3DS Discussion Thread

Amphy23 said:
For 3DS downloadable content and Virtual console, it saves to your 3DS's SD Card. You can see this when you turn on your system and it takes a few seconds for certain icons to appear because the 3DS is reading the SD Card.
For DSiWare, it saves directly to your system.
If you want to see where something is saved to, then you can check the System Settings, then Data Management.

I think by "linked" pokemaister meant... well, linked, not where they're saved to.
Anyone get the Mystery Dungeon demo? I spent two hours on it... And I didn't plan on buying it. Confound it, demo, now I will have to decide on whether to buy it or not again!
You mean Gates of Infinity? I haven't played it myself, but a number of friends told me it's awful. They said it would be a complete waste of money.
...Then again, they could have been exaggerating.
Yeah, the PMD Demo is great. There's nothing that can top T/D/S, but it's still great. I plan on buying it.
Some things to complain about: it's kind of confusing, though, with all the controls and menus, and the storyline is just a joke.
That's just me, though, I'm a die-hard fan for Pokémon. I can see why'd some people would hate it.
I already know that the pokemon species number is low, and that the personality test was removed. Past that the core gameplay is still here, so I'm good honestly. After three years of not playing a Mystery Dungeon title it's just nice to be back. It's a shame that the story is apparently so bad though since Time/Darkness/Sky had great stories in my opinion. (And go figure, this is the first PMD title I haven't spoiled the story for. :p)
I don't want to get the demo because I'm afraid I'll like it too much and want to buy it, I need to save my money for Animal Crossing. :p

If anybody is looking for a good eShop game, get Fractured Soul while it's on sale. I got it and I'm really liking it so far.
I'm probably going to get Gates to Infinity, just not in the near future. The fact that it is almost entirely generation five Pokemon is disappointing, and you can't recruit the mascot legends... while not a complete deal-breaker, those two things are what kept it from being a day one purchase for me. And I was hoping for shiny Pokemon (or customizable Pokemon, like being able to put bandanas on them or something), which would've been (somewhat) within reason considering the lack of Pokemon, but alas, Spike Chunsoft doesn't like us.

Here's hoping for some DLC.
The demo turned out better than I expected. They did do some neat things with it, like having the first level have sort of an overworld section to it (when you get to that area, you're just passing through, but the bridge that bypasses everything is broken, so you have to go through a cave which contains two levels of a Mystery Dungeon and end up back in the overworld, then knock down a tree to cross the river at that spot, and go through two more floors of Mystery Dungeons to get to the other side of the broken bridge). Also, the Magnagate levels are a neat sidequest, but I hate having to use the starters you didn't pick for it. I think I will get this game, actually, but it's certainly not going to top TDS.
Bolt the Cat said:
The demo turned out better than I expected. They did do some neat things with it, like having the first level have sort of an overworld section to it (when you get to that area, you're just passing through, but the bridge that bypasses everything is broken, so you have to go through a cave which contains two levels of a Mystery Dungeon and end up back in the overworld, then knock down a tree to cross the river at that spot, and go through two more floors of Mystery Dungeons to get to the other side of the broken bridge). Also, the Magnagate levels are a neat sidequest, but I hate having to use the starters you didn't pick for it. I think I will get this game, actually, but it's certainly not going to top TDS.


Oh my word I just hate Axew and Tepig so fat and ugly and blech. ;-;

Whining aside, what's everyone's next game going to be? (Yes, PMD is a valid answer.) Mine is probably going to be PMD, and I'm flip-flopping between Luigi's Mansion and Monster Hunter Ultimate for after that. I'll be getting Ultimate on Wii U, so 3DS version will probably get the boot 'til later, however I'd really like to bring the game with me on trips. On the other hand, Luigi's Mansion is new and I would get it retail. So once I beat that I can sell it, then save to get MonHun digitally. Decisions, decisions...

Though on second thought, it's not even a decisions problem really, more of a "how do I manage my money to get so many games" issue, lol. HarmoKnight, Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Luigi's Mansion, Monster Hunter Ultimate, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Brain Age: Concentration Training at some point...

First World Problems at it's finest. xD
Probably either Gates to Infinity or XY, but out of the demoes I've played, I liked Adventure Time and Epic Mickey: Power of Illusions, so I'll try and get those when I can.

