3DS Discussion Thread

only a couple days until Mario Kart 7 is released who's excited? xD I'm trying to get it for Christmas but I don't mind reading spoilers :3
I created a community for PB on MK7, this way we may want to have tournaments or just race together casually.

The number is 61-5941-2631-6404
Well, the new update is up! I've just finished updating and now to try the camera....

It's fun, but I guess I'll have to talk louder if I want it to hear me from the other side of the room. Pretty nifty feature which my younger cousins are probably going to use a lot.

Stop motion animation. Nifty stuff. Can't wait for the eShop to come back up. A Star Fox, 3D Land, or Mario Kart demo would be awesome, but probably unlikely. Still, revamps are always cool.
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yah I got the update too ^^ (um now how do you load photo's and Videos to the computer because I have like alot of them and my system is slowing down..... mainly there from my sister's dsi right before she traded up :/)
I am still really sad that Megaman Legends 3 was canned, that was going to be the game that was going to make me go out and buy a 3DS. Let's just hope that Capcom will come to their senses ans go ahead and continue working on it!
Dual-stick 3DS add-on due in Feb. for $20

So apparently it's a Gamestop exclusive? What's up with that? I guess the extra stick isn't quite necessary?
Um....no I will not be getting that lol...I don't like it one bit and I don't care for Metal Gear or Resident Evil...so nope. What is the supposed date for Paper Mario 3DS? Also Luigi's Mansion 2? Anyone know....
Just the tentative 2012. If this is Nintendo's Q1 lineup, I speculate nothing until E3. Then one of those for a Summer game, and of those for November.

Circle Pad Pro looks pretty nifty. I'll buy it whenever I get Kid Icarus, if it still supports that.
This new update guys is da bomb... T~T I'm so happy there's another Find Mii game! I LOVE Find Mii and this second one looks awesome!
I have yet to beat the first find mii twice ..... there's sooo many hats o_O I'm at that ultimate ghost second time around on find mii (the OoT puzzle looks hard too :/ I'm almost done with 3 panels and the 4/5 one is half complete each but OoT.....)
catutie said:
Um....no I will not be getting that lol...I don't like it one bit and I don't care for Metal Gear or Resident Evil...so nope. What is the supposed date for Paper Mario 3DS? Also Luigi's Mansion 2? Anyone know....

Luigi's Mansion 2:
Pre-Orders: Estimated release date: 12/31/2012

I don't like the new circle pad.
Nengeni said:
Luigi's Mansion 2:
Pre-Orders: Estimated release date: 12/31/2012

I don't like the new circle pad.

O_O next year?! Too far away!! I guess Paper Mario has to be a doozy
catutie said:
O_O next year?! Too far away!! I guess Paper Mario has to be a doozy

No, it's just "estimated". All it means is that it comes probably in 2012. They can't put something like 6.31.2011 because if it wasn't true customers would get angry.
8 minute long trailer for KH; Dream Drop Distance;


Tentative release date is 2012 for USA, March for Japan. Must. Have.

Anyone know anything about The World Ends With You characters being in KH3D? I heard somewhere that the characters out of TWEWY are going to be in Kingdom Hears 3D

EDIT: Silly me didnt watch the trailer before posting it, and the icon headphone wearing character (forgot his name) can be seen at 0:52
It's Neku Sakuraba (he even says his name in th trailer... it's said twice...). And if you haven't played TWEwY you REALLY should.
Joshua, Shiki, Beat and Rhyme are there too. <3
Hmm, Kingdom Hearts looks like a purchase (well it has been since I heard about it). I still haven't gotten SM3DL or MK7 OR anything else for that matter.

Suddenly, the Vita started to suck and the 3DS became awesome <3
Teal said:
It's Neku Sakuraba (he even says his name in th trailer... it's said twice...). And if you haven't played TWEwY you REALLY should.
Joshua, Shiki, Beat and Rhyme are there too. <3

Shhh, I'm allowed to forget names sometimes :p

The World Ends With You was an amazing game. Personally my favorite non-Pokemon game on DS. I'd love to see a sequel or something along those lines, the concept was amazing and extremely original. I wonder who's idea it was to incorporate TWEWY in KH, very strange crossover. Oh well :p

I still have to get MK7 and Pokemon Rumble Blast, I'll probably pick it up later this month for my birthday or something like that. Was the new Mario Brothers or whatever it was that came out on 3DS good? I might pick that up too if it was good.