2012? What do you think? Is it true?

2012 claim?

  • True.

    Votes: 10 9.2%
  • False.

    Votes: 99 90.8%

  • Total voters
Something interesting to the year of 2012 is that this is when Charles Manson is up for parole. I find this interesting. What do you guys think?
Yeah, I know and why he scores high on your Anti-Christ list. But I don't think he really is an Anti-Christ...I just don't believe in any biblical things.... Him coming out of jail won't mean the end of the World, just another American flaw being painfully pointed out.
Muddy68 said:
Something interesting to the year of 2012 is that this is when Charles Manson is up for parole. I find this interesting. What do you guys think?

Charlie will never be free. If he gets out prison, he will be put into a psychiatric ward. I remember watching the interview with Geraldo. He was sitting there talking to Geraldo, perfectly fine. He got did a short chant and little dance, meanwhile Geraldo got this look of absolute terror on his face.
Yeah, I agree with you. I saw an interview with him, and to me, he seems nuttier than a fruitcake.
Fridge said:
Lol, if the myans were so great at predicting the future, they should have seen their own demise coming? Did they? No. :p
They did, they predicted the exact date and said white-bearded gods would come, but I doubt about this. Anyway if we have to believe the men who did research to this, since most of it is translated wrong, and not at thr right way, so we get whole other translations instead of what the ancient textes really say.

Well as with most of these things there is always some part true. First they were masters in calculating, they were obsessed with time, and with space, those slow moving planets, stars and other galactic objects. They decided it was something nice to base their calendar off. And it is still very accurate only 33 seconds off.

They knew also things about Solar Storms, Solar Eclipses etc. They couldn't explain all of this so they did what most people did back then, they related unexplainable things to the work of gods.

Something else to say, they didn't predict the world would end on September 23th 2012, that's just the end of the calender, or they couldn't finish it anyway I don't know, but just the end of the calender, and it'll start again from the beginning logically, But I don't know if the Eclips calculations and so will be accurate still, anyway I wasn't there that time so I can't tell.

Anyway, I don't believe god will destroy they Earth in September 2012, but there might happen something. In 2006 I think the 24th Solar Magnetic Activity Cycle started, this is when the Sun releases a lot of Solar Storms, very active then. In 2012 it will reach the peak of the increased activity, so might cause some problems.

Next there's another that will happen in 2012, the Earth will be lined up with the Sun and the center of the Galaxy, something only happens once a in few 10000 years, scientists believe this may cause some problems too. Switching of the poles is a popular theory (caused by the massive gravity effects on Earth). If this happens slowly we only will see sea level raisings etc, will it happen in a moment so very fast, then it'll be dangerous; earthquakes, tsunami's, volcano eruptions and go on.

Edit: I forgot to mention that in my opinion this is very unlikely, the moon is still the one which causes the most changes with gravity, the effects of gravity of the Sun are only 1/20 of the moon's, so the galactic core would be even more less (however it plays a vital role in the spinning of the Earth and the effect they call ''wobble'' or something, the Earth changing its angle all the time, ofcourse very slowly). So what could the Sun and the Galactic Core cause to the Earth, I don't think that much, but there are many things proven by scientists and some will be undoubtly right, we can only await, since this didn't happen before in the human's lifetime.

But the Earth destroyed? No, massive damage maybe, but not destroyed. Nature will recover itself eventually.

Well I'm not 100% sure, I'm going to do some research now, but first I'll read the link of afstandopleren.

@ afstandopleren, I've read your link. And I must say it's worthy to read. It doesn't clear up a lot about 2012 and the Maya Calendar, but also about life, what we're causing at the moment, but that just doesn't reach most people, they just don't care. Our worst enemy is ourselves, and I'll a day coming we'll destroy ourselves if we don't change quickly.
It just clears the confusion that people have with people thinking that the Mayans predicted the end of the World...which are sadly a lot of people. But yes, the Mayans knew a buttload of things. Not just about planets, orbits and stuff, but also about life, what the influences of positive and negative are in a person's life and more.

I personally think that the people that actually bother to read it and take it to heart, are at least 1 step ahead of those that struggle against the change . A lot of people have a hard time with any kind of new information being presented (It's sad but true), but by providing a link, those kind of people will not get the feeling they are being fed new stuff by force (I bet you wouldn't like it either, but it happens at every school to this day).
i say in my own opinion that what evre happens is gona happen eventuly and theres no stoping iif its destin to happen it will.
just my opinion
Hogwash, pure hogwash. Maybe the manetic poles will reverse, but that's no major problem. First off:

The mayans were reasonable, and they didn't expect to let the calendar rot until it ends and make a new one. They would have made a new one every now and then.

