3DS Discussion Thread

Zorua said:
The 3DS itself is not the problem when referred to as a "fluke", it's the support that the 3DS has going for. The 3DS's initial lineup was very poor, and hasn't seen many great releases since. In my opinion, the only "good" games for the 3DS are Street Fighter 4 3D, The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Rumble Blast, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land. Note, these are all first part titles spare Street Fighter. Nintendo also hasn't released information on any major titles coming out this year, so the 3DS still doesn't have any of those "I bought this system just for this game" titles.

Honestly, I bought the 3DS on launch day for the original $250, and I don't feel like I've gotten my money's worth yet. Even the whole Ambassador Program really doesn't make up for that. At $180 though, I feel like the 3DS is very reasonable, has a few decent games here and there, but has the same chance of flopping this year, or making a huge impact.

Woah, hold on there. I understand that the launch was a complete disaster, and threw Nintendo into an imaginary small ditch, but they fixed that. I was extremely angry at first, until I realized that the GBA games were worth the price drop. Remember, Ninty didn't have to do anything for us, but they did this to prevent us from selling our stuff, and keep us chained to them forEVER!!! keep us all on pretty equal terms. I too bought the 3DS Launch day, I called it my 3D brick for months, I got the 20 games, Mario Kart 7, and I knew that this was an amazing system. Speaking of MK7 I know plenty of people who bought the system for the game. The idiots who use the Maka Wuhu glitch may utterly wreck your Online experience, but only for a few minutes, then you can leave, and find a better room. (sarcasm on the utterly wreck, though I did want to scream after my fourth Maka in a row...)

Apollo the Incinermyn said:
Yeah, like Zorua mentioned, the 3DS's game selection is kind of bad aside from a few good titles, hence why it's consider a fluke that it's done as well as it has. Personally, I wanted it because it was an upgrade from my DS Lite, which was the last good system in the DS series because it still could play GBA. Likewise, DS gameplay on the 3DS is fairly good in my opinion; however, unless you're getting it for the reason of upgrading to the next-gen Nintendo handheld like I did, you may not want to get it.

The thing is, those good titles make it worth it already. I can tell you weren't the biggest DSi fan just from what you said, but did you ever try the thing? The i/XL was a vast improvement over the DS Lite, keep your GBA/SP for your older games. The DS may not look the best, but it's survivable.

ForeignDude said:
So I'm looking at the IGN page for 3DS game release dates and what do I see? Rayman Origins releases 1 week after Kid Icarus. Man Ubisoft has been making terrible release date decisions with this game. The PS3/360/Wii were a financial disaster and sadly this one will probably be one too.

Financial disaster? From what I've seen the game has been getting perfect 10/10, and it's considered one of the best games of 2011. I'd think for a Platformer game which was overlooked because of games like CoD/Battlefield and Skyrim, that's pretty good, wouldn't you say?

The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
3DS Games I own: Pokemon Rumble Blast (reccomended it if you liked Rumble), Super Mario 3D Land (GET IT GET IT GET IT!), Tetris Axis (if you like Puzzle games, get it), Mario Kart 7 (this game is a must for 3DS owners) and Super Street Fighter 4 3D.(I don't care for this game that much my self, but I got it for $20 off of someone who bought it and didn't like it)

The above games are all proof that the 3DS isn't a complete failure like many seem to think. Yes, Mario Land is easy to gamers, but it's a Mario game, it was an amazing financial success. (Now if only Japan would bring Monster Hunter over. This would make the 3DS easily the best handheld ever. It may not be as big here as it is in the east, but the game single-handedly made the 3DS CRUSH PS Vita in Japan. I wouldn't skip an opportunity like that..)

catutie said:
Stop....saying...get....Mario...3D....Land....If you want a game that a 6 year old can beat in about 2 days then get it...if you want an actual challenge or good fun game...I actually would say pass it up. It's just too easy, I went and played it over again...12 hours...ya THAT'S IT (now I didn't go and get all the gold flags and beat it with M and L but still...) WAY TO EASY. Easiest Mario game I have EVER played.

It definitely was easy, but it's hard enough for Casual Gamers, and as I already said in this post, it was a huge commercial success. I would definitely recommend kart over it though.

catutie said:
Ya I know it's a Mario game and people are going to say it's good no matter what but the more I play it the more I don't like it. It's like the Galaxy games for me. I beat it then go "Well...that was fun" and then get rid of it because I don't care about it any more. It gives me no reason to replay it or to even 100% it because who cares...it would be the same game a second time with Luigi...

