(5) Product Images, Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6

RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

d master342 said:
Kinda hate the no rotation. Too many cards to continue to buy and having a huge format doesn't change the decks one cent. We'll still have donk decks, we'll still have broken Claydol, and we'll still have one Unown to stave off Machamp. >__> One year they don't do a rotation..gawd. Next year it better be PL-on or even more sets should rotate out.

The plushies look cool. Too many Notched Ear Pichu ones however.

And the next set is wayyyy too big. I thought RR was big. The name is meh, Gengar Lv.X BETTER NOT BE BROKEN and I'm surprised with more SPs. The tins are the best ever with some of the best packs ever. They must realize that nobody is going to play Rayquaza. Boy, they'll be in for a surprise. ;o

dmaster out.

Yeah, it is enourmus, like Legends Awakened. And there will be, by my calculations(Monkey+Banana=Happiness!) that there will be 7 LV.XS! Holy, that is a LOT!
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

Is it just me or does pokemon really hate their cards getting up in price. For instance the Darkrai lv X was had a lot of hipe and hit $100 prior to coming out. Sure it plummeted soon after, but still. Then Mewtwo lv X who would probably be like $100 if not for the tins got a tin. Now Garchomp C and Rayquaza C (both of which will probably see lots of play) Its just weird.
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

Mew the source of all said:
It's because Pokemon has had bad experiences with religion, and name's like God Blast would just give some people a 'valid' reason to attack Pokemon.

Why do people want to attack pokemon? And it's not really supporting any religion, and not really putting down any, accept for athiest...ism.
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

IMO it's that they see something with evolution (though it really has nothing to do with it), and attack it. It also doesn't put down anyone (not even atheists) it's just meant to bring fun nothing more.
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

Just posted product images!
With our terrible box ratios, it doesn't make huge sets any better. It just makes us spend more money. >__>

The artwork on the packs are THE BEST I'VE EVER SEEN FOR PACKS. Seriously, they're better than the cards almost. Of course they're the main Lv.Xs on the packs. The decks aren't probably going to be that good. Milotic is alright...Good Blister pack. Still haven't gotten the Carnivine one though. >__> And the tins are amazing like I already said. The artwork is cool.

dmaster out.
Awesome artwork for Charizard G Lv.X, like if he used a strong fire attack.
/me sets aside money for those tins.

Wow, pack and deck art seems pretty bland...hopefully the blister promo will be something cooler than that Manaphy...
Ugh. Exactly why are the theme deck mascots cruddy Pokemon?
Oh, wait. It's always like that.

The booster images look sweet, though. Charizard's art on both the card and booster image look the best, though.
Awesome product images. I really like the artwork on the packs. :3
It's not always bad mascot for theme decks just most of the time. Anyway the pack art is awesome (though it doesn't beat LA) and the tin pictures are just awesome. Yay for awesome set being acknowledged as such by pokemon.

EDIT: I love this time of year its always so full of information!
Everything good news.
The new format is amazing, not rotating out anything, Unown G stays and yes.
Gengar LV.X, GeChamp if possible I think will be more popular.
The tins are actually good cards for once.
The pack art is cool, the decks too.
I also think that since that there is going to Zapdos G, there will be Articuno and Moltres G.
Wow, what a great day.
Cool a Gengar Lv.X! I great addition to my GeChamp deck when ever it comes out. These tins and packs look better.
Awsome! Almost makes me forget about the dumb name, like RR packs. It looks like pusa likes switching between 3-d and flat art for the packs.
I love the Arcanine decks art. Some of the best Arcanine art I've seen so far. And the Charizard Lv.X tin will be every little kid's dream.
I kinda liked #D art on packs better, but oh well. the Rayquaza pack though just seems all...dull. There's no action like on other pack artworks.
The pack have the best art I've seen in a while, especially since they look like they were drawn by my favorite Pokemon artist Kouki Saitou. And the tins look pretty sweet. I have a feeling these tins are going to sell way more than any of the other tins, simply because of the popularity of the three awesome dragons they give away in the tins. This set would be the best all-around set in terms of presentation if the sleeves didn't have such a squeamish color scheme to it. :p
Yeah, like if the sleeves were Charizard Sleeves or Absol sleeves or had a better color scheme it coud've been the best set like ever, regardless of the cards. Absol G FTW.