(5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash

RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Has anyone figured out what pokemon underneath th Puff-Bat is? It looks kind of like a seriously PO'ed Larvatar.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Does anyone else think that Mijumaru looks incredibly similar to Marshtomp?
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

ManhattanTheStarr said:
Is it me or does Smugleaf senior look exactly like smugleaf :\ Don't bring up the generation one argument but Ivysaur does have varying qualities than bulbasaur.. same with charmelon(it's red atleast), bayleef definitly, marshtomp, grovyles probably the best example, monferno, combusken, grotle.
Only ones I say that look like their first stages are prinplup/wartortle

But i mean cmon grass starters are always the best varyiers from their first starters and smugleaf senior doesn't cut it for me

Don't worry about it, we still have the final evolution to look forward to.
And have you noticed that "Snivy's" evolution seems to have shorter arms? Maybe, JUST MAYBE, in the final evolution, it won't have any arms. But I doubt it. It just seems that way. :p

OH EM GEE. It is the Grass Snake pokemon...You're probably right he is going to be a freaking flying snake and destroy n00bs from above. Yay, I'm moar exicted now

ESP said:
Does anyone else think that Mijumaru looks incredibly similar to Marshtomp?

I completely agree, that's the first thing I thought and I believe I posted it earlier as well. It's weird, .. but.. let's just hope final evo doesn't look like Swampert. Hahhaha
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I think it could be the illusion from the machine that Kodai shown to Zoroark in the beginning that the manga preview has.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

@Tensho: Zuh?

On topic: I don't really see any likeness between Marshstomp and Mijumaru's evo, but to each his own.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Ahh shit snowcone's evo pose has it going on and I see ya smugleaf evo lol. Now where's porkchop's evo? I knew snowcone's evo was going to look tougher.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Cant wait for the pikachu download!
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

- Darkrai - said:
Well said and yeah, I am so sick of people saying how pokemon has ended etc and the pokemon suck etc... They are basing their opinions off what? 22 pokemon? There is still atleast 100+ yet to be revealed so they should please shut up for one second and form their opinions after black and white have been released. We know very little about Black and White. And yeah, I vote for Koromori to be the new Zubat. I freakin' hate Zubat. Crobats not bad. :)

ManhattanTheStarr said:
Becuz dats its epic pose. >;3

Is it me or does Smugleaf senior look exactly like smugleaf :\ Don't bring up the generation one argument but Ivysaur does have varying qualities than bulbasaur.. same with charmelon(it's red atleast), bayleef definitly, marshtomp, grovyles probably the best example, monferno, combusken, grotle.
Only ones I say that look like their first stages are prinplup/wartortle

But i mean cmon grass starters are always the best varyiers from their first starters and smugleaf senior doesn't cut it for me

Did you forget Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion on purpose? The Tsutaja evolution changed way more than Quilava.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I don't get why some people are annoyed at the fact that Tsutarja's evolution looks like a bigger version of Tsutarja himself. You could say that about Wartortle, Ivysaur, and Charmeleon, and nobody cares that they look like a bigger version of their previous forms. (I like the starters for the Kanto region; I'm just trying to make a point.)

Anyway, the evolution for Mijumaru looks awesome! It's kind of blurry, but I still like it. Here's hoping it's a Water/Fighting combo.
I'm not using Tsutarja, (I'm using Mijumaru) but he looks pretty cool. I can't really say anything about the flying spiked ball thing or the Gible-type Pokemon next to Iris, though. I hope clearer images come soon.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

PokemonChampion said:
I don't get why some people are annoyed at the fact that Tsutarja's evolution looks like a bigger version of Tsutarja himself. You could say that about Wartortle, Ivysaur, and Charmeleon, and nobody cares that they look like a bigger version of their previous forms. (I like the starters for the Kanto region; I'm just trying to make a point.)

