3DS Discussion Thread

The one thing that really REALLY hurts my eyes is 3D pictures...I don't know why but it's hard for me to look at them....
catutie said:
The one thing that really REALLY hurts my eyes is 3D pictures...I don't know why but it's hard for me to look at them....

OH MY GOSH THE 3D PICTURES! Not all of them are bad, but the other day I was sending my friend a picture of a drawing of Eelektrik and Magnezone, via Swapnote and when I turned the 3D on, IT HURT LIKE CRAZY! I even had to write in the Swapnote "Don't turn the 3D on, it hurts!"
The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
OH MY GOSH THE 3D PICTURES! Not all of them are bad, but the other day I was sending my friend a picture of a drawing of Eelektrik and Magnezone, via Swapnote and when I turned the 3D on, IT HURT LIKE CRAZY! I even had to write in the Swapnote "Don't turn the 3D on, it hurts!"

I think it's just that impromptu 3D for it to register...makes it go over board and then it just makes it weird. Don't get me wrong....if you get it at the right angle it will be some awesome 3D...but it hurts badly xD
...I need all of the people that have a 3DS to help me. Right away.

Okay. I'm thinking of getting a 3DS. But I read somewhere that the 3DS was the best fluke of the season! Now I'm not so sure... and with the price drop down to 180$, I could get the system and problebly two games. But then there is that best fluke thing again.

What is your opinion? Should I get it? Or should I wait untill Nintendo does something amazing to it?
shiny umbreon said:
...I need all of the people that have a 3DS to help me. Right away.

Okay. I'm thinking of getting a 3DS. But I read somewhere that the 3DS was the best fluke of the season! Now I'm not so sure... and with the price drop down to 180$, I could get the system and problebly two games. But then there is that best fluke thing again.

What is your opinion? Should I get it? Or should I wait untill Nintendo does something amazing to it?

If you weren't going to buy the 3DS, what else are you debating on? If you're trying to decide whether PS Vita or 3DS, that's a different story. If you wan't to know whether it's worth it or not to get a 3DS, I'll answer that.

The 3DS itself is not the problem when referred to as a "fluke", it's the support that the 3DS has going for. The 3DS's initial lineup was very poor, and hasn't seen many great releases since. In my opinion, the only "good" games for the 3DS are Street Fighter 4 3D, The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Rumble Blast, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land. Note, these are all first part titles spare Street Fighter. Nintendo also hasn't released information on any major titles coming out this year, so the 3DS still doesn't have any of those "I bought this system just for this game" titles.

Honestly, I bought the 3DS on launch day for the original $250, and I don't feel like I've gotten my money's worth yet. Even the whole Ambassador Program really doesn't make up for that. At $180 though, I feel like the 3DS is very reasonable, has a few decent games here and there, but has the same chance of flopping this year, or making a huge impact.

The decision really is up to you though. When deciding to purchase it or not, ask yourself why you're buying it. If you're buying it for only 1-2 games, wait until the system gets some better support later on. Otherwise, if you plan to be using a lot of its features, go right ahead.
shiny umbreon said:
...I need all of the people that have a 3DS to help me. Right away.

Okay. I'm thinking of getting a 3DS. But I read somewhere that the 3DS was the best fluke of the season! Now I'm not so sure... and with the price drop down to 180$, I could get the system and problebly two games. But then there is that best fluke thing again.

What is your opinion? Should I get it? Or should I wait untill Nintendo does something amazing to it?

Yeah, like Zorua mentioned, the 3DS's game selection is kind of bad aside from a few good titles, hence why it's consider a fluke that it's done as well as it has. Personally, I wanted it because it was an upgrade from my DS Lite, which was the last good system in the DS series because it still could play GBA. Likewise, DS gameplay on the 3DS is fairly good in my opinion; however, unless you're getting it for the reason of upgrading to the next-gen Nintendo handheld like I did, you may not want to get it.
Thanks Zorua for that information. People on PM kept telling me about the 3DS it's self. But you summed it up like a pro. For that, I thank you.
I know what I must do!
/me thinks over his options...
shiny umbreon said:
What is your opinion? Should I get it? Or should I wait untill Nintendo does something amazing to it?

There won't be a better time to get a 3DS for at least another year and a half. Places still sell them for around $150, even after the holiday season. You won't see it drop below that for at least two and a half years, forgoing the $130 loners that'll happen next holiday season. Many people speculate and dread that we'll get a 3DS Lite, with a built in Circle Pad Pro and better battery life. I'm not going to say this will or won't ever happen, but it won't happen this year; Nintendo has never upgraded a system that fast, especially if it's doing extremely well. In addition, upgrades happen because technology gets better and cheaper; a lot can happen in one year, but a lot more can happen in two.

The best time to get a 3DS was a few days before the price drop; some places dropped it a few days early letting those lucky people nab the discount and the ambassador games. Don't sweat over this too much, though.

Zorua said:
The 3DS itself is not the problem when referred to as a "fluke", it's the support that the 3DS has going for. The 3DS's initial lineup was very poor, and hasn't seen many great releases since. In my opinion, the only "good" games for the 3DS are Street Fighter 4 3D, The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Rumble Blast, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land.

These are the current games that are good at full price. But do not count out Pilotwings. It's a bit low on content, but I got it for $15, and would have paid $25.

Note, these are all first part titles spare Street Fighter.

Zelda and Pokemon are second party.

