2012? What do you think? Is it true?

2012 claim?

  • True.

    Votes: 10 9.2%
  • False.

    Votes: 99 90.8%

  • Total voters
Pokequaza said:
Tsukuyomi said:
The bible says that no one knows the day or the hour.

I'm the bible-believing type. :p
Oh yeah the Bible, the same book that also states a man was eaten by a fish and survived three days in its belly by praying.

Yep, that's it. Must have been a big fish.

This has gotten rather off-topic, hasn't it?
I would just like to say "Anything can be translated from the bible"(And any bible for that matter, Christian, Hebrew, Arabic)

Almost everything in the bible is an analogy. For example:

"Jesus walked on water"

It doesn't have to be literal, it could mean: "Jesus completed an impossible task"


"David beat the Golianth"

could mean

"David came against all odds triumphed in his task."

Even the rapture-what if it was similar to the Holocaust? What if people from another religion aren't left behind, but killed? Then those who are still alive would believe that they have arrived in Heaven.

Now to get back on topic- if it is the end of the world(Which I am sure is not true) I would imagine that it would come gradually. So that quote we have:
"The bible says that no one knows the day or the hour."
could stand for global warming happening over a period of time, or some other event slowly destroying the human race.

And when I said the planets will be aligned-I meant generally. I didn't mean they would being their exact spot, I just meant they would be in the same orbital positions as back then.

I'd bet more on the end of the world being the Grey Goo theory.
picklelicker129 said:
Now to get back on topic- if it is the end of the world(Which I am sure is not true) I would imagine that it would come gradually. So that quote we have:
"The bible says that no one knows the day or the hour."
could stand for global warming happening over a period of time, or some other event slowly destroying the human race.

And when I said the planets will be aligned-I meant generally. I didn't mean they would being their exact spot, I just meant they would be in the same orbital positions as back then.

I'd bet more on the end of the world being the Grey Goo theory.
Uhm... global warming is a normal effect. It's not only the exhaust fumes we release that causes it, it's mainly the increased Sun's activity from the last few years. In 2012 the Sun will be at its peak of increased activity and after that probably it'll take some years to decrease. And then, the (probably) last Ice Age of this period of Ice Ages will begin, after that we should worry, then is the period of Ice Ages finished and the snow and ice on the poles will completely dissappear. And reappear if the new period of Ice Ages begins.

About your orbit/alligning theory, well even if the planets are, the calendar still can't be re-used. And I doubt if all planets are at the same spots or even around. The Mayans were very precise and hardly made mistakes.
I spelled it wrong. Here is a passage taken from a Mayan site:

From: http://www.13moon.com/prophecy%20page.htm

'Earth and her inhabitants are currently travelling through the 13th baktun cycle - the final period of 1618-2012 AD. This cycle is known both as "the triumph of materialism" and "the transformation of matter." The Maya predicted this final baktun would be a time of great forgetting in which we drift very far from our sense of Oneness with Nature and experience a kind of collective amnesia. Like a memory virus in which we begin to believe the limited reality of appearances and grow dense to the spiritual essence which fuels this world, so humanity's sense of ego and domination has grown.

We entered this baktun cycle right after establishing the world wide coordination of Pope Gregory XIII's 12 month calendar system (1582) as well as the perfection of 12 hour 60-minute mechanical clock (1600), which had been evolving for centuries. These are no small matters. According to Valum Votan, these 2 instruments are what manifested humanity's "error in time" which is the following of artificial instruments of time that served to separate man apart from the rest of nature, operating by our own false timing frequency, to the detriment of the natural world.

The Gregorian calendar is not based on logic, science, or nature. It denies and covers up the true annual human biological cycle conserved in the body of woman. It is the current world standard because of the forceful issuance of this system upon conquered (indigenous) peoples who lost their land as well as their religious freedoms. The Gregorian calendar is a product of its predecessors - Julius Caesar's calendar and the earlier Roman Empire calendar.

The clock was the first existing machine - going on to become the heart of all machine technology to come.

