2012? What do you think? Is it true?

2012 claim?

  • True.

    Votes: 10 9.2%
  • False.

    Votes: 99 90.8%

  • Total voters
kawaii_Mew said:
First of all, I'm sorry for your double post. I deleted my post so I could attach it to my older one, but I guess you posted yours quicker than I deleted mine. Sorry again, I made you double post...

Thank you for that insight. But I'm sorry; I can't believe we can try to save ourselves from the end of the world. It is beyond our hands, even if we can try to slow it down, we can't deny the earth is getting older by the day and like every living thing does, it will die at one point, so will human beings. It is nature. I don't claim I know all there is about science, but even the scientists can't deny there's a force behind all existence of the universe.

Yes, the world will eventually end, soon it'll be too hot for us to live here, but technology is going fast, faster than you would expect, and when we need to move in order to survive, we will be able to.

Well, force? In my opinion that are just gravity, space, time etc. All the existence can be explained so, from life here on Earth to the beginning of our universe.

Even scientists can’t explain how atoms are made; they can’t explain how they are made to charge. Sure they know that if heat and friction comes in contact with the atom, they will one atom will discharge to the other but they still don't know how they are formed. Scientist don’t understand what energy is made of, they just know what can make energy.

But there's something you should ask yourself first, it asks a lot of thinking and not everybody is able to imagine it. We live in a unive... No wait; We life here on Earth, on a planet, in a Solar System, in a Galaxy, in a Cluster, in a super Cluster, in even bigger Clusters, in our universe, and there are more universes, what if some did exist in a bigger group of universes etc: ''infinity''. What if space is infinite? And time too? What if it all already existed, but just like the birth of a human, there's a birth of a star and so the birth of our universe, eventually even the universe would collapse again and make place for a new one, and so it'll be infinite, both time and space. I hope you are able to understand this, to imagine this, most people can't and simply deny it...

Do you know about the string theory? That'll explain what energy is, and I might be wrong but it has something to do with gravity what makes the electrons shake. It just popped up in my head, seemed a bit logical, probably isn't so don't mind.

We cannot simply believe that the earth just came out of nowhere without a purpose for it. Sometimes things happen for a reason, not all things that happen are God made because God wants us to have a happy life, it is our decision whether we want that, and sometimes we don't have a decision because God works in ways I myself can't explain. Yes, there is science in how the earth ends, that is true, but I think God can exceed science, because he created it and scientists just learn from it, but they deny the fact that it is God’s.

Then you must understand we live in a universe with the laws of physics we know, things just happen this way. Take a space expanding all the time and eventually collapsing again, give it the laws we have in our universe and put all the matter, anti-matter and dark-matter in we have in this universe and things like stars, planets, black holes and life will eventually all exist.

Think about this:

If we try to stop earth from dying, it might be the very cause of its death. We never know whether our actions lead to the very thing we dread. Sometimes we have premonitions, and we try to prevent them from happening, but sometimes we only make it worst.
This is just an observation.

However, I strongly believe that we should save the environment and keep things clean for our future generation, but as for stopping the end of the world, that is something not even the smartest man on earth couldn't do. Why? Because he is just human . Not even latest technology can stp it. Believe me, I have no idea how my words come propping up almost immediately in my head but I do know where they come from.

The melting of the poles for example, nobody can change that, that's just part of the way it goes, soon we will enter the last (or one of the last) Ice Age in the period of Ice Ages and then the poles will melt totally till a new period of Ice Ages starts again. But further we can make the world better, if we would all work together, sadly religion is one of the main things that prevents us from that, well I'm not religion. I don't think religion is useless, we wouldn't be here if there wasn't religion. Religion caused the people starting to build and inventing things, learning about the Earth, personally I think from now we can leave that since it's only blocking us from evolving farther, religion can't simply keep up the speed technology does and with the science atm I think we can conclude there is no such thing as a higher being. But well everybody his/her own opinion and who am I to change that?

I believe in the end of the world, but I don’t believe it will come in a day we expect.

Again, these statements are just my opinion.

What gives me peace is that when the end comes I will see the Hope of this imperfect world and he will turn it into perfection, a place where there will be no more cruelty, sadness, tears, and suffering. God is real. Even Isaac Newton believed so.

Sadly religion does cause a lot suffering these days...

