(5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash

RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Meaty said:
Good Gracious. I'll be fair and say that we haven't gotten a good look at them yet, but so far the the Tsutaaja and Mijumaru evos look awful! The final evos(especially Tsutaaja's) better make up for that! I'm also curious about Pokabu's evolution. Well actually after the shock factor I am starting to grow onto the Tsutaaja's evo. I just hope like Blue Thunder said that it's not grass poison and something like grass/fighting or grass/flying, grass/dark seems possible with the design.

Like I just said, since the arms on Smugleaf senior got shorter then smugleaf, we feel like his arms are slowly disapearing because his final evo is a snake with no arms, and considering they won't make it like arbok or something, it will probably be a flying snake. Grass/Flying
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

the little pokemon beside pikachu maybe the beast of B/W like Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon and Gible was for the previous games. Maybe it's final evolutoin is the yellow dragon/bug looking pokemon beside the mole pokemon. Just an assumption.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

i recall saying how mijimarus evo was going to be tall skinny and awesome looking. It's happening. A Little diissapointed with the grass starter evo but we'll see. The bat looks awesome and so does the bagon looking poke.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creat

- Darkrai - said:
But i mean cmon grass starters are always the best varyiers from their first starters and smugleaf senior doesn't cut it for me

True dat. IMO, Water starters' first evos are usually the awesomest, Grass starters have the best second evos, and Fire has the coolest final evolution.

ManhattanTheStarr said:
Don't worry about it, we still have the final evolution to look forward to.
And have you noticed that "Snivy's" evolution seems to have shorter arms? Maybe, JUST MAYBE, in the final evolution, it won't have any arms. But I doubt it. It just seems that way. :p

Yeah, I was thinking along those lines too. I'd really like something along the lines of that fanmade final evolution, so... *crosses fingers* (and I really hope they don't just turn him into a grass version of Charmander+friends :/)

And yeah, it's true that some starters didn't undergo drastic changes, such as Charmeleon or Prinplup. They also happen to be some of my least favorite evolutions. On the flip side, those which did - Ivysaur (YES, it is, in fact, different from Bulbasaur. It has a different color scheme, different eye style, and of course the bud and leaves), Quilava, and Grotle, for example - are my favorite second evolutions.

Of course, this is all opinion-based. :p Some people may like the more subtle change, and some may not. It depends on your point of view.

Also, I would LOVE a second type change for Tsutaja. Very unlikely, as this has never happened before, but it would be pretty epic if he changed from Grass to Grass/Dark and then to Grass/Dragon. ^^

I agree with Mijumaru's line being Water/Fighting (that'd be awesome). But then again, Reshiram was strangely a Fire-type and Zekrom an Electric, so who knows at this point?

Pokabu's evolutions would be cool as Fire/Ground, too.
/end random speculations
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I think I've seen these complaints somewhere before!

*flashbacks to the last two generations*

Everyone knows that the second stages are almost always the worst parts of starters. The first and last stages are all you need to know. EVERY STARTER nearly gets worse when it evolves, except Mijumaru who started out terrible, and gets better again when it evolves a second time.

As well, I think people would complain more if we were stuck with Zubat. Besides, just because it's purple and ball-shaped doesn't mean it's "Koffing with wings". Wurmple isn't a red Weedle, guys. For reals.

I honestly am enjoying this generation so far. It's giving some interesting stuff, and after seeing THIS thing with Mijumaru's evolution, I only dislike one design so far.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

that bat looks NOTHING like weezing. Its look like that thing from yugioh
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I agree Majora, this generation is looking really good so far!

For everyone who dislikes the new generations:
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

HA! I actually laughed a bit.

@Everyone else
Man, I hate the evolutions, too, but if you hate the evos that much, don't evolve it!
That's what I'm doing with my Wotter (I like the original 420chan name better, but its vulgar)
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

godzilla41 said:
the little pokemon beside pikachu maybe the beast of B/W like Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon and Gible was for the previous games. Maybe it's final evolutoin is the yellow dragon/bug looking pokemon beside the mole pokemon. Just an assumption.

