite ironic, since Arceus is the only Pokémon which is absolutely, 100% one-of-a-kind (there might be other planets with Groudon/Kyogre, I donno :S)). Oh well, this'll most certainly be interesting, now all we need is the psychic version to have a protection against effects so this deck can take on Machamp easily.

Also, this set better have Mew for obvious reasons.
scampy said:
Also, forget a RS remake, we want the Pokemon TCG game next! >:[

True. We need one that can get updates with the new sets. Don't even tell me that you can't do it Nintendo, you've done harder things. Plus, RS don't need remakes. What reason would we need that for?
I have been assuming Ruby/Sapphire remakes for some time now.
(Then again, if they are going to Remake Ruby/Sapphire, then would they also remake Red/Green in the same generation?)
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.

Marky Vigoroth said:
I have been assuming Ruby/Sapphire remakes for some time now.
(Then again, if they are going to Remake Ruby/Sapphire, then would they also remake Red/Green in the same generation?)

Why would they remake fire red and leaf green? I highly doubt those are going to be remade. Infact, I am positive those won't be remade. If they did, they would be remaking a remake.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Currently replaying Crystal to be able to say "yeah, they messed it all up" when the games get release :D

Amen to that. It's not that I'm not psyched that these remakes are coming out, it's just that I have the feeling that Nintendo is going to mutilate my beloved 2nd generation do-overs, rendering what was supposed to be a masterpiece into another Pokemon Battle Revolution. I might get the game, but if it's butchered, I'll just go and buy Gold, Silver or Crystal and the Gameboy Color link cable from somewhere, and waste my summer battling my friend over what was the best game of my life.

Let the nostalgia of the 2nd generation wash over us once more. d^_'
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.
It was a JOKE, he was just KIDDING, he WASN'T SERIOUS.

He even said the announcement this Sunday would be about the remakes...
of course i'm excited, but my biggest fear is that they try to incorporate these remakes with the DSi. i DO NOT want to have to drop $170 just to play these games.
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.


Arceus spam will be a kick butt deck, 30 Arceus and 30 energys :D
Wow, I can't wait to get ahold of the Arceus cards... Thank goodness they're all Level 100. That's just cool. This part, though, is my favorite part of the story (aside from the awesome wallpaper and the card images):

According to the information stated about the Arceus cards, the cards below are not Arceus' true power however. "With the power to shake the foundation of the card universe, introducing the illusionary Pokemon, Arceus! Next time... Arceus' true power will be revealed... These secrets only scratch the surface of Arceus' power!" It looks like we are actually going to get strong Arceus cards!

I can't wait to see how they make it entirely broken. (No, seriously, I want it to be broken.)
Bonsly said:
I'm not trying to be mean here, but why did WPM say that no one predicted this? I mean come on, ever since before diamond and pearl came out, there was speculation. Millions of people predicted this would happen. And yet he says that no one predicted it? Kinda stupid if you ask me.

Marky Vigoroth said:
I have been assuming Ruby/Sapphire remakes for some time now.
(Then again, if they are going to Remake Ruby/Sapphire, then would they also remake Red/Green in the same generation?)

Why would they remake fire red and leaf green? I highly doubt those are going to be remade. Infact, I am positive those won't be remade. If they did, they would be remaking a remake.

actually, theres a thing called sarcasm :p
Behold, Arceus, the destroyer of games. Unlimited Arceus in decks makes me think that they're trying to break this game as much as possible. Not that I have anything against it, I'm just worried about the stampede of Arceus decks that will over-run the tournaments. Next they'll probably make it so no Arceus card can be rotated [/joke].

On a serious note, the artwork looks great, as does the special holo texture. I'm anxious to see what the other Arceus cards do.
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