3DS Discussion Thread

If anyone hasn't heard yet (I just found out), Gamestop is giving away a set of 6 pins if you preorder the new Pokemon Rumble for 3DS

The pins include Reshiram, Zekrom, Pikachu and the 3 Unova starters if iirc

dmaster said:
Heard of the DS Lite? It improved vastly on the original DS model. That's what some people think may be coming out for the 3DS, I guess.

dmaster out.
Yeah, even though a few Nintendo designers have said that isn't really a possibility, at least the slimming down part, in roundtables. It is a bit odd.

BrOkenICE said:
Oh that? I thought the Lite's concept was adding adjustible light. But with the new attachment just being an attachment, I don't think they'll make new models or at least they won't call it "lite" (maybe Plus?). I don't know.

Oh, and Four Swords is really entertaining.

The DS Phat had blacklight on and off; the DS Lite had dark-but-still-lit, all the way up to very-bright, with two settings in between. However, the unit was lighter, glossier, had rounded corners. The Start and Select buttons were moved and redesigned, the face buttons and D-pad were made mushy. The stylus was moved from the back to the side, it was made bigger. The hinge was made a lot less sturdy.

Yeah. Many improvements.
Chariblaze said:
Yeah, even though a few Nintendo designers have said that isn't really a possibility, at least the slimming down part, in roundtables. It is a bit odd.

Yeah, I know about what they have said...it just doesn't fit though. Their overall decisions with this 3DS does not mesh with what they've said.

dmaster out.
T e e H e e ! ! !
Who doesn't like free games :3 I was wondering if there would be anything that came with preordering the Pokémon Rumble Blast, since nothing came with Pokémon B/W. Those pins are cool and cute :3 I think i'm going to preorder it now.
Any way, if Nintendo made a lite version of the 3DS the new asosory might not fit both of designs of the 3ds...
^^^ That's not what I was meaning. I was taking about promotion/collectable pokemon items, like the pins, the statues that HGSS preorders got(besides me because Nintendo didn't send them enough...), styleist for Pokemon DP, etc. Those kind of things
Umm...They will release another new Nintendo 3DS Color.
It´s name is Ice White 3DS and it will be release on Japan on November 3.
Is it just me, or Nintendo is WAY more busy with colors than anything else? I mean, it looks cool, REALLY cool, but I think they should work on games right now. Besides, can´t they give us purple or green already? D:


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The ice white looks clean and all, but yay.... Colors are fun, but the 3ds game libaray doesn't even take up it's own cabnet at target. :\ It has to share, thus we need more games.
There are some games coming out this month, like Pokemon Rumble Blast (the only truely good game). The rest of the games coming out this month, well... They're just movie games ( -_-)
Looks like more "good" games are coming out Nov. and Dec. The holiday months. Some eye chacters: Cave Story 3D, Cooking Mama, Mario Kart 7, Metal Gear Soild, Sonic Gen, and Super Mario Land 3D.
Most of the games are TBA or come out early 2012. (Dates all from this month's Nintendo Power)

Other than that, I can't wait for Mario Kart 7 (Mario kart does look good on the big screen, but It's also good for long car rides :3), Sonic Gen (like I need another collection of old sonic games.... But this one has updated graphics, Mom!!! Just look at it on Playstation!!!), Super Mario Land 3D (Who isn't hyped up for this game?), and Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure (looks pretty good for the artcal and the preview pic. :3 I reconmend that you check it out if you haven't all ready).

Edit: >>>
How could I forget about Animal Crossing?!?! I've downloaded the video for it at the e-Store. (spoiler? maybe...>>>) You can swim and change pants!!!
Yeah, they released the 3D videos of some games (ie. Mario Land, Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing, etc) quite some time ago. I don't know if the videos are still on the shop channel, but they showed what the trailers looked like in 3D.
you can download a 3D trailer for mario kart and mario land for free (kinda lame but it's better than on the computer xP)

I'll just have to wait for December to come around the only problem is I'm probably not going to be able to get my hands on any of the game bec they're new and there will be the Black Friday rush thingy -.- lol
I got mine a few weeks back actually, it's graphics are amazing and I can't stop playing OoT. Can't wait for the new Mario games and Sonic Gen!
Hazz said:
I got mine a few weeks back actually, it's graphics are amazing and I can't stop playing OoT. Can't wait for the new Mario games and Sonic Gen!

*agrees wholeheartedly*

if you have a bro or sis or someone who has a 3ds the mini games are really fun for the mii plaza (Find Mii)
Oh boy! Don't even get me start on Find Mii!!! I love that Mini game so much! I have all the hats and 3 out of the 5 puzzles done :)
But yay, I'm happy that you are loving your 3DS as much as I am! OoT, IMHO, is the best game out at this time for the 3DS
Has anybody seen this upcoming add-on for the 3DS? It adds a second slidey-pad-thing to it and it has a Z button. With this add-on, the 3DS will have the same controls as a gamecube remote, so do you think that Nintendo will remake gamecube games for the 3DS?
dmaster said:
Along with a second circle pad accessory that attaches to a 3DS (!!).

dmaster out.

You're...a little late. Actually a lot late lol.

I don't forsee GC remakes. They're really focusing on N64 remakes and the Wii is able to play GC games, currently. I just personally don't see it happening. Maybe sequels to GC games? Like Luigi's Mansion 2. More of those types of games could work I guess.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
You're...a little late. Actually a lot late lol.

I don't forsee GC remakes. They're really focusing on N64 remakes and the Wii is able to play GC games, currently. I just personally don't see it happening. Maybe sequels to GC games? Like Luigi's Mansion 2. More of those types of games could work I guess.

dmaster out.

The THING IS, this winter, a limited edition Mario Wii is coming out that WILL NOT be able to play GC games, and I think that says something about the 3DS' future.
Not really...although I could see why one would think that.

It just means Nintendo is super greedy and they know some people (read as a couple) will buy the Wii even though it has less features.

dmaster out.
You're not the only one. I'm not saying it's _impossible_ per say.

Let's get Majora's Mask first. Then we can pan all we want lol.

dmaster out.