3DS Discussion Thread

SUper Mario Land 3D is da bomb. I beat wold 1 in like 10minutes! And then let my dad play it. I haven't gotten back snice. xD
But i think I'll get this KH game, because everyone's like "DUDE PLAY IT!" and cause there's TWEWY in the mix xD
Zorua said:
Shhh, I'm allowed to forget names sometimes :p

The World Ends With You was an amazing game. Personally my favorite non-Pokemon game on DS. I'd love to see a sequel or something along those lines, the concept was amazing and extremely original. I wonder who's idea it was to incorporate TWEWY in KH, very strange crossover. Oh well :p

I still have to get MK7 and Pokemon Rumble Blast, I'll probably pick it up later this month for my birthday or something like that. Was the new Mario Brothers or whatever it was that came out on 3DS good? I might pick that up too if it was good.

I can answer that since I own all three of those games :p

Super Mario 3D Land: Wellllllll it's Mario Galaxy in 3D with a feel of SMBWii whish is the only reason I didn't end up throwing this game out a window (I don't like any of the galaxy games...I just don't). The game is really good although the bosses aren't that great (Same bosses every time?! LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME BE INVENTIVE, remember SMB DS? Those bosses were awesome and were inventive...not the same boss 5 times in a different room). I do think it's to easy though...it took me 2 days to get through the 16 worlds....ya...easy. Only one I had a problem with was the first level that has the panels that flip when you jump and the stupid giant Mario following you at the same time, but then I just got a Tanuki suit and got through it easy. There aren't many new suits...even then you have had them before. The boomerang suit was in some other Mario game...I think it was Mario 3 on SNES. The last level in 3 is what makes this game amazing...oh god...I played it like 4 times just to take in everything there was to take in. It's amazing, overall an awesome game that is worth it.

Pokemon Rumble Blast: Welp...did you like Pokemon Rumble? Well put some steroids in it and you got Pokemon Rumble Blast. Remember how empty you felt inside when it was only gen 1 and 4...well now you have gen 1-5 in the game and you don't feel empty. Looks wise....well....I guess it's worth it. The most 3Dey thing is when you are switching your pokemon....ya....not too great but what ever. The thing that really impressed me was actually the intro. It looks amazing. The boss at the end is....stupid but what ever. The new team battle thing is actually pretty awesome. I like having the other 2 pokemon fighting with me even if they are computer controlled. The group rush thing is...stupid. It's waaaaaay to easy and pretty pointless. If I can beat it first time every time...it's not that good of an element. It's a fun game and the plot is ok (Ya...it actually has a plot). It's worth it if you are really into Pokemon games but other than that it's a rental.

Mario Kart 7: Did you like Mario Kart Wii? Well this is the same game I mean whaaaa this is totally different yo. I mean now you can like...change your tires and your body kit to make it...semi personalized, and there is flying (The flying is awesome actually...It's what makes it worth it or else I wouldn't recommend this game...because it's just Mario Kart Wii) and remember that water you were always afraid of? WELL FEAR NO MORE because you can go under water....convinced? Well um....good because I got nothing else for ya. Seriously...this is Mario Kart Wii on Vitamin C...ya...not too different. The only thing that was really different was the Spotpass and Streetpass ghost things...which is awesome. Every time you pass someone or a certain spot you get a ghost data...but it's not just 1 ghost no it's 7 ghosts all at the same time that you race. So it's a ghost data that is an actual race. It makes me want to go walk around town just to get more of them. Over all it's a good game...because it's a copy of an awesome game that is Mario Kart Wii. If your a die hard Mario Kart fan or just are craving a good racing game on the 3DS...then get this. If not you could really just pass it up and keep playing MKWii....
I got rumble blast for Christmas :D (wow I'm really behind in keeping up with the games D:) so far it's pretty cool (imo it Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2.0 lol.....) I like the toy pokemon and I can't wait to see what other features it has (yes people I only play for like 20min and beat lvl. 1 *EPIC FAIL* lol)
For 3DS games, I got Tetris Axis, Mario Kart 7 and Pokemon Rumble Blast, but all I've played so far is Tetris Axis. (SO ADDICTIVE)
:O wow (I was hoping to get it oh well *looks at wallet* I'll just have to buy it >=D)

my bro got Super Mario 3d land and starfox 64 3d I'ma going to try it out soon seeing he's taking a nap xP
^ get pokedex 3d

it's free and awesome :3 also you can still download The Legend of Zelda: Four Sword for free I think.... I highly recommend you getting both ;D
He should get all the free applications/games on the eShop. I mean, they are free aren't they?
^ exactly

and if you update your system then you can get another free app :D it's called swapnote and it's basically nintendo e-mail/picto chat that only works with friends.....
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but am I the only who hates where the D-pad is located? I mean, it's just when I was playing Tetris Axis erlier, it was really frusturating because I have big hands, so it's difficult for me hold my 3DS the correct way and play with the D-pad, I need to check and see if there's an option to use the circle pad instead. >=(

EDIT: just checked, there isn't!
Honestly...in all the games I have played I have yet to use the D-pad. It's too....um....much of an stretch to get to it. Your thumb pretty much auto rests on the circle pad so I just never use it...
Ok, I have 'Dex 3D, but when I scan AR markers, it adds them to the Sticker Book, but it doesn't add the Pokemon to the actual 'Dex. Anyone know why?
That is the way it works. Only certain legendaries are accessible by scanning in the QR code thingy.
I feel bad. Somebody got my Pokemon Rumble. I feel bad for them wasting their money on me. The gameplay is an absolute snore. It feels more painful than the original... having the screen next to the buttons really makes you realize that you are only pushing the same buttons throughout the entire game. There are few changes since the original one. The collection system feels better, but if I want to collect Pokemon, I'll play Pokemon Black/White. The game isn't even that great for a button masher: the best strategy is to run at your opponent and attack. There is very little thought involved in the gameplay. Just attack and move when you need to. I understand what they want to do with graphics, but the models are choppy and some of them are really hard to look at. The graphics designers got lazy. They could clean up the models while still keeping those models look toy-like. It isn't that hard. The original is easy a better buy... you'll get more value for your money. Pokemon Rumble Blast is an absolute skip... there's just no value worth getting.

Just had to do that :) I'm loving my 3DS otherwise... and all two games that I actually like on it. MK7 is good (with amazing online), and OoT is still a fantastic game. Can't wait for more games to come out. I may eventually pick up Mario Land, but when I tested it on another person's 3DS, it was obnoxiously easy. I despise games like that -- ones that pander to the worst echelon of players to appeal to all players. Mario is meant to be difficult. If they were copying the style of Super Mario Land, they'd make it difficult. GAAAAAAAAAAH
I'm on World 3 right now, and it's still ridiculously easy. I hear it stays that way until World 9. It's a good game, other than the difficulty though.
Zero said:
I may eventually pick up Mario Land, but when I tested it on another person's 3DS, it was obnoxiously easy.

I can attest to this. If you're looking for a challenging game, do not pick up Super Mario 3D Land.

I'm loving my 3DS. I have PRB (which is okay), MK7 (awesome), Super Mario 3D Land (easy but fun), and OoT (still fun as always). The 3D function is hard to deal with sometimes, so I just have periods of time where I have it on and off. The D-Pad on the bottom left part is a bit annoying (especially when you are trying to play reg. DS/DS Lite games), but still fine nonetheless.

BTW, has anyone seen a lower quality picture when playing DS/DS Lite games? My Mario Kart DS has a blurrier view when I play it, but I am still capable of playing it.