3DS Discussion Thread

^ yes the ds games have more pixels DX (I notice it when I play Fire Emblem and Pokemon White the most....) it has something to do with screen differences or something like that but I don't really care too much xP

pokemon rumble blast is awesome :D easy.... but awesome xD (I wanna battle other people that's when it's going to get hard xP)

my little bro has SML and well I haven't played it yet but it's he loves it :/
Zero said:
I feel bad. Somebody got my Pokemon Rumble. I feel bad for them wasting their money on me. The gameplay is an absolute snore. It feels more painful than the original... having the screen next to the buttons really makes you realize that you are only pushing the same buttons throughout the entire game. There are few changes since the original one. The collection system feels better, but if I want to collect Pokemon, I'll play Pokemon Black/White. The game isn't even that great for a button masher: the best strategy is to run at your opponent and attack. There is very little thought involved in the gameplay. Just attack and move when you need to. I understand what they want to do with graphics, but the models are choppy and some of them are really hard to look at. The graphics designers got lazy. They could clean up the models while still keeping those models look toy-like. It isn't that hard. The original is easy a better buy... you'll get more value for your money. Pokemon Rumble Blast is an absolute skip... there's just no value worth getting.

Just had to do that :) I'm loving my 3DS otherwise... and all two games that I actually like on it. MK7 is good (with amazing online), and OoT is still a fantastic game. Can't wait for more games to come out. I may eventually pick up Mario Land, but when I tested it on another person's 3DS, it was obnoxiously easy. I despise games like that -- ones that pander to the worst echelon of players to appeal to all players. Mario is meant to be difficult. If they were copying the style of Super Mario Land, they'd make it difficult. GAAAAAAAAAAH

Yaaaaaa as I said PRB is just PR with a plot and a ridiculous boss. The Pokemon look the same as PR and the landscape too....it's the same game but they added all the Pokemon.

SML is very VERY easy....only certain levels are really hard (mostly the ones with the giant shadow Mario and trying to get the big coins while that guy is following you....) but I still ended the game with about 63 lives....ya....lame
catutie said:
Yaaaaaa as I said PRB is just PR with a plot and a ridiculous boss. The Pokemon look the same as PR and the landscape too....it's the same game but they added all the Pokemon.

SML is very VERY easy....only certain levels are really hard (mostly the ones with the giant shadow Mario and trying to get the big coins while that guy is following you....) but I still ended the game with about 63 lives....ya....lame

While SM3DL is for the most part easy, the hardest part would be the very last level which is 10X harder than all the other levels. Oh Catutie you can just get Crown Crown Crown lives by doing the 1up shell trick in regular 1-2.
Lol...what? I have never heard of that trick. I just got one ups by easy coins and getting the top of that flag pole.

The last level isn't that hard. It's the same thing as world 8 and the last level on there. It's just Mario Galaxy all over again. You beat the game then you beat all the levels again with certain conditions...then you fight the same boss and win...easy.
I got Mario Kart 7 yesterday and it's pretty stellar. I haven't done online, but I just finished 150cc and have unlocked all of the characters. That leaves me with my only complaint, don't read if you don't want to know the end characters.

Seriously, what is up with the cast? My absolute favorite, Dry Bones, is no where to be sen and has been replaced by Metal Mario, Wiggler, and Honey Queen. Honey Queen. No Waluigi, no Dry Bones, no King Boo, no Bowser Jr... and you give us Honey Queen?!? I didn't even know she had a name, she's such an unimportant character. Metal Mario is a clone waste of a spot and Wiggler is pretty dull. The end cast was underwhelming and felt like a gimmick. Shy Guy and Lakitu are nice additions, but the others are terrible. I hope there are spotpass characters in the future so I can have Dry Bones back :/
Here's a video of a guy doing the 1up trick.
Once you start then it pretty much just keeps doing it by itself. And if you die because of the clock you always have the flag which is right next to it.

Also I was talking about the secret final level that you unlock by Beating all the levels as Mario and Luigi, getting all the star coins, and getting all the golden flagpoles. And once you do this you unlock that secret final level.
I got my nice-looking Zelda edition 3DS and OoT for Christmas, and boy does the game look nice with these graphical improvements, and then there's the whole 3D thing. I should probably pick up another game like Mario Kart soon though, since honestly a game that I've already beaten doesn't really draw my attention as much as a new game. Now if this were Majora's Mask, I bet I'd be playing a bit more... But that aside, Ocarina of Time 3D is still great, no matter how many times you've beaten the original, and I feel like a cool kid playing it on a Zelda-themed 3DS.
Legend said:
Here's a video of a guy doing the 1up trick.
Once you start then it pretty much just keeps doing it by itself. And if you die because of the clock you always have the flag which is right next to it.

Also I was talking about the secret final level that you unlock by Beating all the levels as Mario and Luigi, getting all the star coins, and getting all the golden flagpoles. And once you do this you unlock that secret final level.

Huh....I didn't think that really mattered :p. I thought I would just do it for the heck of it...then PRB started calling my name...and now I'm trying to get to all the top level things completed.

On the MK7 character selection....yaaaaa they sucked badly on this time around.

Wiggler was needed...and Shy Guy and Lakitu are good too but Queen Bee?! What in the....they were desperate for no reason. Even Dry Bowser made more sense than Queen Bee....and Metal Mario was stupid to put in. They blew it on the characters. I would have loved Dry Bones...but no...we got Queen Bee. WHAT IN THE MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS GOOD....WHY QUEEN BEE?!
Got MK7 yesterday, really, really fun. I must say that the character selection does indeed suck prettty bad (here's hoping for DLC characters), but the tracks are awesome. Who else died upon seeing Rainbow Road?