Oh help, too much text causing my computer to go very slow D:
I want to add to Pokequaza my opinion on kawaii_mew.

So if it's just nature, why should we just accept it and helplessly watch in the 'eyes of our doom'? We are ALSO part of nature, there is no denying that, the only difference is that we have a knowledge that can keep us save through technology and other things. We aren't as weak as the rest of nature, despite we being part of it, its the knowledge that we have and how we put it to good use so the knowledge isn't wasted that can turn things around
Pokequaza said:
Oh help, too much text causing my computer to go very slow D:

Yes, the world will eventually end, soon it'll be too hot for us to live here, but technology is going fast, faster than you would expect, and when we need to move in order to survive, we will be able to.

Well, force? In my opinion that are just gravity, space, time etc. All the existence can be explained so, from life here on Earth to the beginning of our universe.

Yes, I know technology is rising, but I also believe it is no match to God's power. Why? He is more advance than technology. He created the human brain in a beautiful way, that is why we are capable in inventing.< My opinion, I'm not trying to force you to agree with me.

But there's something you should ask yourself first, it asks a lot of thinking and not everybody is able to imagine it. We live in a unive... No wait; We life here on Earth, on a planet, in a Solar System, in a Galaxy, in a Cluster, in a super Cluster, in even bigger Clusters, in our universe, and there are more universes, what if some did exist in a bigger group of universes etc: ''infinity''. What if space is infinite? And time too? What if it all already existed, but just like the birth of a human, there's a birth of a star and so the birth of our universe, eventually even the universe would collapse again and make place for a new one, and so it'll be infinite, both time and space. I hope you are able to understand this, to imagine this, most people can't and simply deny it...

Do you know about the string theory? That'll explain what energy is, and I might be wrong but it has something to do with gravity what makes the electrons shake. It just popped up in my head, seemed a bit logical, probably isn't so don't mind.

Space is infinite. That's why it's called space. Space is also a way to describe God, he has no end and no beginning, just like space has no end and no beginning. And I' not sure whether there are any other life forms such as aliens, I'm not God and I will never know, only He does.

Then you must understand we live in a universe with the laws of physics we know, things just happen this way. Take a space expanding all the time and eventually collapsing again, give it the laws we have in our universe and put all the matter, anti-matter and dark-matter in we have in this universe and things like stars, planets, black holes and life will eventually all exist.

Of course there are physics in this earth. God created it. He created our minds to take in only what we are capable in understanding. If we could understand God 100%, He wouldn't be God at all. Because He knows everything.

The melting of the poles for example, nobody can change that, that's just part of the way it goes, soon we will enter the last (or one of the last) Ice Age in the period of Ice Ages and then the poles will melt totally till a new period of Ice Ages starts again. But further we can make the world better, if we would all work together, sadly religion is one of the main things that prevents us from that, well I'm not religion. I don't think religion is useless, we wouldn't be here if there wasn't religion. Religion caused the people starting to build and inventing things, learning about the Earth, personally I think from now we can leave that since it's only blocking us from evolving farther, religion can't simply keep up the speed technology does and with the science atm I think we can conclude there is no such thing as a higher being. But well everybody his/her own opinion and who am I to change that?

You are right, some Christians are misguided (not that I'm accusing or think I'm not misguided, believe me, mistakes are what makes me grow in wisdom- just how Thomas Edison discovered how to make a light bulb by listing down his mistakes) in thinking that God will punish them for delaying his coming. That to me is just a whole pile of rubbish. We should serve Him by helping restore the environment and making the world a better place to live in.
Nowadays, a lot of Christians base how big their faith is by attending church (this makes me sad), when it is actually a relationship with God, praying to him, reading His Word. You are right about religion pulling some people back, its right, but mind you are talking about people, not individuals, not all Christians are like the way you described them. And yes, we can't change opinions, everyone is entitled to their own.

But...a science atm? Yes, may be there is such thing but there is no such thing as a religion atm. Religion is not technology. It is spiritual, something you believe in.

Sadly religion does cause a lot suffering these days...

You are talking about religion, when I didn't even mention it in my previous post. I don't think Christianity is an institution, nor one of the "religions." I think Christianity is a relationship with God, the Creator. He loves us, that's why he created us. He created us in his image, and when he created us he had a plan for us. When Adam sinned by choice, human-beings were condemned to die, because God is holy, he cannot sin and cannot fail, but he loved us so much he sent His own son to die for us. Was he a bad father? No, Jesus is also God, they are Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), and so he wanted to redeem us, human-beings, because he loved us too. It was the ultimate sacrifice- death. He redeemed us by his blood, so we may be able to call him father, so that we can pray to him without a temple. Because he made the human body the temple that we may be able to communicate to him anytime and any day.