The presence of the clock gave birth to the notion that time lies outside our bodies - that it can be tracked by a machine, and that we can sit and watch it "fly" by tick-tock as though it is something linear, containable, and separate from the organic, flowing process of life. The adherence to the clock for our sense of time and timing is noted as the greatest obstacle to allowing the full telepathic abilities of the human to flower.'
I am sorry, but this was the best that I could find. There isn't much out there. I just thought that the years in the cycle would help you to understand.
Tsukuyomi said:
Oh yeah the Bible, the same book that also states a man was eaten by a fish and survived three days in its belly by praying.

Yep, that's it. Must have been a big fish.

This has gotten rather off-topic, hasn't it?

Yes, it has.

It's impossible for that guy to survive being in the fish, because it's digestive fluids would have killed him within hours.
Paper PokeMaster said:
Yep, that's it. Must have been a big fish.

This has gotten rather off-topic, hasn't it?

Yes, it has.

It's impossible for that guy to survive being in the fish, because it's digestive fluids would have killed him within hours.

You people do realize that some of the stories in the Bible are JUST stories? :/

Use the Bible as a guide on how to get to Heaven, not a guide to how the universe works. Don't take everything in word for word. It's silly to do so.

Anyway... if anything ends in 2012, hopefully it will be these stupid threads. :p
Paper PokeMaster said:
Tsukuyomi said:
Pokequaza said:
Oh yeah the Bible, the same book that also states a man was eaten by a fish and survived three days in its belly by praying.

Yep, that's it. Must have been a big fish.

This has gotten rather off-topic, hasn't it?

Yes, it has.

It's impossible for that guy to survive being in the fish, because it's digestive fluids would have killed him within hours.
Uhm... not wondering if there would at least exist a fish so big it can swallow a human without hurting him ;P ?
Dudes, you're supposed to take 99% of the Bible as metaphorical (the fish is society, the dude being eaten is... I donno, you think of something) and the other 1% is supposed to be interpreted as vaguely describing actual events. You're doing it all wrong.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Dudes, you're supposed to take 99% of the Bible as metaphorical (the fish is society, the dude being eaten is... I donno, you think of something) and the other 1% is supposed to be interpreted as vaguely describing actual events. You're doing it all wrong.
I know, but then they should had made a book with some real scientific proved stuff in it. And not something full of nonsense where you have to make the meaning up by yourself. Well ofcourse back then they couldn't do that so I still don't get it why so many people have faith in a book just written by a few humans without any big knowledge of science.
Hey Pokequaza, I found something about the 13th zodiac that is on page 14. I think you may be interested to look at the years in the age.
And, I disagree with you Heavenly Spoon. Many of the events in the Bible were real. They have proved that the flood and the garden probably did exist since they were mentioned in so many of the world's other religions.
The flood? ._.

There is no evidence of a global flood ANYWHERE, ask any geologist or biologist. Just because all the religions copied eachother doesn't mean it's true.
The Bible is exactly what you'd expect it to be, a fictional book written based on the knowledge of the bronze age individuals of the time. I recommend actually reading the Bible before making claims like that. I swear, it has to be one of the silliest books ever written.

Also, on the topic of "OH NOES, THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!!", if anything's going to end the world, it's stuff like this. If we don't prepare for the future, there will be no future. Instead of living your life thinking it's all going to end in 2012 anyway, or thinking Jesus will come during your lifetime, think of the children, the future of humanity, the future of planet earth, and especially, your own future. If the world does end in 2012, nobody's gonna care. If it doesn't end in 2012, yet we all thought it would, we're screwed.
Muddy68 said:
Hey Pokequaza, I found something about the 13th zodiac that is on page 14. I think you may be interested to look at the years in the age.
And, I disagree with you Heavenly Spoon. Many of the events in the Bible were real. They have proved that the flood and the garden probably did exist since they were mentioned in so many of the world's other religions.

Page 14 of what? Another link (The right one this time) would be nice.
Muddy68 said:
Hey Pokequaza, I found something about the 13th zodiac that is on page 14. I think you may be interested to look at the years in the age.
And, I disagree with you Heavenly Spoon. Many of the events in the Bible were real. They have proved that the flood and the garden probably did exist since they were mentioned in so many of the world's other religions.
Well, I read that part, it didn't mention anything about the 13th zodiac only something about time and the history of clocks, and even there I can't agree with.