First of all, Wartortle has a frilled tail, and winged ears. Charmelon is atleast Red and not orange anymore, and ivysaur started to bloom and has longer leafs. Smugleaf senior looks. like. the. exact. same. thing. as smugleaf. There isn't one quality that he has gained.. other then shorter arms. Mijumaru on the other hand looks completely different. Smugleaf senior isn't even a bigger version of smugleaf -- it is smugleaf.

SinRaven said:
Is it me or does Smugleaf senior look exactly like smugleaf :\ Don't bring up the generation one argument but Ivysaur does have varying qualities than bulbasaur.. same with charmelon(it's red atleast), bayleef definitly, marshtomp, grovyles probably the best example, monferno, combusken, grotle.
Only ones I say that look like their first stages are prinplup/wartortle

But i mean cmon grass starters are always the best varyiers from their first starters and smugleaf senior doesn't cut it for me

Did you forget Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion on purpose? The Tsutaja evolution changed way more than Quilava.
Not even, atleast quilava is taller/lost the long beak like snout and now has two areas where fire flames out of his body. Smugleafs evolution is a redrawn smugleaf that looks like the same thing o_O
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

It HAS gained new features:
-More leaves on it's tail
-Other eyes
-The thing on the back of it's head
-Leafy/Shorter arms
-It's taller.

And we don't know the colouring yet, so that could've changed as well.

So far more things than Quilava and Charmeleon.

You judge too quick.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Yeah "Charmeleon is red and not orange" yeah... that was SO much more than Tsutaja's evo yeah... cause its evo doesn't have anything new at all! No look at Charmeleon! IT has so much more than Tsutajas that its wild! Charmeleon got red colors instead of staying orange. Tsutajas evo... we don't know yet if its colors will change, but its still just a bigger Tsutaja! (this isn't serius talk)
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I dislike the new bat Pokemon....why does it look so much like a Koffing with wings? Surely they could have got more creative than this....and this coming from someone who generally likes the Gen V Pokes.

Anyway, I love the new Wotter evo. It is exactly how the best fanart depicted it....and I wouldn't mind a Water/Fighting starter, as it seems to be headed. As for Smugleaf II, it isn't as good as I hoped it would be, but I think it is still acceptable. The one thing that worries me about Smugleaf 2, though, is that it looks a bit like a Poison type. Grass/Poison is unacceptable for a Pokemon as cool as Smugleaf. :/ I'm still hoping it will be Grass/Dark, or even Grass/Dragon, but both seem like wishful thing. My usual pessimistic side screams it is either pure Grass or Grass/Poison.

On the bright side, it seems like GameFreak has been done with Grass/Poison since Generation II. There wasn't many in Gen II, only one in Gen III (Roselia), and the two in Gen IV were related to Roselia. Three Grass/Poisons out of the 242 Pokes in Gen III and IV is a good ratio, especially considering they all originate from the same line. (And to boot, Roserade is at least useful in the competitive scene)

Anyway, I'm outraged they didn't use the BW boy or girl in the new anime. They were by far the best character designs in any generation, imho. (This was the first generation since II that I wasn't disgusted with the boy) Instead, the girl looks silly and the new boy's shilouette doesn't give me any hope either. Oh well, I guess they could only use 10-year olds, instead of the new B/W characters that look 15/16. Another thing I noticed is that Ash looks like he is wearing Black's clothes....;( I somewhat support the decision of replacing Brock, albeit I wish his replacement was the B/W boy, who looks about Brock's age and could easily fill his shoes. I'm also not fond of the name, but whatever. (I suppose Best Wishes is still abbreviated BW...and maybe they got bored with calling the anime after the games after DP anime)

With all these new Pokes, though, I'm a bit skeptical we'll get anything new in next month's Coro-Coro. We know hardly anything at all about the 12 new Pokes that have been revealed...some don't even have a name or front revealed. If we do get new Pokes in the next CoroCoro, then we may have to way for more information on these Pokes until the BW ROM is released. ;-( Shame, as I really want confirmation on Denchura's Bug/Electric typing. (Bug/Electric is boss)