Not a bad assumption; but the yellow dragon/bug thing is simply the local heracross if you ask me.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

That comic is hilarious. =P

You can't say they look like robots until you compare them to Metagross and Magnezone!

Anyway. Hopefully we hear about some of this newfound stuff this weekend on PS.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Glad to find out that this was true. I really wanted Mijumaru's evolution to look like that. Water/Fighting hopefully!

I wonder if these new pokemon will be revealed in more detail on Pokemon Sunday? (Do they only talk about the games, or anime as well? If they do both then we may have a bit more light shined upon the new series).

And as a side note: I don't know why people actually thought Ash would leave, he is the main protagonist, and it was confirmed like a month ago.

The bat pokemon will most likely be somewhat of a replacement for Zubat in the games. But as it looks like a fruit bat to me, we may have both the families in BW.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

If both zubat AND Koronori are present in the Isshu Dex...I will cry.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Wow. What if Smugleaf's final evolution turns out to be grass/dark and Wotter's water/fighting? That'd be a cool match-up. Pokabu's should be fire/psychic. Now that would be epic. I just hope Pokabu doesn't turn into a boar with big tusks and a big pig-like nose. Many of the fire starters' final evolutions are bipedal so I'm just glad that this one looks like its going to stay quadruped.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Since this is the most recent post.. here's stuff found from BMGf about upcoming CoroCoro"

Apparently it's translated as:
August issue: the beginning (of your journey)
September issue: thorough investigation
October issue: the meaning of black
November issue: the meaning of white
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Sharkopath said:
Wow. What if Smugleaf's final evolution turns out to be grass/dark and Wotter's water/fighting? That'd be a cool match-up. Pokabu's should be fire/psychic. Now that would be epic. I just hope Pokabu doesn't turn into a boar with big tusks and a big pig-like nose. Many of the fire starters' final evolutions are bipedal so I'm just glad that this one looks like its going to stay quadruped.

I have 2 things to say-

1. Just curious, but why are we talking about Tsutaja and Mijumaru with incorrect, fan-based names? Not trying to bash but it's not like the names are that hard to remember, and these fan based names, in all likeliness, will be wrong.

2. You don't want a flaming boar? Big tusks, hair down its back being flames, tusks? That would be epic. Finally we would have a tough looking fire starter. Not to mention it could be a tank in the meta game.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

cocowoushi said:
Since this is the most recent post.. here's stuff found from BMGf about upcoming CoroCoro"

Apparently it's translated as:
August issue: the beginning (of your journey)
September issue: thorough investigation
October issue: the meaning of black
November issue: the meaning of white

What issue will be out this month?

And hey, if it's the new bat AND Zubat, at least it's a little variety added to the Zubat...ness.

And stop whining. You're saying you don't want a pig with a pig-like nose. Would you like it to be an elephant trunk?
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

By the "beginning (of your journey)", they better mean showing a full map to us. Those clouds keep making wonder...

On the bright side of things, this could mean that the whole "receiving starters in a present" thing will be explained.

The September issue sounds promising, since it is so un-detailed. But after that, the games are released, which is when I stop paying attention to corocoro and start keeping a bucket by my laptop for all the drool. XP
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Majora_787 said:
What issue will be out this month?
August issue will be out this month.

@SquirtleTamer: Also, what's so wrong with calling them Smugleaf and Wotter? I think it's catchy. It's not like you don't know which one we're talking about.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Yeah, since everyone can clearly tell that Smugleaf is the blue one, right? :p
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

cocowoushi said:
August issue will be out this month.

@SquirtleTamer: Also, what's so wrong with calling them Smugleaf and Wotter? I think it's catchy. It's not like you don't know which one we're talking about.

Well the thing is when people start using fan names to refer to actual yet-to-be-given an english name pokemon, some take this as actual names, confusing others. I guess it would be the younger crowd mostly. It's not the great of a deal, but it can lead to a big mess. Don't get me wrong I like Wotter, not so much Smugleaf though. I just think it be better if people used the correct names.