5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame

Hyperion64 said:
Pokemaster563, hitmonchan can get both drain punch and Mach punch in gen 4.

gracias. my friend told me that only meinfoo, and infernape were the only ones. i asked him to do it cause my internet is crappy. but now i got it figured out. and a brave natured guts, mach punchin, drain punchin conkeldurr with a speed of 60 at level 50 :D
I thought I'd try my hand at making a somewhat competitive Pokemon. I was looking at Sigilyph and saw that it had access to quite a few supportive moves, so I thought I'd try and make a Lead Sigilyph. It probably sucks since this is my first attempt, but here goes:

EVs: 252 Speed/252 Special Attack/4 Special Defense
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magic Guard
Whirlwind / Psychic
Mirror Move

Hypnosis is the preferred starting move to attempt to put the opponent to sleep. Whirlwind to get rid of things that Sigilyph doesn't want to deal with or Psychic so you can have an actual attack & stab. Roost is for healing and getting rid of that pesky flying type. Mirror Move is either really good, or really bad. You can copy anything the opponent did last turn, that means you can set up a Stealth Rock/Toxic Spikes/etc, set up a status move other than Hypnosis, and use their best attacks against them (granted it'll probably be something that's not super effect or neutral) but the main thing I was getting from Mirror Move is counter set up since Sigilyph would be the lead.

Like I said before, probably not a good set, but I'm new to the competitive aspect of the game and thought I'd try making a Poke so I could get feed back on my thoughts and hopefully become a better competitive battler because of it~
I wish there were better moves for Ninjask. Does U-Turn do the same as Baton Pass in switching terms? Replace Hone Claws with Swords Dance, as none of your moves need accuracy boosts. And if the U-Turn works, replace X-Scissor and Baton Pass with U-Turn and... Night Slash, I guess. That's up for debate.

And you can also have 510 EVs on a Pokemon. Speed 252, Attack 252, and 4 HP for the leftover. 2 EVs doesn't do anything.

The only reason Baton Pass is used in the first place is because it is the only move that passes on stat boosts. Other than that, Swords Dance is a good option unless, for example, you decide to be original and use Guts + Dynamicpunch Conkeldurr. :p Then, when your accuracy is boosted, you hit hard, you don't miss, and you're speedy. This is actually a good set, now that I look at it. Here's what I'd use.
Ninjask @ Focus Sash
252 HP, 252 Speed
Speed Boost
X-Scissor, Hone Claws, Protect, Baton Pass
Pretty much Protect yourself every other turn, while using Hone Claws and X-Scissor when needed. When you've used Hone Claws at least 2 times, (So Dynamicpunch has 100 accuracy) Baton Pass into Conkeldurr.
Conkeldurr @ Flame Orb
252 Attack, 252 Speed
Stone Edge, Earthquake, Dynamicpunch, Mach Punch
Once you've Baton Passed into Conkeldurr, you have crazy attack with Hone Claws and your Guts boost and Dynamicpunch has 100 accuracy because it goes up 25 each time Hone Claws is used. Mach Punch is there for the Pokemon that do manage to outspeed you even with your speed boosts. Stone Edge and EQ are there for coverage. What do you think? :D
WinterChevalier said:
I thought I'd try my hand at making a somewhat competitive Pokemon. I was looking at Sigilyph and saw that it had access to quite a few supportive moves, so I thought I'd try and make a Lead Sigilyph. It probably sucks since this is my first attempt, but here goes:

EVs: 252 Speed/252 Special Attack/4 Special Defense
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magic Guard
Whirlwind / Psychic
Mirror Move

Hypnosis is the preferred starting move to attempt to put the opponent to sleep. Whirlwind to get rid of things that Sigilyph doesn't want to deal with or Psychic so you can have an actual attack & stab. Roost is for healing and getting rid of that pesky flying type. Mirror Move is either really good, or really bad. You can copy anything the opponent did last turn, that means you can set up a Stealth Rock/Toxic Spikes/etc, set up a status move other than Hypnosis, and use their best attacks against them (granted it'll probably be something that's not super effect or neutral) but the main thing I was getting from Mirror Move is counter set up since Sigilyph would be the lead.