Then, when a calendar ends,it's not like we freak out. When December ends, we don't think the world will end, just the cycle will repeat, and that's the way the Mayan calendar works. When it ends, it will be the exact alignment of the planets, and mish mash as it was back then, so the calendar just restarts.

Also: of all of the research I have done, I never found any evidence that Mayans thought the world would end. The media infers it to install panic in the public, thus jacking up the ratings, while still being true.
picklelicker129 said:
Hogwash, pure hogwash. Maybe the manetic poles will reverse, but that's no major problem. First off:
If the magnetic poles will reverse that will be a major problem! That will mean the Earth will rotate in a whole different angle. Suddenly the poles turned to the Sun, obviously they will melt. If Tropical forest are at the place of the poles, all the plants will die and the life around. And not talking about sea life, ocean currents will stop and some will reverse or turn a different direction, they wont carry any warm air anymore. This will mean massive extinction for most of Earth's life. And all the geologic disasters that maybe will happen? Anyway, we should not see reversing of the poles as ''not'' a major problem.

picklelicker129 said:
The mayans were reasonable, and they didn't expect to let the calendar rot until it ends and make a new one. They would have made a new one every now and then.

Then, when a calendar ends,it's not like we freak out. When December ends, we don't think the world will end, just the cycle will repeat, and that's the way the Mayan calendar works. When it ends, it will be the exact alignment of the planets, and mish mash as it was back then, so the calendar just restarts.
I doubt that, they couldn't finish their calendar I've read too, but if it was finished I've never read all the planets are at the same position again, because this wouldn't be possible. Only give a look at the Moon, since the escape velocity carries her more and more away from Earth every year the Moon never will be on the same spot again. And so with other planets, their orbits and our whole galaxy.

picklelicker129 said:
Also: of all of the research I have done, I never found any evidence that Mayans thought the world would end. The media infers it to install panic in the public, thus jacking up the ratings, while still being true.
You weren't able to find it because they didn't think like that. It's not the world will be destroyed, it's we are entering a new cycle of life, the cycle of the fifth Sun I think. And the Mayans had their predictions about the fifth Sun too, everything would be better and we would life along with Mother Nature instead of disturbing her... (they were somewhat right about this...)
Pokequaza said:
If the magnetic poles will reverse that will be a major problem! That will mean the Earth will rotate in a whole different angle. Suddenly the poles turned to the Sun, obviously they will melt. If Tropical forest are at the place of the poles, all the plants will die and the life around. And not talking about sea life, ocean currents will stop and some will reverse or turn a different direction, they wont carry any warm air anymore. This will mean massive extinction for most of Earth's life. And all the geologic disasters that maybe will happen? Anyway, we should not see reversing of the poles as ''not'' a major problem.

WHAT?!! If the magnetic poles reverse, that won't effect the planets orbit.
Pokequaza said:
If the magnetic poles will reverse that will be a major problem! That will mean the Earth will rotate in a whole different angle. Suddenly the poles turned to the Sun, obviously they will melt. If Tropical forest are at the place of the poles, all the plants will die and the life around. And not talking about sea life, ocean currents will stop and some will reverse or turn a different direction, they wont carry any warm air anymore. This will mean massive extinction for most of Earth's life. And all the geologic disasters that maybe will happen? Anyway, we should not see reversing of the poles as ''not'' a major problem.

Uhh.... you do realize that the magnetic poles have nothing to do with the rotation of the Earth, and have actually flipped several times before now? Learn your science before you post.
omahanime said:
Pokequaza said:
If the magnetic poles will reverse that will be a major problem! That will mean the Earth will rotate in a whole different angle. Suddenly the poles turned to the Sun, obviously they will melt. If Tropical forest are at the place of the poles, all the plants will die and the life around. And not talking about sea life, ocean currents will stop and some will reverse or turn a different direction, they wont carry any warm air anymore. This will mean massive extinction for most of Earth's life. And all the geologic disasters that maybe will happen? Anyway, we should not see reversing of the poles as ''not'' a major problem.
WHAT?!! If the magnetic poles reverse, that won't effect the planets orbit.
True, but where did I say I would effect the planet's orbit?