It is a gift he is offering- everlasting life after death and resurrection. And it's your choice whether to accept. He's not forcing anyone to accept it, but think about it this way- he is a father giving his children gifts, and if they refused, he would feel sorrow because he wants his children to be happy.

If you're talking about Christianity (please don't mistake this for rudeness) causing suffering, it isn't true. But people make it a suffering when it should be a gift. People try to deny it, which is why there is suffering. By rebelling against God and denying His true love for us, we rebel by disobeying which leads us to various spiritual and physical problems. God doesn't give us laws because he wants to boss us around, but because he doesn't want to see us get hurt by our own doing. Again, I'm not arguing, I'm just giving my opinion.

afstandopleren said:
I want to add to Pokequaza my opinion on kawaii_mew.

So if it's just nature, why should we just accept it and helplessly watch in the 'eyes of our doom'? We are ALSO part of nature, there is no denying that, the only difference is that we have a knowledge that can keep us save through technology and other things. We aren't as weak as the rest of nature, despite we being part of it, its the knowledge that we have and how we put it to good use so the knowledge isn't wasted that can turn things around

Yes, we have knowledge to prevent only what we can prevent. And if you read my post correctly, I don't find Judgement Day as a day of doom but a day od setting things right. It's your choice whether you want to see it that way or not.

Anyways, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to exercise right now and I come back later to reply to any of your posts. :)
kawaii_Mew said:
Yes, we have knowledge to prevent only what we can prevent. And if you read my post correctly, I don't find Judgement Day as a day of doom but a day od setting things right. It's your choice whether you want to see it that way or not.
Then what can we prevent? You clearly said nothing because it will just slow things down.
kawaii_Mew said:
Thank you for that insight. But I'm sorry; I can't believe we can try to save ourselves from the end of the world. It is beyond our hands, even if we can try to slow it down, we can't deny the earth is getting older by the day and like every living thing does, it will die at one point, so will human beings. It is nature. I don't claim I know all there is about science, but even the scientists can't deny there's a force behind all existence of the universe.

Then surely knowledge must be something really unimportant as there is no way to escape our 'end' so then why bother coming into action? I'm sorry, I'm not the type that will sit helplessly and let the knowledge that I've gained over the years die in a heartbeat. We have the knowledge for a reason and I just don't see the use of being 'controlled' by destiny if I can change it. You might want to read the link in my sig. It clearly states that coming into action is a good thing and will tell you why it's better to come into action than be a play ball of destiny.

You claim that it's our nature to die out at 1 time, but thing is, we are one of the most successful species on this planet, we've gone virtually unchanged from our predecessors while our knowledge of life and the world that surrounds us increases and our influence to control our surroundings with it. I really think we are here to stay for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

And now it's lunch time in the Netherlands, c ya all later.
afstandopleren said:
I want to add to Pokequaza my opinion on kawaii_mew.

So if it's just nature, why should we just accept it and helplessly watch in the 'eyes of our doom'? We are ALSO part of nature, there is no denying that, the only difference is that we have a knowledge that can keep us save through technology and other things. We aren't as weak as the rest of nature, despite we being part of it, its the knowledge that we have and how we put it to good use so the knowledge isn't wasted that can turn things around
Then what can we prevent? You clearly said nothing because it will just slow things down.
kawaii_Mew said:
Thank you for that insight. But I'm sorry; I can't believe we can try to save ourselves from the end of the world. It is beyond our hands, even if we can try to slow it down, we can't deny the earth is getting older by the day and like every living thing does, it will die at one point, so will human beings. It is nature. I don't claim I know all there is about science, but even the scientists can't deny there's a force behind all existence of the universe.

afstandopleren said:
Then surely knowledge must be something really unimportant as there is no way to escape our 'end' so then why bother coming into action? I'm sorry, I'm not the type that will sit helplessly and let the knowledge that I've gained over the years die in a heartbeat. We have the knowledge for a reason and I just don't see the use of being 'controlled' by destiny if I can change it. You might want to read the link in my sig. It clearly states that coming into action is a good thing and will tell you why it's better to come into action than be a play ball of destiny.

