ManhattanTheStarr said:Is it me or does Smugleaf senior look exactly like smugleaf :\ Don't bring up the generation one argument but Ivysaur does have varying qualities than bulbasaur.. same with charmelon(it's red atleast), bayleef definitly, marshtomp, grovyles probably the best example, monferno, combusken, grotle.
Only ones I say that look like their first stages are prinplup/wartortle
But i mean cmon grass starters are always the best varyiers from their first starters and smugleaf senior doesn't cut it for me
Don't worry about it, we still have the final evolution to look forward to.
And have you noticed that "Snivy's" evolution seems to have shorter arms? Maybe, JUST MAYBE, in the final evolution, it won't have any arms. But I doubt it. It just seems that way.![]()
ESP said:Does anyone else think that Mijumaru looks incredibly similar to Marshtomp?
- Darkrai - said:Well said and yeah, I am so sick of people saying how pokemon has ended etc and the pokemon suck etc... They are basing their opinions off what? 22 pokemon? There is still atleast 100+ yet to be revealed so they should please shut up for one second and form their opinions after black and white have been released. We know very little about Black and White. And yeah, I vote for Koromori to be the new Zubat. I freakin' hate Zubat. Crobats not bad.
ManhattanTheStarr said:Becuz dats its epic pose. >;3
Is it me or does Smugleaf senior look exactly like smugleaf :\ Don't bring up the generation one argument but Ivysaur does have varying qualities than bulbasaur.. same with charmelon(it's red atleast), bayleef definitly, marshtomp, grovyles probably the best example, monferno, combusken, grotle.
Only ones I say that look like their first stages are prinplup/wartortle
But i mean cmon grass starters are always the best varyiers from their first starters and smugleaf senior doesn't cut it for me
Did you forget Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion on purpose? The Tsutaja evolution changed way more than Quilava.
PokemonChampion said:I don't get why some people are annoyed at the fact that Tsutarja's evolution looks like a bigger version of Tsutarja himself. You could say that about Wartortle, Ivysaur, and Charmeleon, and nobody cares that they look like a bigger version of their previous forms. (I like the starters for the Kanto region; I'm just trying to make a point.)
SinRaven said:Is it me or does Smugleaf senior look exactly like smugleaf :\ Don't bring up the generation one argument but Ivysaur does have varying qualities than bulbasaur.. same with charmelon(it's red atleast), bayleef definitly, marshtomp, grovyles probably the best example, monferno, combusken, grotle.
Only ones I say that look like their first stages are prinplup/wartortle
But i mean cmon grass starters are always the best varyiers from their first starters and smugleaf senior doesn't cut it for me
Not even, atleast quilava is taller/lost the long beak like snout and now has two areas where fire flames out of his body. Smugleafs evolution is a redrawn smugleaf that looks like the same thingDid you forget Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion on purpose? The Tsutaja evolution changed way more than Quilava.
SinRaven said:It HAS gained new features:
-More leaves on it's tail (lOOK SMUGLEAF WIT MOAR LEAFZ)
-Other eyes (uhm what?)
-The thing on the back of it's head (It has a thing on the back of its head, DUH!)
-Leafy/Shorter arms (only valid thing that smugleaf senior has that smugleaf doesnt)
-It's taller. (YES!Or it's just a taller smugleaf)
And we don't know the colouring yet, so that could've changed as well.(Don't worry it didn't).
So far more things than Quilava and Charmeleon. (Uh huh, I completely see)
You judge too quick.(No, I actully don't I have come to like about all of the released gen 5 pokemon whilst many people have been hating on them while I was defending them, but this 2nd evo tsutaja I don't think i'm going to defend.. but this is bothering me how no one is backing me up that Smugleaf senior looks the same)
Smugleaf looks like a bipedal stegosaurus to me.
Blue Thunder said:A lot of words