Nintendo also hasn't released information on any major titles coming out this year,

They've released a fair bit of information on Kid Icarus and decent amount for Luigi's Mansion 2 and Animal Crossing. Plus, we never get huge information and reveals until E3.

so the 3DS still doesn't have any of those "I bought this system just for this game" titles.

Super Mario 3D Land much? Many, many people will attest that their 3DS purchase was totally worth it for this one game.

Apollo the Incinermyn said:
Yeah, like Zorua mentioned, the 3DS's game selection is kind of bad aside from a few good titles,

I'm don't know what a few can be counted as, but forgoing Ambassador games, here is a list of titles that are well worth the money (everything is in my opinion, of course):

Retail titles:

Pilotwings Resort - worth $25
Zelda - worth every penny
Star Fox 64 3D - worth $25
Pokemon Rumble Blast - worth $25
Super Mario 3D Land - worth it
Mario Kart 7 - worth it

Downloadable titles:

Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - worth it many times over
Donkey Kong '94 - worth it
Mario's Picross - worth it
Super Mario Land 2 - worth it
Pushmo - worth it, worth it, worth it

Admittedly, all of these together cost about $25, so I'll them as one retail title.

So that's 7 titles.

Please don't take any offense to my comments. I'm sorry if they came off as mean or snooty. I get passionate over these things.
If you think of getting a 3DS (now - 2 or 3 years), get it now, since you certainly don't want to miss the free Zelda Four Swords 25th Anniversary edition! The price won't get any lower for a long time now and Nintendo said they won't release an upgraded 3DS at least for a long time.
I would include MK7 as a game that people bought a 3DS for.

Another game that gets majorly overlooked and I consider it the best 3DS launch title was Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. First off, it's not a shooter(which a lot people thought it was), it's a Tactical RPG. The gameplay is solid, the story is ok, and the character development is pretty good. I still try to figure why this game doesn't get the it deserves.

These are the games I have for the 3DS: MK7, Pokemon Rumble Blast, Star Fox 64, Shadow Wars, and Sonic Generations. The only one I really regret buying is Star Fox 64. It's an amazing game, but it wasn't worth $40.(Also Sonic Generations was a gift, but I don't recommend it for the 3DS. I would get it for one of the consoles.)
So I'm looking at the IGN page for 3DS game release dates and what do I see? Rayman Origins releases 1 week after Kid Icarus. Man Ubisoft has been making terrible release date decisions with this game. The PS3/360/Wii were a financial disaster and sadly this one will probably be one too.
3DS Games I own: Pokemon Rumble Blast (reccomended it if you liked Rumble), Super Mario 3D Land (GET IT GET IT GET IT!), Tetris Axis (if you like Puzzle games, get it), Mario Kart 7 (this game is a must for 3DS owners) and Super Street Fighter 4 3D.(I don't care for this game that much my self, but I got it for $20 off of someone who bought it and didn't like it)
Stop....saying...get....Mario...3D....Land....If you want a game that a 6 year old can beat in about 2 days then get it...if you want an actual challenge or good fun game...I actually would say pass it up. It's just too easy, I went and played it over again...12 hours...ya THAT'S IT (now I didn't go and get all the gold flags and beat it with M and L but still...) WAY TO EASY. Easiest Mario game I have EVER played.
catutie said:
Stop....saying...get....Mario...3D....Land....If you want a game that a 6 year old can beat in about 2 days then get it...if you want an actual challenge or good fun game...I actually would say pass it up. It's just too easy, I went and played it over again...12 hours...ya THAT'S IT (now I didn't go and get all the gold flags and beat it with M and L but still...) WAY TO EASY. Easiest Mario game I have EVER played.

I guess it was just the Mario fanboy in me saying that. =/
Ya I know it's a Mario game and people are going to say it's good no matter what but the more I play it the more I don't like it. It's like the Galaxy games for me. I beat it then go "Well...that was fun" and then get rid of it because I don't care about it any more. It gives me no reason to replay it or to even 100% it because who cares...it would be the same game a second time with Luigi...
That's also how I feel about the Mario games nowadays. It's also one of the reasons I skipped out on 3D Land. I know it'll be fun but after it's done there's really not much replay value. Either that or I'm just losing interest in the character.
ForeignDude said:
That's also how I feel about the Mario games nowadays. It's also one of the reasons I skipped out on 3D Land. I know it'll be fun but after it's done there's really not much replay value. Either that or I'm just losing interest in the character.

I'm not losing interest...I could play Paper Mario 100 times and not be bored of it but the recent games just suck. Ya the game will be fun...but only on the first play through. So lets sit tight and wait for Luigi's Mansion 2....and Paper Mario 4...and anything else that won't suck...
So I'm wondering why they deleted the awesome items in Mario Kart: Double Dash. That was the best Mario Kart game of all time.
Nowdays they seem to get worse. ;_; ex., Mario Kart 7 has wings, but no special items from DD. :(
Lucky Fire said:
So I'm wondering why they deleted the awesome items in Mario Kart: Double Dash. That was the best Mario Kart game of all time.
Nowdays they seem to get worse. ;_; ex., Mario Kart 7 has wings, but no special items from DD. :(

(.....you can go under water too....)

hm what? I didn't say anything xP lol anyways I'm not getting MK7 until the spring so hush up =P
Lucky Fire said:
So I'm wondering why they deleted the awesome items in Mario Kart: Double Dash. That was the best Mario Kart game of all time.
Nowdays they seem to get worse. ;_; ex., Mario Kart 7 has wings, but no special items from DD. :(

Mario Kart has been on the down hill since DD. They need to bring back the awesomness of special items :D