I also tried Monster Hunter 3, but it didn't really interest me. I also didn't like how unfriendly the game is to newbies, I mean, from what I've heard about it the game tends to not tell you anything, but they should at least tell you the controls, at the very least how to attack. First time I was attacked, I kept pressing buttons to try and figure out how to attack, and I couldn't for the life of me figure it out while I was getting my ass kicked. If something so basic is so unintuitive, they should tell you how.
Eh... Ultimate itself teaches you the basics. How to attack, gather, create armor/weapons, etc.. The issue is in the demo itself, which is unfortunate because multiple people will be turned off by it thinking that's the game. They really didn't make it user-friendly at all (especially making Easy the flippin' Lagombi -- most annoying low-rank monster of all). =/ I don't know who you're hearing from though, because the game definitely tells you how to do stuff. Just not Capcom's incompetent demo.

If you ever plan on trying the demo again I can give you some tips, be it for weapons or just the basics.
SotS said:
Eh... Ultimate itself teaches you the basics. How to attack, gather, create armor/weapons, etc.. The issue is in the demo itself, which is unfortunate because multiple people will be turned off by it thinking that's the game. They really didn't make it user-friendly at all (especially making Easy the flippin' Lagombi -- most annoying low-rank monster of all). =/ I don't know who you're hearing from though, because the game definitely tells you how to do stuff. Just not Capcom's incompetent demo.

If you ever plan on trying the demo again I can give you some tips, be it for weapons or just the basics.

Thanks, but it's not really a game that interests me.

But yeah, that demo sucks, attacking is too unintuitive to newbies and the demo doesn't help you at all.
Here's a link to the IGN Epic Mickey review. Basically, they said it was excellent, just ridiculously short. If I were you, I wouldn't buy it unless there was a sale.

I'm getting MH3, Fire Emblem, and Animal Crossing, in that order and not all at once. (I don't have that kind of money. Nobody does.) I've always loved Monster Hunter, but I never owned a PSP or PS3; when they announced that it was coming to the 3DS, I was like "sad that it probably isn't coming to the states". But deep down, I hoped it would. And then, after at least half a year of waiting, they announced that it was in fact coming stateside.

Manly tears were shed that day.
Starboard Driger said:
Here's a link to the IGN Epic Mickey review. Basically, they said it was excellent, just ridiculously short. If I were you, I wouldn't buy it unless there was a sale.

eBay is your friend when it comes to games like this. But IDK, I might want to wait a bit. Which is all right, because this game isn't really on my "must have" list anyway, just something I found interesting.
I don't know if it was just me, but that Monster Hunter demo's camera controls were _God awful_. I would really like to try it out with the Circle Pad Pro because honestly, I don't think there's a way that I would be able to play it on the 3DS. I have to think the Wii U will be the definitive version if only for the superior camera controls. It was nice to see that it holds up reasonably well on the 3DS and I absolutely love the idea of the cross platform playing. But I can't justify buying a potential second copy of a game with those atrocious controls.

That being said, my next game is definitely Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Every time I take a look at the game when new information comes out, it keeps getting better and better. I've wanted it for about a year now and I absolutely can't wait. It's been far too long, Luigi.

dmaster out.
I'd like to be able to play a demo of Luigi's Mansion before buying it, especially since I never played the first one.

In general, I'm kind of annoyed at the lack of demos for some games (NSMB2 and Pokemon Rumble Blast for example). They seem to be handling that better nowadays, though, so maybe we'll get one soon (although IDK why not now since Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity got one today and that doesn't come out until 3 days after).
dmaster said:
I don't know if it was just me, but that Monster Hunter demo's camera controls were _God awful_. I would really like to try it out with the Circle Pad Pro because honestly, I don't think there's a way that I would be able to play it on the 3DS.

On land I loved them. The re-focus button works amazingly well. But once you get underwater and have to change with the (virtual or real) D-Pad? Yeah, forget that. That gets waaaay too uncomfortable for my liking. What makes it even worse is that I have the 3DS XL. So when and if I do get the 3DS version, more money will have to be shelled out, or underwater battles will have to be a struggly.

That they didn't let you use the Circle Pad Pro in the demo just further shows how badly they made it.

Anyways -- Luigi's Mansion does look a lot cooler in its newer showings. At first my biggest fear was all the lag/bad framerate in previous builds of the title. But apparently that's been (mostly?) fixed in the full game.
You liked the Epic Mickey demo? Really? I thought it was pretty boring.

Anyway, I finally ordered Virtue's Last Reward (from Amazon UK)! Yaaay, I'm getting it next Wednesday or maybe even Tuesday. :3 I don't have work on Wednesday either so I can just play it then~
For me, Fire Emblem. Hopefully I'll get it unless my new PC completely drains me.
Man, but what I'd really want for the 3DS would be the ability to stream. This browser gets on my nerves quite often.