You claim that it's our nature to die out at 1 time, but thing is, we are one of the most successful species on this planet, we've gone virtually unchanged from our predecessors while our knowledge of life and the world that surrounds us increases and our influence to control our surroundings with it. I really think we are here to stay for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

And now it's lunch time in the Netherlands, c ya all later.

We may stay for a long time, but when the earth dies, so shall we. Not even technology that can artificially create food out of a certain substance can sustain us even if it is possible to live in space in a space ship (like the one shown in WALL-E) , that would be sad, if we strive to survive without living. You know what I mean?

Inventions made by man's knowledge weren't created to prevent the end of the world, but to help make our lives better and simple. You may know a lot of things from study over your years but you deny the fact that you don't know everything. Not even the smartest person on earth knows everything.

Even though we may have immense knowledge, it won't stop a child getting sick, or a car accident, we have no power over everything that is supposed to happen, we can't stop (even with the latest cures and technology) a man from dying after his heart has been punctured.

I have one question for you, regarding the fact that you said you won't just sit there and watch the end of the world, How do you think you can stop it from happening?

Anyway, I'm leaving the this discussion because it is going no where. I stand by on what I believe and I don't want to dig deeper or else this dicussion will result in an arguement.
Too bad people only see what they want to see because you completely missed my point.

WALL-E is a perfect example of what is going on THIS DAY in current society, not how live will be. I can write a book about the things others seem to miss in current society and what it is doing but I'm not. Go figure it out on your own if you are blind to the real truth.

Also...Wisdom = Knowledge
@kawaii_Mew, yes it can be possible to create food out of uh... a rock? By decreasing or increasing the number of electrons, neutrons and protrons we will be able to create other atoms, and so other molecules and make a hamburger out of a rock. Sadly we don't have to technology to do it atm.

And Christianity is a religion, what do you call a religion then if it isn't?

Sorry it's 0:40 AM here, I'm tired not much time for a big reply.
Well, this discussion is about 2012.
And, if we don't have it now, we definitely won't have the the technology to make food out of rocks by the time the world is "supposed" to end.

We're doomed if the world really DOES mysteriously blow up or whatever.
The number "12"

So... I honestly have not formed an opinion whether or not I believe the world will end in 2012. That being said, I do not disbelieve that it will happen...

So... what's with the number "12"?

We as humans have adopted a base 10 numbering scheme... that's cool, it makes sense - 10 fingers and all. Base 8 would've made some sense, too - or base 20. Base 10 works pretty well for me, and for many others over the centuries.

So if 10 is "our" number -- why do so many things default to "12".

12 inches in a foot
12 months in a year (not 13...as would "fit" more closely)
12 hours before noon / 12 hours after noon
12 items in a "dozen"
12 animals in the Chinese zodiac
12 figures in the Greek zodiac
Keep going... you can think of more, I'm sure...

(And... 13 in some societies is traditionally unlucky...)

So, my whimsical prediction for the end of the earth is Dec 12, 2012

Your understandable question -- why not the year 12 or 1012? I dunno... the world was ready for the "end" or "drastic change" perhaps...

Next question -- 2012 on whose calendar? Well... if you ask pretty much anybody on the face of the planet... they'll say it's 2012 -- so, "earth's"...

It doesn't "prove" anything -- just kind of interesting how important "12" is in our combined histories...

Why did so many societies view "12" as the reset button?
Pokequaza said:
@kawaii_Mew, yes it can be possible to create food out of uh... a rock? By decreasing or increasing the number of electrons, neutrons and protrons we will be able to create other atoms, and so other molecules and make a hamburger out of a rock. Sadly we don't have to technology to do it atm.

And Christianity is a religion, what do you call a religion then if it isn't?

Sorry it's 0:40 AM here, I'm tired not much time for a big reply.

This will be my last reply in this thread. Because it is going no where.

Simple, Christianity is truth. Religion is just the term people use who deny the truth.

afstandopleren said:
Too bad people only see what they want to see because you completely missed my point.

WALL-E is a perfect example of what is going on THIS DAY in current society, not how live will be. I can write a book about the things others seem to miss in current society and what it is doing but I'm not. Go figure it out on your own if you are blind to the real truth.