DarthPika said:
Pokequaza said:
If the magnetic poles will reverse that will be a major problem! That will mean the Earth will rotate in a whole different angle. Suddenly the poles turned to the Sun, obviously they will melt. If Tropical forest are at the place of the poles, all the plants will die and the life around. And not talking about sea life, ocean currents will stop and some will reverse or turn a different direction, they wont carry any warm air anymore. This will mean massive extinction for most of Earth's life. And all the geologic disasters that maybe will happen? Anyway, we should not see reversing of the poles as ''not'' a major problem.
Uhh.... you do realize that the magnetic poles have nothing to do with the rotation of the Earth, and have actually flipped several times before now? Learn your science before you post.
I know they flipped before, but there are theorys this happened several times before. In fact they have to do with the rotation, or the rotation angle. Ah I think you get my point wrong, the poles could flip, but I meant they would more change position, not flipping but like the North Pole is at the place by South America near the equator and the South Pole obviously at the other side, somewhere near China for example. At least they say this is possible, and if, then we will have big trouble.
Pokequaza said:
WHAT?!! If the magnetic poles reverse, that won't effect the planets orbit.
True, but where did I say I would effect the planet's orbit?

DarthPika said:
Uhh.... you do realize that the magnetic poles have nothing to do with the rotation of the Earth, and have actually flipped several times before now? Learn your science before you post.
I know they flipped before, but there are theorys this happened several times before. In fact they have to do with the rotation, or the rotation angle. Ah I think you get my point wrong, the poles could flip, but I meant they would more change position, not flipping but like the North Pole is at the place by South America near the equator and the South Pole obviously at the other side, somewhere near China for example. At least they say this is possible, and if, then we will have big trouble.

The poles moving like you said is highly illogical, it has to do with magnetic fields, a magnet's magnetic field doesn't just suddenly change it's polarity position does it? No, it doesn't, and the poles are like the ends of a giant magnet, so they won't flip spontaneously like you're saying.
koolkidkaz said:
really, the apocalypse is coming one way or the other, and the Myans said it'll be in 2012, so it might, it might not. Depends on if time and space (and Arceus) are really that predictable, that you can for see the complete obliteration of your own species thousands of years before advanced astronomy was invented.

The coming of the Apocalypse will be so subtle; you won't even know whether he is the Apocalypse at first and the world won't end when he comes to power, it is just the beginning of the end. He will reign for a few years, sucking anyone to his side as much as possible, during this period, Christians are put to the test of their lives.

But the second coming of the Christ is the end of the world and when he sets things right. To me, “judgment day” isn’t about God sending bad people to Hell (this word would be probably be switched to another word) , it is the day he delivers and sets the universe right. NO, I do not believe that the world will end in 2012; even famous scientists claimed the world would end in 2000...and hello...we're still alive...
Even Albert Einstein tried to predict the end of the world.

So don't believe in any of those false predictions because I believe the end will come in a day people expect but in a day we don't think it would come. I'm not trying to sound like I'm so smart because of my religion, it is simply my opinion and no one has the right to accuse me for it.

Not even Christ knows when the end of the world is, only God knows. And I believe in God (please don't try to argue with me about this, I am Christian and nothing would change that).

Some people say, "If God is really coming, why couldn't he just come now and end all the suffering?"
I don't know of His plans but I know he can come right now but he doesn't because everyday he waits, a former enemy of His comes to be his friend, in other words they get to know him.

I'm sorry if I sound a little...you know...but I absolutely hate it when people- some scientists who think they know everything, predict that the world will end in this day or that year. It really gets to my nerves that they think they have the power to publish their theories as fact.

This is my opinion...I'm not saying everyone should have the same. I am merely stating my own thoughts. I don't even know when the end of the world is but I'm not going to waste my time in worrying about it, I leave it on His hands.
Cougar_Swimmer said:
The poles moving like you said is highly illogical, it has to do with magnetic fields, a magnet's magnetic field doesn't just suddenly change it's polarity position does it? No, it doesn't, and the poles are like the ends of a giant magnet, so they won't flip spontaneously like you're saying.
Well I don't believe in it either, but scientists today give you so many theories, you have to make up one for yourself if you want to be sure about it. But that sounds good, I'll do some research after what the effects of the gravity of the center of the galaxy have to do with Earth, and the Sun's gravity.

But about the magnetic field, this is caused by the poles aren't they? And they stay in place since the Earth rotates (well, you can imagine if the Earth spins around its axle the only logical way the gravitation field would be able to form is from pole to pole.) And we keep spinning by the Sun's gravity and probably the escape velocity and the Moon have to do with it too.

