Muddy68 said:
Hey Pokequaza, I found something about the 13th zodiac that is on page 14. I think you may be interested to look at the years in the age.
And, I disagree with you Heavenly Spoon. Many of the events in the Bible were real. They have proved that the flood and the garden probably did exist since they were mentioned in so many of the world's other religions.
Well, I read that part, it didn't mention anything about the 13th zodiac only something about time and the history of clocks, and even there I can't agree with.
The flood is proved to bge false (as could be predicted). They did a test to see how many water was needed to fill the whole world with water. If only the poles and all other snow will melt the sea level would only raise for about 3 meters that's about 10 feet. So where does all the other water came from? And no, not even your god can create and make things dissappear.
And if the flood really existed, then you should explain me some more. Noah made an ark, a very big one where all animals who were able to breath by lungs would fit on, fish would be able to survive since they were able to swim. So that means all sea mammals must have been on that ark too, since whales do have lungs too. And I think it would have been a massive chaos then if he ever succeeded to make an ark that big, since there are still a lot of hungry carnivores on it. And where did the bugs go? Did they just drown and magically revived after the flood stopped? < This all makes the story so unbelievable and impossible...
The insects were on the ship."...take two of every kind of creature that moves along the ground."Gen. 6:20.Insects creep along the ground,don't they?Sea mammals like whales could survive in the water,they don't need land to live on.The carnivores could have gone into hibernation during the forty days and forty nights.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
There is no evidence of a global flood ANYWHERE, ask any geologist or biologist. Just because all the religions copied eachother doesn't mean it's true.How do you explain how the Grand Canyon was form?A slow trickle over millions of years couldn't have carved a 90 degree turn into rock but a sudden burst of water could.Also can you explain how marine fossils were found on top of Mt. Everst?
The Bible is exactly what you'd expect it to be, a fictional book written based on the knowledge of the bronze age individuals of the time. I recommend actually reading the Bible before making claims like that. I swear, it has to be one of the silliest books ever written.
Woow yes! Finally someone I can 100% agree with. And yes even though thinking it's silly, I still would read it, it's almost fun to read.
''Always know your enemies''