Another thing I wanted to point is that we have gotten a LOT of new Pokes in a very short time. All but Zoroark and Zorua have been revealed within the last 2 months....and we've now seen 26 Pokemon. I'm pretty certain the 150 new Pokemon rumor is true...especially given they've gotten three things right already. (Counting in leaking the starters' names) Three points make a line. ;]

That was a way longer post than I wanted it to be, lol. I'll end on a funny note: Most people said Wotter looked like Piplup. Now, many say Wotter's evolution looks like Marshtomp. Will Wotter's final evolution looks like Feraligatr? Most fan art of Wotter's final evolution gives off a Feraligatr vibe, imo. ;p

EDIT: Oh, and to the people that complain Smugleaf II looks too much like Smugleaf, I think most Stage 1 starter Pokes would like a word with you, especially the Generation II ones and Prinplup. I wouldn't be worried, as the final evolution is usually where they show much more noticeable differences. (See Prinplup and Empoleon, Grotle and Torterra, Grovyle and Sceptile)
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I actually really like the second evo's for Tsutaaja, and Mijimaru. Really interesting how Mijimaru is very cute and innocent, and after basic stage it turns into a little more intimidating sea otter! Also, I really like how Tsutaaja's evo stays mutual to the basic forme. I really am leaning towards Tsutaaja as my starter..

As, for the others. The bat thing, or shall i call it the Zubat/Koffing love child. I can almost gaurantee that it WILL NOTa replace Geodude and Zubat. Maybe Zubat, but I have a strange feeling NO. lmao.

Lastly, the Gible looking thinggy, really interesting. Actually really like it, i wonder if it will be a form of any knew pokes?! Idk...
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

SinRaven said:
It HAS gained new features:
-More leaves on it's tail (lOOK SMUGLEAF WIT MOAR LEAFZ)
-Other eyes (uhm what?)
-The thing on the back of it's head (It has a thing on the back of its head, DUH!)
-Leafy/Shorter arms (only valid thing that smugleaf senior has that smugleaf doesnt)
-It's taller. (YES! Or it's just a taller smugleaf)

And we don't know the colouring yet, so that could've changed as well.(Don't worry it didn't).

So far more things than Quilava and Charmeleon. (Uh huh, I completely see)

You judge too quick. (No, I actully don't I have come to like about all of the released gen 5 pokemon whilst many people have been hating on them while I was defending them, but this 2nd evo tsutaja I don't think i'm going to defend.. but this is bothering me how no one is backing me up that Smugleaf senior looks the same)
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Smugleaf looks like a bipedal stegosaurus to me.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Smugleaf looks like a bipedal stegosaurus to me.

Some people have said that, but due to its second evo getting shorter arms (that's the only change mind you) people think it's third evo will have no arms.. and be a snake! :0
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Sounds nice ! Less boring than always four legs and bipedal form starters.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Good Gracious. I'll be fair and say that we haven't gotten a good look at them yet, but so far the the Tsutaaja and Mijumaru evos look awful! The final evos(especially Tsutaaja's) better make up for that! I'm also curious about Pokabu's evolution. Well actually after the shock factor I am starting to grow onto the Tsutaaja's evo. I just hope like Blue Thunder said that it's not grass poison and something like grass/fighting or grass/flying, grass/dark seems possible with the design.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Blue Thunder said:
A lot of words

Well, I have to agree with you there for the most part. I personally like the new bat-esque pokemon. Then again, I would have settled for *anything* to replace that useless zubat. r_r

I'm sure we'll be getting something other than these pokemon in corocoro. They promised us more info, including tidbits on the game's plot. Nothing about new pokemon this time around. Not to mention the fact that these pokemon were not leaked in any way, but instead openly shown by consent of GF. Therefore, they will most likely be featured this upcoming Pokemon Sunday, with an update of the main site soonafter. If not that then at least the initial eight revealed in the past week since the other four is beta art.

And consider that for a moment: the mijumaru evo, tsutaaja evo, bat thingy, and gible-esque pokemon are not going to look like that **officially**. This is beta. Just imagine how others may have looked in their beta stage. O_O