Also...Wisdom = Knowledge


Knowledge: Knowing fire can burn you.

Wisdom: Deciding not to touch the fire.

Even if knowledge is what you choose, you will find that without wisdom of using your knowledge correctly, you will leap before you even think about it. Just a word of advice, knowledge is power, wen it is used without wisdom, it can be dangerous.

Current society: vicious, cruel, unfair.

Do you know why people find God unfair? Because he gives second chances.
People believe that the court is fair, well, let me tell you, in Singapore, they hanged a woman for stealing milk for her newly born infant. Call that fair?
Hypno68 said:
So... I honestly have not formed an opinion whether or not I believe the world will end in 2012. That being said, I do not disbelieve that it will happen...

So... what's with the number "12"?

We as humans have adopted a base 10 numbering scheme... that's cool, it makes sense - 10 fingers and all. Base 8 would've made some sense, too - or base 20. Base 10 works pretty well for me, and for many others over the centuries.

So if 10 is "our" number -- why do so many things default to "12".

12 inches in a foot
12 months in a year (not 13...as would "fit" more closely)
12 hours before noon / 12 hours after noon
12 items in a "dozen"
12 animals in the Chinese zodiac
12 figures in the Greek zodiac
Keep going... you can think of more, I'm sure...

(And... 13 in some societies is traditionally unlucky...)

So, my whimsical prediction for the end of the earth is Dec 12, 2012

Your understandable question -- why not the year 12 or 1012? I dunno... the world was ready for the "end" or "drastic change" perhaps...

Next question -- 2012 on whose calendar? Well... if you ask pretty much anybody on the face of the planet... they'll say it's 2012 -- so, "earth's"...

It doesn't "prove" anything -- just kind of interesting how important "12" is in our combined histories...

Why did so many societies view "12" as the reset button?

Ok, why should we discuss about the number 12? Well if you want to. But first the Mayan didn't just took some kind of number and said: ''That they the Earth will be destroyed.''

First of all, the Mayans didn't predict it'll be destroyed, it only predicts a new beginning, the beginning of the Cycle of the fifth Sun. Earth, Sun and center of Galaxy are lined up, the Sun reaches its peak in increasing Solar Flares which started in 2006 and the Earth finishes a ''wobble''. So for the Mayans that was the evidence of a new beginning appearantly.

And the Mayan calendar is used different, the lived before 2012, so in their calendar it wasn't the year 2012 when the Earth would be destroyed, since they didn't know when we ever would start a counting of years and if it would be Sun, Moon or based on something else. They only predicted it'll over so many million days.

Base 10 does make as much sence as base 12. Since we use base 10 we conclude that every number looking ''logical'' in base 10 is a good base number. If we would have used base 12 now, we would conclude 10 is a weird number, so your statement doesn't make sense. And know that in example the old Egypt they used 12 as a base number, easy to count with your hands. Huh? so you say? Yes, give a look at your 4 fingers (not counting the thumb), they all together have 12 (3 x 4) finger bones, and so can be counted easily by touching with your thumb the fingerbones. Anyway Binary is still the most logical numbering system after all.

12 inches in a foot
Well don't ask me, I just call this English weirdness. In other parts of Europe we use meters, based of 10, so following your opinion that would make way more sence and easier for us to count with our base 10 numbering system.
12 months in a year (not 13...as would "fit" more closely)
Well this has to do with the cycle of the Moon phases. It takes the Moon 29.53 days to complete one cycle, so by doing a bit ''easy'' mathematics you should be albe to conclude this easily: 365 : 29.53 = 12.36 And so making 12 the closest number to 12.36, so 12 months...
12 hours before noon / 12 hours after noon
Like I said before, 24 hours are already used in the Egypt Period and they used a base 12 numbering system, and the hours are based of the number of months.
12 items in a "dozen"
Well the above should explain this.
12 animals in the Chinese zodiac
This is also to do with the years etc. Note that every Month has its own animal too, even every hour of the day. So for example that makes me born in the year of the Dog, and I'm a Snake internally and a Ram secretively.
12 figures in the Greek zodiac
This has to do with the number of Constellations the Sun crosses in its path. Months may of course have to do with this too.