So by having the megnetic field disturbed (solar flares in 2012) and the lining up with the Sun and the center of the Galaxy, I really do not believe it'll destroy the Earth but this isn't something we shouldn't be worried about, but I do think it's even worthy to do some research in the things which seem illogical or where you don't believe in.
But you have to know there's a different between scientists and scientists. People like Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein know/knew what they are talking about and admit they don't know anything and they won't. (of course not eve they are 99% sure, but at least they admit they aren't 99% sure and only tell it's a theory, and not a fact, unless it's proven many many times) And you have those creationists who claim they are well studied scientists like Ravi Zacharias, Kent Hovind and Casey Luskin and going on...

You have to make a difference between what's true and false, and most you can guess easily. But sadly most people can't, however do never let a theory with even only a little bit truth aside, there might be something true, and we'll blame ourselves if he/she was right back then. *sigh, a human is just too complicated...

We can predict the end of the world, not for far in the future, but before, when we can see what we're doing in helpless and we're doomed. Until now, only we can destroy ourselves...

Anyway I see you like to believe, but don't you think we should act instead of believing? Shouldn't we try to save ourselves with the technology and our brains evolved in those many years? *Just a question, no offend :3*
First of all, I'm sorry for your double post. I deleted my post so I could attach it to my older one, but I guess you posted yours quicker than I deleted mine. Sorry again, I made you double post...

GraveTheUndead said:
Hey guys guess what, Tomorrow's the last day on earth according to a person! We should so totally believe this and prepare ourselves!

Please don't mistake this for rudesness but:
Guess what, we're still here....

Pokequaza said:
But you have to know there's a different between scientists and scientists. People like Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein know/knew what they are talking about and admit they don't know anything and they won't. (of course not eve they are 99% sure, but at least they admit they aren't 99% sure and only tell it's a theory, and not a fact, unless it's proven many many times) And you have those creationists who claim they are well studied scientists like Ravi Zacharias, Kent Hovind and Casey Luskin and going on...

You have to make a difference between what's true and false, and most you can guess easily. But sadly most people can't, however do never let a theory with even only a little bit truth aside, there might be something true, and we'll blame ourselves if he/she was right back then. *sigh, a human is just too complicated...

We can predict the end of the world, not for far in the future, but before, when we can see what we're doing in helpless and we're doomed. Until now, only we can destroy ourselves...

Anyway I see you like to believe, but don't you think we should act instead of believing? Shouldn't we try to save ourselves with the technology and our brains evolved in those many years? *Just a question, no offend :3*

Thank you for that insight. But I'm sorry; I can't believe we can try to save ourselves from the end of the world. It is beyond our hands, even if we can try to slow it down, we can't deny the earth is getting older by the day and like every living thing does, it will die at one point, so will human beings. It is nature. I don't claim I know all there is about science, but even the scientists can't deny there's a force behind all existence of the universe.

Even scientists can’t explain how atoms are made; they can’t explain how they are made to charge. Sure they know that if heat and friction comes in contact with the atom, they will one atom will discharge to the other but they still don't know how they are formed. Scientist don’t understand what energy is made of, they just know what can make energy.

We cannot simply believe that the earth just came out of nowhere without a purpose for it. Sometimes things happen for a reason, not all things that happen are God made because God wants us to have a happy life, it is our decision whether we want that, and sometimes we don't have a decision because God works in ways I myself can't explain. Yes, there is science in how the earth ends, that is true, but I think God can exceed science, because he created it and scientists just learn from it, but they deny the fact that it is God’s.

Think about this:

If we try to stop earth from dying, it might be the very cause of its death. We never know whether our actions lead to the very thing we dread. Sometimes we have premonitions, and we try to prevent them from happening, but sometimes we only make it worst.
This is just an observation.

However, I strongly believe that we should save the environment and keep things clean for our future generation, but as for stopping the end of the world, that is something not even the smartest man on earth couldn't do. Why? Because he is just human . Not even latest technology can stp it. Believe me, I have no idea how my words come propping up almost immediately in my head but I do know where they come from.

I believe in the end of the world, but I don’t believe it will come in a day we expect.

Again, these statements are just my opinion.

What gives me peace is that when the end comes I will see the Hope of this imperfect world and he will turn it into perfection, a place where there will be no more cruelty, sadness, tears, and suffering. God is real. Even Isaac Newton believed so.