(5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash

RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

SinnohTrainer17 said:
Ahhh...I would like that. I would be in a world of happiness if I didn't see the Zubat family in the Isshu pokedex xD


^so I guess that was legit?

Yeah but keep in mind he just remade it from that picture earlier this week. The only reason we see it today is because it's confirmed. He didn't come up with that simply traced it and colored because that picture was leaked earlier this week
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

SinnohTrainer17 said:

^so I guess that was legit?

The design is almost, but the colors ain't because... this in fanart you know ;b
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Coromori looks like that floating thing from Yu-Gi-Oh. :/ Not amused.

AkaiMidoriAoi said:
They ruined Tsutaaja.

I'm going to kill myself.

Yep. It's just like: "Tsutaja... NOW WITH MOAR LEAFZ! 8D" I was hoping for a little variation, y'know? Maybe only having one set of limbs so as to turn more snake- or Oriental dragon-like. But I'm not usually a big fan of second evolutions anyway. ...Usually. *cough*PMD2/3GrovyleisPWNAGE*cough*

Mijumaru's evo does look rather epic though. If Tsutaja's final evolution turns out as boring as its second, I may just have to switch my choice of starter... XP
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

- Darkrai - said:
Yeah but keep in mind he just remade it from that picture earlier this week. The only reason we see it today is because it's confirmed. He didn't come up with that simply traced it and colored because that picture was leaked earlier this week

Yeah I thought that was the case.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

SoraKage17 said:
Coromori looks like that floating thing from Yu-Gi-Oh. :/ Not amused.

Yep. It's just like: "Tsutaja... NOW WITH MOAR LEAFZ! 8D" I was hoping for a little variation, y'know? Maybe only having one set of limbs so as to turn more snake- or Oriental dragon-like. But I'm not usually a big fan of second evolutions anyway. ...Usually. *cough*PMD2/3GrovyleisPWNAGE*cough*

Mijumaru's evo does look rather epic though. If Tsutaja's final evolution turns out as boring as its second, I may just have to switch my choice of starter... XP
So... Charmeleon, Wartortle and Izysaur wasn't just their pre-evos just with some minor details added too?? ._o
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

second evo of the starters has never been a drastic change lol.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

hellmetal789 said:
second evo of the starters has never been a drastic change lol.

Yeah I know, people have a personal angst against gen 5 pokemon for some reason, yet they forget alot about gens 1-4
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Well, finally everyone's paying attention to Miju! Call him a clown/snowman again and he'll kick your butt! Iris, though, what the heck kind of name is that? Might as well call her mother Cornea... :p
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Aw, water otter's evo is so awesome <3

And the bat-looking thing over Jesse looks almost like it has an open beak (between eyes). Perhaps it's a bird.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

TheFudgehogGuy said:
Well, finally everyone's paying attention to Miju! Call him a clown/snowman again and he'll kick your butt! Iris, though, wha the heck kind of name is that. Might as well call her mother Cornea... :p

If I could like your post, I would.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I bet the people bashing Mijumaru regrets it now :D

I figured that concept art was real and looks like I was right.

I can't wait to see Pokabu's evo, since it's the only one now shown.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Claus said:
Aw, water otter's evo is so awesome <3

And the bat-looking thing over Jesse looks almost like it has an open beak (between eyes). Perhaps it's a bird.

Yeah true, tis like a torchic, koffing and zubat had a fun night..:p

Also here are some final evos that came from the same guy who predicted Tsutaja's first evolution. Be interesting to see how close he is to the real thing.

RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Jah10 said:
Yeah true, tis like a torchic, koffing and zubat had a fun night..:p

Also here are some final evos that came from the same guy who predicted Tsutaja's first evolution. Be interesting to see how close he is to the real thing.


Tsutaja --> Awesome
Mijumaru ---> Awesomeer
Pokabu - WTF
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Rather awesome; however I doubt that tsutaaja will turn into that; probably going to be a raptor by its current appearance. Also remember the evos were leaked for at least a week before this, so its not like he really knows anything more then us; still would be interesting to see how close they are.

If tsutaaja turns into a velociraptor, I will be rather pleased; or maybe a tyrannosaur? Either way tsutaaja is looking like a bipedal dinosaur-ish grass type; I can't wait to actually see its evolution.

I'm not sure about mijimaru's evolution; hard to predict what it'll end up as. Probably water/fighting however, makes the most sense.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Tsutaja --> Awesome
Mijumaru ---> Awesomeer
Pokabu - huh?

To be quite honest, except for the big <censored> bomb on it's tail that evo for Pokabu doesn't look half bad. I don't know what everyone is expecting for the pig. There's nothing really you can do with it so don't be expecting anything spectacular :S

If tsutaaja turns into a velociraptor, I will be rather pleased; or maybe a tyrannosaur? Either way tsutaaja is looking like a bipedal dinosaur-ish grass type; I can't wait to actually see its evolution.

Totally agree. Would have loved that but it looks too snake-ish to take on a full dinosaur form for it's last evo.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Jah10 said:
To be quite honest, except for the big <censored> bomb on it's tail that evo for Pokabu doesn't look half bad. I don't know what everyone is expecting for the pig. There's nothing really you can do with it so don't be expecting anything spectacular :S

Alot of people have really emphasized his tail in his last evo due to him having a tail and it will probably evolve in to a spikey ball/ball whatever.. so I mean I think that big ___ bomb your talking about might be the actual truth .. he probably will end up with something on his tail along the lines of that..

Otherwise if that picture were to be true i would have to say that Gen 5's final evos for starters would be the coolest out of any generation so far

..Rather awesome; however I doubt that tsutaaja will turn into that...

I'm not sure about that, for some reason I thought i Heard somewhere that his typing was grass/flying.. and that's actully exactly what I pictured
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

the thing next to Iris looks like it could become Ononokusu. like the first stage. (i think i got the name right) i was from the start going to pick the otter, and now im 90% sure im going to pick him. but it all depends what the first gyms are, or how the final evo looks.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Also.. those things sprouting around tsutaajas neck will sprout into wings I am guessing..

The ball that pokabu has will probably be signifacant in his final evo

and mijumarus shell will become way more apparent in his final evo

Tsutaja is the grass snake pokemon, not the velociraptor pokemon or the dinosaur pokemon, a flying snake would not only look cool, it's rather plausible at this point.. i'm telling you the growth around his neck will turn into wings.. he is not going to be a seviper but a flying snake..

Also.. No one is going to pick Pokabu if he short and stubby while the others are huge and powerful, they have to make pokabu huge and powerful like torterra almost for anyone to want to pick him over the other too.. that picture up there of pokabus final evo looks like it could be his 2nd evo.. he needs to be huge and powerful like the other two once again for people to pick him.. thats what I think
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I fear that the final evolutions of the starters may just be bigger versions of the Basic Pokémon.