The flood is proved to bge false (as could be predicted). They did a test to see how many water was needed to fill the whole world with water. If only the poles and all other snow will melt the sea level would only raise for about 3 meters that's about 10 feet. So where does all the other water came from? And no, not even your god can create and make things dissappear.

And if the flood really existed, then you should explain me some more. Noah made an ark, a very big one where all animals who were able to breath by lungs would fit on, fish would be able to survive since they were able to swim. So that means all sea mammals must have been on that ark too, since whales do have lungs too. And I think it would have been a massive chaos then if he ever succeeded to make an ark that big, since there are still a lot of hungry carnivores on it. And where did the bugs go? Did they just drown and magically revived after the flood stopped? < This all makes the story so unbelievable and impossible...

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
There is no evidence of a global flood ANYWHERE, ask any geologist or biologist. Just because all the religions copied eachother doesn't mean it's true.
The Bible is exactly what you'd expect it to be, a fictional book written based on the knowledge of the bronze age individuals of the time. I recommend actually reading the Bible before making claims like that. I swear, it has to be one of the silliest books ever written.
Woow yes! Finally someone I can 100% agree with. And yes even though thinking it's silly, I still would read it, it's almost fun to read. ''Always know your enemies''
You have to realize what people of the time though the world was. A "global flood" would just be a really big flood in their part of the world. :/

Use your heads, make my life easier.
Pokequaza said:
Muddy68 said:
Hey Pokequaza, I found something about the 13th zodiac that is on page 14. I think you may be interested to look at the years in the age.
And, I disagree with you Heavenly Spoon. Many of the events in the Bible were real. They have proved that the flood and the garden probably did exist since they were mentioned in so many of the world's other religions.
Well, I read that part, it didn't mention anything about the 13th zodiac only something about time and the history of clocks, and even there I can't agree with.

The flood is proved to bge false (as could be predicted). They did a test to see how many water was needed to fill the whole world with water. If only the poles and all other snow will melt the sea level would only raise for about 3 meters that's about 10 feet. So where does all the other water came from? And no, not even your god can create and make things dissappear.

And if the flood really existed, then you should explain me some more. Noah made an ark, a very big one where all animals who were able to breath by lungs would fit on, fish would be able to survive since they were able to swim. So that means all sea mammals must have been on that ark too, since whales do have lungs too. And I think it would have been a massive chaos then if he ever succeeded to make an ark that big, since there are still a lot of hungry carnivores on it. And where did the bugs go? Did they just drown and magically revived after the flood stopped? < This all makes the story so unbelievable and impossible...
The insects were on the ship."...take two of every kind of creature that moves along the ground."Gen. 6:20.Insects creep along the ground,don't they?Sea mammals like whales could survive in the water,they don't need land to live on.The carnivores could have gone into hibernation during the forty days and forty nights.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
There is no evidence of a global flood ANYWHERE, ask any geologist or biologist. Just because all the religions copied eachother doesn't mean it's true.How do you explain how the Grand Canyon was form?A slow trickle over millions of years couldn't have carved a 90 degree turn into rock but a sudden burst of water could.Also can you explain how marine fossils were found on top of Mt. Everst?
The Bible is exactly what you'd expect it to be, a fictional book written based on the knowledge of the bronze age individuals of the time. I recommend actually reading the Bible before making claims like that. I swear, it has to be one of the silliest books ever written.
Woow yes! Finally someone I can 100% agree with. And yes even though thinking it's silly, I still would read it, it's almost fun to read. ''Always know your enemies''

DarthPika said:
You have to realize what people of the time though the world was. A "global flood" would just be a really big flood in their part of the world. :/

No,a global flood means the water filled the entire earth.But let just say it was a local flood,how was the water kept form dispersing into other areas?

Use your heads, make my life easier.
Replies in bold.
On topic:Nothing will happen on December 12,2012.Unless all of the retail stores suddenly run out of sales items for their Christmas sales.;)
Local floods happen all the time. Some of them can be miles and miles across. Nothing holds the waters back from going into other areas, they just go out and flow into the ocean when the flood waters die down.
Ah but the Bible says the waters rose above the mountains by twenty feet.Also God said he would destroy every thing on earth.How could he keep his promise of wiping out every thing on earth if the people and animals could just escape to another area?