(5) New Pokemon Game Coming, BW Promos, Victini Set/Deck, Sawk/Throh Promos [4/22]

I can't wait for that simply amazing typing game.

dmaster out.
I'm really hoping for a 3DS exclusive, or some neat Wii game... as long as it isn't something for the DS I'll be happy I guess lol (my bet is on eShop-related announcement...)
I like the new card promos. The could be a great use during competitive play if used at the right time. Also I like all the other good stuff too. Can't wait to get some new cards. Hopefully soon.:)
I think everyone forgot Corocoro is a Japanese magazine and the Typing game is already out. lol

I'm hoping it's some type of PBR/GoD game, but it would also be on the 3ds. Probably not, but I can dream! lol

Or the long overdue TCG video game!!!
scuba stevee said:
Or the long overdue TCG video game!!!

This is what I'm hoping for. A TCG game would be awesome with the touch screen capabilities of the 3DS. It'd be neat if those deck codes that work with the online TCG sim were also compatible with the game, too. I wonder if they'd feel a TCG game unnecessary now that we have the online sim, though.
Guys? I think everybody is focusing on what Nintendo have done in the past too much. How epic would it be? Everyone's expecting it to be a spin-off since they're going by what happened in the past and then BAM! R/S/E Remake. Even though I think it probably is a spin-off, they could do that. Plus, as people have said previously, an official announcement date does seem like overkill for a spin-off game such as PMD. I'm hoping for a remake, a TCG or a Pokemon Snap 2. Oh, or Pokemon Stadium 3.
Richter Belmont said:
I think everybody is focusing on what Nintendo have done in the past too much.

People wouldn't do it if Nintendo weren't that predictable. The reason people looked on the past is because there is an observable trend in the past. In fact, focusing on the past (eg. by observing the remake trends) is precisely why the idea of an RSE remake is even being circulated in the first place.
What if it's a remake of the gen 1 remakes? I guess it's possible, but we can already obtain every pokemon so we don't really need them (unless it's only for DSi and 3DS, as there is no GBA slot for them).

If it does turn out to be a spin-off, I would like it to be something new which is exciting and fun. I know there are already lots of spin-offs but I only find a few of them interesting (like the Mystery Dungeon series). I hope it doesn't look as bad as that typing one.
Timeshift said:
What if it's a remake of the gen 1 remakes? I guess it's possible, but we can already obtain every pokemon so we don't really need them (unless it's only for DSi and 3DS, as there is no GBA slot for them).

If it does turn out to be a spin-off, I would like it to be something new which is exciting and fun. I know there are already lots of spin-offs but I only find a few of them interesting (like the Mystery Dungeon series). I hope it doesn't look as bad as that typing one.

Well, That is a possibility. However, I could see that happening after R/S/E. And yeah, most spin-off games are quite disappointing, many of the good ones were back in the N64 days. And I'll agree, I tried the typing one but I just couldn't enjoy it as much as other pokemon games.
I almost am 90% sure that it is a remake of the ruby/sapphire generation, because they usually, with the exception of d/p/pl have the remake in between the main series games. so far theyve done them up to the third generation, so that could definately be a possibility, because it would be bad marketing to make an fr/lg remake so soon after. And if it is the third generation 5 main series game, which hopefully will have graphic improvemnents and more desirability, as there was too much anoying forest and grass everywhere, and the rain effects were terrible, it will probably be focused on kyruyem, which accompanies zekrom and reshiram. Either way, Im excited!
Liepard006 said:
I almost am 90% sure that it is a remake of the ruby/sapphire generation, because they usually, with the exception of d/p/pl have the remake in between the main series games. so far theyve done them up to the third generation, so that could definately be a possibility, because it would be bad marketing to make an fr/lg remake so soon after. And if it is the third generation 5 main series game, which hopefully will have graphic improvemnents and more desirability, as there was too much anoying forest and grass everywhere, and the rain effects were terrible, it will probably be focused on kyruyem, which accompanies zekrom and reshiram. Either way, Im excited!

