3DS Discussion Thread

How long was it from the release of the regular 3DS until they got the purple one? I am still holding out for a purple XL. :3
PMJ said:
How long was it from the release of the regular 3DS until they got the purple one? I am still holding out for a purple XL. :3

IIRC it was about a month, give or take. So we can't use previous trends to determine the release date of purple :<

I think Mario Golf would be pretty amazing with online. Perhaps there would be a shot by shot mode (like Online Chess on Chess.com)?

Stupid sexy purple!

I will not yield. I will not cave, because I know if I do and get blue or something dumb like that they will come out with one and I'll feel like a derp. NINTENDO Y U DO DIS


Now just bring it to America, Bamco. I know you can do it >(
Oh man. It really is pitiful just how bad some people write... I understand that this is a casual app to communicate with, but please for the love of all that's good (like tacos!).. Write. Legibly. There's a reason I stopped responding to you: I had no idea what I was responding TO.

Of course, they're still good friends, but Swapnote is out of the picture if we want to talk.

And yes, I feel like a jerk saying those things. But it's not an attempt to just talk my friends down. Just that... Well, I wish Swapnote had a text option instead (like PictoChat).
I personally like Swapnote. Though I suppose I only use it with one person, their handwriting is good enough I'll say. I don't know, I just like being able to send a cute messages, maybe a random picture, stuff like that. I find it fun. :3

SotS said:
I wish Swapnote had a text option instead (like PictoChat).
This I can definitely agree with. Doesn't seem like it'd be a hard addition at all. I even have a question, would something as far as some sort of instant messenger really be too much? Is that kind of software simply too advanced? Doesn't sound that hard to me but what do I know about technology...lol.
Swapnote is okay. I hardly ever use it though... I just have it cause it was free. But I do think it should be more like picto chat, just with stationary, photos, and voice.

On the side, I did get Theatrhythm! SotS was right about the game! It's super fun and a new way to jam out! I love it so much. However, I think it's whole "plot/story" idea wasn't too good... It was eh. I mean really, just beat all the series and get 1000 rhythm points. Then boom! credits.... They should of just made the credits veiwable whenever and kept the the song list (part where you can pick what ever song) and the challenge mode and that "series" mode (or whatever it was called) like they were. I've played better rhythm plot. I was hoping for something more like the mini RPG thing Taiko no Tatsujin had in their latest handheld games for a "plot" or story mode in Theatrhythm. I was just thinking "OH! Final Fantasy! Final Fantasy is an RPG... Maybe they might do an RPG music thingy!" but no... Not saying the game's bad! It's just... I think they could of done better. Who's ready for a Theatrhythm 2? :D I'd give it a solid 4 out 5.
Hey guys, do any of you put any stickers or hard covers on your 3DS? I've been thinking about just saying forget it and buying something like this:


But I don't want to buy it and then have to deal with it feeling funny on my hands or what have you.
I'm not one to usually use cases, but I use a Pikachu case for my 3DS (not an LL) that my parents got me when they were there. It's like made of this weird bendable plastic stuff that's very durable and sturdy (dug deeper and I think it's called TPU gel). It fits and feels nicely in my hand. I was able to find the same case online if you'd like to see it:
But you are looking for an LL case I'm asuming. Here's one of the cases I found made of this TPU stuff:

I've also rocked the Kingdom Hearts 3D collector's edition case. It's made of a hard plastic and is no where near as nice as the one I got form Japan. It is very thin and more for show. However, it still fits and feels comfy in my hands, but after a while of playing games, the corners sometimes make my hands hurt.

The cases you linked I don't know about. It's just like a shell and by the looks of it, I think it might have a "fuzzy" or "soft" feel to it. My phone case is like these covers. It works fine, but sometimes falls out of my hands. It also gotten a chip in the corner recently. I keep my phone in my back pocket and so I sit on it many times a day. The case chipped a few days ago on the inside corner. They're good, but I think TPU's better. But if you're just getting the case for the looks, those color cases will be good then!
Hmm, can anybody help?
  1. So I've got a problem with my 3DS. Whenever I use my White 1 and White 2, the 3DS doesn't pick up the C-Gear communications, while my DSi does. Do you know what's causing it?
  2. Also, do you know how much blocks the virtual Ocarina of Time 3D (eShop) has? I've only got 1,300 blocks left, since three different games conveniently ate 10,000 of my blocks.
  3. Filler until I come up with number three.
1. Er, do you mean your 3DS won't connect to anybody else using a C-Gear? Do other communications like the Union Room work fine?

2. 3,646 :(

3. Cake.
I rock a Nerf case for my 3ds

This is because I throw things when I am angered. Throw a 3DS with the Nerf case on? The wall takes more damage than your 3DS.

Anyone know any less bulky cases that work similarly?
Amphy23 said:
Hmm, can anybody help?
  1. So I've got a problem with my 3DS. Whenever I use my White 1 and White 2, the 3DS doesn't pick up the C-Gear communications, while my DSi does. Do you know what's causing it?
  2. Also, do you know how much blocks the virtual Ocarina of Time 3D (eShop) has? I've only got 1,300 blocks left, since three different games conveniently ate 10,000 of my blocks.
  3. Filler until I come up with number three.

Doesn't pick up C-Gear communications? Please elaborate, I'm unsure exactly what you mean.

PellOfTheTundra said:
I rock a Nerf case for my 3ds

This is because I throw things when I am angered. Throw a 3DS with the Nerf case on? The wall takes more damage than your 3DS.

Anyone know any less bulky cases that work similarly?

Yeah, Nerf Armor cases are the Otterboxes of DS/3DS cases. Afaik, they're the best out there protection-wise.
Amphy23 said:
Hmm, can anybody help?
  1. So I've got a problem with my 3DS. Whenever I use my White 1 and White 2, the 3DS doesn't pick up the C-Gear communications, while my DSi does. Do you know what's causing it?

As Chariblaze said, do other wireless communications work? If not, then you've probably deactivated them. You can reactivate them with the switch on the right side of the 3DS or through system settings.
If the C-Gear is the only thing that doesn't work, then I don't know what's the trouble.
Yes, the Union Room, Unova Link, and other stuff work between the two systems. However, Infrared on the C-Gear and Wireless on the C-Gear don't work.
I've had a nerf case before, but I didn't really like. It was too bulky for my taste. But it did protect my system alot.
For 3DS downloadable content and Virtual console, it saves to your 3DS's SD Card. You can see this when you turn on your system and it takes a few seconds for certain icons to appear because the 3DS is reading the SD Card.
For DSiWare, it saves directly to your system.
If you want to see where something is saved to, then you can check the System Settings, then Data Management.