The Galaxy games were definitely better though. At least they posed a nice few challenges. I really do think that 3D Land was more for the casual crowd. Though if you play with Galaxy limitations on 3D Land, that is, without a Tanooki Suit, the game becomes extremely challenging... I actually never did this but in two levels, but let me tell you, those two levels were the funnest in the whole game.

Lucky Fire said:
So I'm wondering why they deleted the awesome items in Mario Kart: Double Dash. That was the best Mario Kart game of all time.
Nowdays they seem to get worse. ;_; ex., Mario Kart 7 has wings, but no special items from DD. :(

Because the special items were the "gimmick" (A good one, but yeah, keep reading) of Double Dash. Ever Mario Kart has something new/different about it, and that was one of Double Dash's.

Now, for a non-quote-reply sentence... I can't wait for Tales of the Abyss 3DS.
SotS said:
Financial disaster? From what I've seen the game has been getting perfect 10/10, and it's considered one of the best games of 2011. I'd think for a Platformer game which was overlooked because of games like CoD/Battlefield and Skyrim, that's pretty good, wouldn't you say?

Disaster is a strong word for it, but the general consensus is that it didn't sell too well. Almost immediately, its MSRP seemed to drop from $50-60 to $30. It had great critical acclaim, but by releasing near Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, CoD, Skyward Sword, Mario 3D Land, Need for Speed, etc., the success was dampered.
Yeah, it definitely wasn't a good idea to release it when they did, but he made it sound like he thought that the game itself was bad because of when it was released. Knowing me, I misinterpreted that.. But I keep hearing people cry because it's a bad game, which annoys me, even though I've never played but a demo of it. It's just that people think a game like it can't thrive because it's not a shooter, is probably what annoys me most. I haven't seen anyone on the forums I go to say it, but IGN sure did think so. .-.
Fact: Use IGN for news, not opinions. They are overly biased and suck in general. Good reviews come up about as often as pigs in a neck brace look directly up and see a hot pink shooting star crashing into a NASA satellite spying on said pig.
I know that. Unfortunately, a lot of people do pay attention to what they say, and if they say a great game is bad, well, it loses a few sales. Everyone should know that you can't spell ignorance without IGN!
SotS said:
Financial disaster? From what I've seen the game has been getting perfect 10/10, and it's considered one of the best games of 2011. I'd think for a Platformer game which was overlooked because of games like CoD/Battlefield and Skyrim, that's pretty good, wouldn't you say?

Yeah the ratings have been pretty amazing (after all, it is a Rayman game!), it's just the sales part that has disappointed me. I think it was reported that in its first month in the US it only sold about 50 000 copies. I dunno about you but a number like that for a game which was on all three consoles, is pretty low. The release date is an obvious reason along with a few others probably.

I feel like Ubisoft has "destroyed" Rayman so much over the years with the introduction of the rabbids. I'm just afraid that if poor sales continue they'll just forget about the character once again and then there'll be no chance for a sequel or the Rayman 4 I've been waiting years for..
SotS said:
Because the special items were the "gimmick" (A good one, but yeah, keep reading) of Double Dash. Ever Mario Kart has something new/different about it, and that was one of Double Dash's.

Now, for a non-quote-reply sentence... I can't wait for Tales of the Abyss 3DS.

Firstly...even for casual gamers it was a dang easy game.

What? The gimick was two people on a cart :p. I guess the items too but it was such an amazing addition and it went over so well and it sold so well and got so much praise...it mystifies me why they didn't keep it. I don't care if it was only supposed to stay 1 game...it was the most brilliant idea they have ever had for MK and it would make the game sell like wild fire if they brought it back. DD is regarded one of the best racing games for a reason....the rest of the MK games are not on that list for a reason because they are just another carbon copy of the previous one. They just add some new tracks and something new to it and then re-release it...ya know...like the COD series :p
I don't know. I know a casual gamer who actually started to cry because the game was too hard. .-. How that's even possible, I've NO idea. When I say casual gamers, I mean the type of people who consider stupid little phone apps a game. Though that's an insult to a Casual GAMER, I really need to find a name for them...