Usually? It's happened one time, just like HG/SS being released after the 3rd game one time. There is no real trend, but I'd really prefer it to be a Mystery Dungeon or a Ranger game. Though a new game altogether would be nice, I wonder what other Ideas they could come up with.
I'd put money on it not being the 3rd game or a RS remake; there haven't been any spin-off/side series games for the 5th generation yet, and those will likely be released before any more main series games are. Anyone who thinks differently is setting yourself up for disappointment. I'd love for the announced game to be main series, but I really, really doubt it.
I don't see why anyone would want the TCG video game...we have Redshark to test decks, don't we?
CMP said:
I'd put money on it not being the 3rd game or a RS remake; there haven't been any spin-off/side series games for the 5th generation yet, and those will likely be released before any more main series games are. Anyone who thinks differently is setting yourself up for disappointment. I'd love for the announced game to be main series, but I really, really doubt it.
The typing game is a spin off game for 5th gen nuff said.
It is likely that it could be a Grey Version because Black and White were released 8 months ago in Japan, so if this "new game" is Grey, i could see them enhancing the story a bit, like adding plasma leaders...

this is probably off topic, but also on the right-bottom corner, you can see what looks like Kirby, and earlier this year Nintendo did say that they were working on another Kirby Wii game (i'm not sure if that relates in anyway though, maybe that is the Wii game section of the magazine)
All you crazy people who speculate it's a R/S remake should really read the article carefully:
The current issue of Dengeki Nintendo magazine promises it will announce a new Pokemon game in its May 21st issue; it is stated in the blue sentence in the scan below.
Note the use of the word game, not games. Game is singular, meaning only one game. Games is plural, meaning more-than-one game. You people who overspeculate that it's a R/S remake are funny.

In my opinion, it's not Pokemon Gray (or 'grey' if you live somewhere else), or whatever you want to call it. We had Diamond and Pearl for around two years before Platinum was released. We had Ruby and Sapphire for a bit over a year before FR/LG were released. I don't know, eight months seems like a short time. Maybe when the games have been out for a little over a year, we might hear word of a new main series game. That's my opinion on the issue. I know someone's gonna say, "LOL u nub, Pokaymon grey ftw. u suck trololololololol" about this entire post.

I'm really thinking it's some home console game, but not like PBR. That game was horrible, imo. The Shadow Pokemon series was pretty nifty, so I wouldn't mind seeing that return. If it is a PBR sequel, I'm not buying.
rocky505 said:
CMP said:
I'd put money on it not being the 3rd game or a RS remake; there haven't been any spin-off/side series games for the 5th generation yet, and those will likely be released before any more main series games are. Anyone who thinks differently is setting yourself up for disappointment. I'd love for the announced game to be main series, but I really, really doubt it.
The typing game is a spin off game for 5th gen nuff said.

Regardless, it's not really what I'm talking about -- the typing game is more novelty than true spin-off. What I meant is something like PMD, Ranger, or a console game, and that's likely what the "new game" announcement is going to be.
I would'nt doubt it's either another mystery dungeon game, a new ranger game, R&S remakes or pokemon stadium 3. PLEASE LET IT BE POKEMON STADIUM THREE!!!!!
They could remake FireRed and LeafGreen. I mean.....Kanto has been in every generation so far, So either they would put Kanto in the Ruby and Sapphire, or they could remake
FireRed and LeafGreen. But I don't think it's the game they are going to annouce next month. They said new game not new games, meaning whatever game they annouce will probably be a single game not paired games. If they remade FireRed and LeafGreen, it would fill up the space in 2013 for Japan.
Black and White - 2010
?(3rd Version)??? - 2011
Ruby and Sapphire remakes - 2012
?FireRed and LeafGreen remakes? - 2013
6th Generation Titles - 2014
I know this is unlikely but just putting it up in the air....