Also, I wish there were more to the characters besides their look and standard kart. I honestly cannot fathom why Specials haven't been brought back from DD, it would add so much personality and fun to the game (not that it doesn't have any of that already).

I'd give it a 9.2 out of 10, the new online mode is sweet (BALLOON BATTLES SON), the tracks are awesome, the characters suck (but my main turtle, Koopa is in here, so I'm satisfied), but above all, it-is-a-BLAST! BUY IT NOW
I want it so bad ;-; but other tings take priority over my $35 (just enough to get the game >:| i.e Next destines prerelease Noble victories stuff catcher and I wanna save some for Regs in the spring :/...) I might get it.... thinking I can sell some of my cards

yeah I was playing SML then compared it to 6 Golden Coins..... on the difficulty scale there's no competition xP lol
I want to talk about stuff about my 3DS, so here I go.

On MK7, I won three cups. Just for playing 50cc in courses, those are so easy. xP
In SML, I'm in World 4, I think. this game is way too easy. I love playing it, through.

I recently got my 3DS and 3DS games, so I'm still at the bottom, the very beginning.
I want MK7 too, but in here I think it is way more expensive than where all of you live.
I have seen the character selection (I HAZ GOT SPOILEHD), and it´s reeeeeeeeeeally bad. Wiggler isn´t so bad, but I would prefer if he only had to arms instead of the other 2 extra arms he has. When I see videos with him I ALWAYS think he is gonna fly without a glider. >_> Metal Mario...bleh, just an uneccesary filler. Honey Queen...She isn´t even important, at least they should have put, I don´t know, the Luma that is under Mario´s Hat? But Lakitu and Shy Guy are actually good options. Lakitu, dear, dear Lakitu...I love his laugh when he does tricks, and if I get MK7 I see myslef using him oftenly.

So yah, they could at least have kept Bowser Jr., Dry Bowser, Diddy Kong, Dry Bones, Baby M and probably Baby L (But NOT the female babies), Waluigi, King Boo and probably Birdo.
Not sure if we've got a Canadian population here but if you havn't checked it out, Sears is selling ALL video games for 50% off until the 31st. I went there to get New Super Mario Bros Wii but it was all sold out. They did have some Zelda and Pokemon rumbles left. I think I'll head out and pick up Zelda since I havn't played that one. Either that or I'll just price match it at walmart and get super mario 3d at that cheap price too then.
MK7 seems to be all the rage right now. The only problem is the characters...I just can't get over how bad it is. I know I already talked about it...but Queen Bee was in 1 level from Mario Galaxy 2....ONE LEVEL. It's not like she was like someone how viable to the plot or left a memorable impression....you just crawl all over her body and get all the Silver stars....that's it....nothing more.

I have been wanting special weapons since DD...I was shocked and sad when they weren't in MKWii. DD was very much so one of the best racing games out there. The co-op was amazing (sitting on the back and punching people...favorite part of that game), the special weapons were inventive and awesome (Babies Chain Chomp <3), the characters were obvious and balanced (That is a little arguable with King Boo and Petty being able to use an special...), The levels were memorable and fun (BABY PARK PEOPLE...IT HAD BABY PARK....wait....WHY HAS THAT LEVEL NEVER COME BACK?!?!?!?!). It was just an amazing game that was near perfect....and the quality of Mario Kart has dropped since then :/.
Baby Park was in Mario Kart DS... Jussayin'.

However I do agree with you that Double Dash was the best Mario Kart game and they need to bring back features from it...
Yup. I still have it. And I love it.

But- what I can't stand is that-- they took away Bomb battles. I missed those so much. Why didn't you bring it back, Mario Kart?
TheOtterBoy said:
I want MK7 too, but in here I think it is way more expensive than where all of you live.
I have seen the character selection (I HAZ GOT SPOILEHD), and it´s reeeeeeeeeeally bad. Wiggler isn´t so bad, but I would prefer if he only had to arms instead of the other 2 extra arms he has. When I see videos with him I ALWAYS think he is gonna fly without a glider. >_> Metal Mario...bleh, just an uneccesary filler. Honey Queen...She isn´t even important, at least they should have put, I don´t know, the Luma that is under Mario´s Hat? But Lakitu and Shy Guy are actually good options. Lakitu, dear, dear Lakitu...I love his laugh when he does tricks, and if I get MK7 I see myslef using him oftenly.

So yah, they could at least have kept Bowser Jr., Dry Bowser, Diddy Kong, Dry Bones, Baby M and probably Baby L (But NOT the female babies), Waluigi, King Boo and probably Birdo.
I know,i couldn't understand why they left out those characters, specially waluigi. The other thing i miss is the single player Vs. mode. Also isn't there a pokebeach community for mario kart 7?
I got Super Mario 3D Land a couple of days ago. It's really fun, it's just a lot of the levels seem a bit easy and the worlds seem really short. It would be interesting if there was a Master Quest like thing, with the levels flipped and more enemies.

I also got a couple of Gamestop giftcards recently, I'm planning to get Mario Kart 7, but is Star Fox 64 3D good? I never played the original.
I played starfox recently.... I really like it there are several paths you can take (so if you fail certain missions than you take a different path than if you succeeded) and after you beat the game you can redo any level and take the other paths etc. plus the wireless battles are really fun and the storyline + graphics are great the only problem is..... I beat it in a day.... yeah :/ it can challenging it's just.... short.....
A question about Mario Kart 7.

So I've joined a few communities but there are some in my recommended one that I havn't joined. One example is the Banana one. The reason I havn't joined that is because I'm not sure if I would be allowed to leave it after. Anyways, going by the name I'm assuming the only items possible are bananas in that group? If so, is there a group where the only items you can get are blue shells? Cause that would be an awesome race...