I definitely agree that the special items were extremely fun, but if they kept them even more people would complain that the games are too much alike. Swimming and Gliding probably won't stick around in the next game, because, again, it would be considered "old" and "not cool enough". So while it may make the games sell more, it may make them sell less. And I don't think Nintendo need to be taking any chances right now... Now if only they would answer the fans pleas and fix the friggin' Maka Wuhu glitch. >=O And honestly, I don't consider the games copies. None of them. They're all special in some way that separates them from the others. It's an insult to compare it to Call of Donethisalready. =P

At least you can never say that the games are as carbon copy as MKWii's online was. Daisy+Mach Bike/Funky+Flame Runner. Every. Single. Time.
*randomly jumps in* I can't wait to see that new FE game for the 3ds xD and Kid Icarus Uprising O.O Must Have it!!! xD.... personally I think everyone is just being too critical, I mean we were the ones who really wanted an earlier release date (that's means less time to develop a decent game library) also were going to get some really awesome games if we just wait :D (*thinks the new SSB4*) I know it might be awhile but.... it will be worth it!
So now the Kid Icarus game is being released with a free stand because playing it as a handled is tiring or something? Funny, but hey, I'm all for free accessories!
I laughed so hard at the stand. Sakurai, we don't need replacements hands yet, that's for when we become like the humans in Wall-E. But hey, it's free. Free stuff = more money from ebay = more games to play = more fun = more being lazy = becoming like Wall-E humans faster. Win-win!

My mind is dead right now, what is FE? Fire Emblem, right? I'm personally looking forward to Tales of the Abyss 3D. I didn't have a PS2, so no Abyss for me. >:O But now that's fixed. Er, will be when the game finally comes out and doesn't get pushed back again.
I want that 3DS stand! My hands always cramps up when I'm playing my 3DS because my hands are so big and the 3DS is so small. Is the stand a pre-order bonus?
SotS said:
I laughed so hard at the stand. Sakurai, we don't need replacements hands yet, that's for when we become like the humans in Wall-E. But hey, it's free. Free stuff = more money from ebay = more games to play = more fun = more being lazy = becoming like Wall-E humans faster. Win-win!

My mind is dead right now, what is FE? Fire Emblem, right? I'm personally looking forward to Tales of the Abyss 3D. I didn't have a PS2, so no Abyss for me. >:O But now that's fixed. Er, will be when the game finally comes out and doesn't get pushed back again.

yup FE mean Fire Emblem xP

I don't care for no stand :/ but I want my Cupcake flavored milkshake sooooo :D lol
The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
I want that 3DS stand! My hands always cramps up when I'm playing my 3DS because my hands are so big and the 3DS is so small. Is the stand a pre-order bonus?

No, it's supposed to come with all new copies of the game.
What exactly does the black charger stand that comes with the 3DS do? I've had my system for half a year, now, but I don't understand what to do with that stand....
It's mostly made to hold, charge, and display your 3DS while it's in sleep mode (for Spotpass downloads).

In addition to that, I use it as a grip for Mario Kart. If it's plugged in while playing, the screen gets a brightness boost.
Yay for 3DS demos! I can't wait till they throw out the Rayman Origins demo at us! Right now I'm downloading the Resident Evil one. I've never played one of these games before. I wonder how it's going to be...
One of my favorite games is Resident Evil 4 and I'm disappointed with the way the series continued off with Resident Evil 5. This 3DS game has been getting mostly mixed reviews from what I've seen so far, but it looks like it's more toward the style of Resident Evil 4, which greatly excites me. I'm probably going to be picking up the game regardless. (Also if there are any other Resident Evil fans out there, check out the Resident Evil 6 trailer on YouTube, it looks really good as well).

dmaster out.
Ohh man this game is totally not for me. Either it scared me too much or it's freezing cold cause I'm shivering lol. I'm guessing it's a bit of both. I just hate fighting against nasty stuff with scary background music. I'm going to finish this demo one day though. Maybe I'll wait for my cousin to download it so we can play at the same time.

One thing that surprised me though was that I can use the demo only 30 times. I don't have a ps3 or 360 but are demos usually released with only a limited number of uses?
Depends. Some Steam demos block you after a few plays, but I'm not sure if that be rectified with a reinstallation. But yeah, Nintendo has this limit to probably stop you from getting too much free entertainment. Some people speculate that 30 is the max amount of plays they'll give a demo, and that third parties are simply choosing to go with the max for their demos.

The limit is on a system level (not save data), so deleting and redownloading it after you run out of plays won't do anything.