At least we can now conclude what you were saying was more nonsense, no offense but it just didn't make much sense. At least let's go back discussing 2012, since this subject is finished.
kawaii_Mew said:
This will be my last reply in this thread. Because it is going no where.
Simple, Christianity is truth. Religion is just the term people use who deny the truth. Spoken like a true Christian.

afstandopleren said:
Too bad people only see what they want to see because you completely missed my point.

WALL-E is a perfect example of what is going on THIS DAY in current society, not how live will be. I can write a book about the things others seem to miss in current society and what it is doing but I'm not. Go figure it out on your own if you are blind to the real truth.

Also...Wisdom = Knowledge


Knowledge: Knowing fire can burn you.

Wisdom: Deciding not to touch the fire.
._. It's not really wisdom, it's more of a choice. You choose not to touch the fire because you have the knowledge of the effect it will have. >_>
Even if knowledge is what you choose, you will find that without wisdom of using your knowledge correctly, you will leap before you even think about it. Just a word of advice, knowledge is power, wen it is used without wisdom, it can be dangerous. ....Again, it's the choice you make to do something dangerous. It's not really wisdom if you opt not to do something dangerous.

Current society: vicious, cruel, unfair. Welcome to life on Earth as your God apparently allows it to be.

Do you know why people find God unfair? Because he gives second chances. People are not God and people therefor, will be unfair and won't give you a second chance to correct your mistakes. You are not the only one. I also doubt that it's just those second chances that people think God is unfair
People believe that the court is fair, well, let me tell you, in Singapore, they hanged a woman for stealing milk for her newly born infant. Call that fair? Nope, that's not fair, but it's always in the eye of the beholder and the cultural heritage that defines what people think is justified.

Response in bold.
Actually, there are 13 zodiac signs. The hidden one is Ofucis, the snake holder. He has something to do with the 2012 alignment.
kawaii_Mew said:
This will be my last reply in this thread. Because it is going no where. :/

Simple, Christianity is truth. Religion is just the term people use who deny the truth.
So, I deny the truth, despite what I know from scientific research or whatever, simply because I'm not Christian? >:[

afstandopleren said:
Too bad people only see what they want to see because you completely missed my point.

WALL-E is a perfect example of what is going on THIS DAY in current society, not how live will be.
How true. We have too many fat people addicted to their gadgets.

I can write a book about the things others seem to miss in current society and what it is doing but I'm not. Go figure it out on your own if you are blind to the real truth.

Also...Wisdom = Knowledge


Knowledge: Knowing fire can burn you.

Wisdom: Deciding not to touch the fire.

Even if knowledge is what you choose, you will find that without wisdom of using your knowledge correctly, you will leap before you even think about it. Just a word of advice, knowledge is power, when it is used without wisdom, it can be dangerous.
Well, in general, people with knowledge are smart enough to not do something dumb. Remind me how this relates to the 2012 discussion?

Current society: vicious, cruel, unfair.
Yeah, life isn't fair. Cry me a river.

Do you know why people find God unfair? Because he gives second chances.
No, it's because he supposedly made us into imperfect beings, because of our natural curiosity.
People believe that the court is fair, well, let me tell you, in Singapore, they hanged a woman for stealing milk for her newly born infant. Call that fair?
Well, in some countries, women can't do a lot of things that others can get away with.

Replies in bold.
DarthPika said:
This thread is getting weirder and weirder...

So do your posts. XD

Muddy68 said:
Actually, there are 13 zodiac signs. The hidden one is Ofucis, the snake holder. He has something to do with the 2012 alignment.

Proof and more explanation please.
Muddy68 said:
Actually, there are 13 zodiac signs. The hidden one is Ofucis, the snake holder. He has something to do with the 2012 alignment.
Oh I just saw afstandopleren was a bit faster, but well I searched for it and couldn't find it. Please a link or resource next time.

Tsukuyomi said:
The bible says that no one knows the day or the hour.

I'm the bible-believing type. :p
Oh yeah the Bible, the same book that also states a man was eaten by a fish and survived three days in its belly by praying.

DarthPika said:
This thread is getting weirder and weirder...
Maybe, or its your brain who can't take all the information, no joke ;D. Yes its a weird subject and so it'll get weirder and weirder, but that makes it more interested and funnier to discuss about this.

Ah and wisdom and knowledge... Wisdom is what you makes wise, it helps you by chosing the right choises. Knowledge is all you know. So having a big knowledge would improve your wisdom and not vice versa. But still your wisdom doesn't decide what you do, you always decide by yourself.