Like I said before, probably not a good set, but I'm new to the competitive aspect of the game and thought I'd try making a Poke so I could get feed back on my thoughts and hopefully become a better competitive battler because of it~
You need cosmic power and stored power. It's amazing. Also, I would drop leftovers for flame orb so it can't be paralyzed or anything and it doesn't take damage because of magic guard.
I have a (possibly) unusual idea for a starting duo. Check it out and let me hear your constructive criticism!

Archeops @ Ground Gem
EVs: 252 Spd, 252 Atk, 4 Sp. Def
Nature: Naive
Ability: Defeatist
Stone Edge

Eelektross @ Expert Belt
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Atk
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Levitate
Wild Charge
Brick Break
Gastro Acid

The idea is to use Earthquake T1 and use up the Ground Gem, thus making Acrobatics have 165 power after STAB and using Gastro Acid to get rid of Defeatist. If they have a Water type out, Archeops will use Protect while Eelektross will use Wild Charge and hopefully eliminate said Water type. Please help me with some constructive criticism.:p
Drop naive nature for jolly on archeops. Also I would run adamant and get rid of flamethrower and add in dragon claw for eelektross, as dragons would resist electric and fire. Otherwise it seems like a very good set to me!
I checked the IV's on both my Jolly Archens and they are, well, terrible compared to my Naive one (Avg. IVs on them being 12.8 or 15.8 w/out Sp.Atk included and the Naive is 20.8 w/out Sp.Atk included). The Naive had the highest avg. IVs of all 6 I calculated. But I'll check on getting them both to Archeops and where they are then. As for the Eelektross, I may do that, minus the Adamant part since it's already the 2nd one I've EV trained past level 60, it to 66 and the other to 76. Thanks though, those were good ideas.:p
So I was trying out Tropius in the sun with a Starf berry but it was too random for my liking so I have found a set with a Custap berry.

Tropius @ Custap Berry Lv. 100 -- Harvest
Nature: Adamant - EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def (100.0 %)
Swords Dance
Aerial Ace
Leaf Blade

Whilst I like this set ( Tropius will always go first except priority due to Custap berry) I have come up with a better one.

Bulbapedia: Growth now increases Attack by one stage in addition to increasing Special Attack by one stage. In intense sunlight, Growth raises Attack and Special Attack by two stages each.

So effectively under the sunlight growth is better than swords dance as it does the same aswell as raising special attack.

Tropius @ Custap Berry -- Harvest
Nature: - speed + ?? - EVs: ?
Air Slash/ Synthesis
Solar Beam

As you can see Tropius special attack moves can be used instead whilst also powering up Earthquake. If using Growth hurts Tropius alot then Synthesis could be used. Sadly Harvest Tropius can't have Roost.

I need your opinion on what would be the best nature ( I think something that has negative speed) and what the EV spread should be.
All defences, or half defence half attack...

Thanks for your time.
Custap berry lets the pokemon go first in a pinch. That means it has to be at low health. Also, I wouldn't run tropius period. It's quite terrible IMO.
Anyway, I got one of my own.
Ambipom @normal gem
Ability: technician
Nature: Jolly
-fake out
-taunt/ return/ double hit/ brick break
Strategy: A classic hit-and-runner. Start out with fake out for quite a bit of damage with technician, STAB, and normal gem. Next, you can hit it with powerful acrobatics, flee out with u-turn, or hammer it with more damage. The last move can be taunt, to stop a good number of pokemon in their tracks, return for more damage, double hit for the same thing, and brick break for rock's and steel's.
Low Kick will deal more damage on average than Brick Break from what I remember. I prefer Life Orb versions of it myself; obviously this means I don't run Acrobatics. The Life Orb version does more damage even though it won't live long. The chances of this Ambipom lasting as long as the Life Orb version is about the same since both have frail defenses.
ok I am not sure if i am posting in the right thread, but im looking for a move set for a trick room Golurk. i have not been able to find anything but sub-punch variations and it wouldn't work for what i am trying to achive. so far all i have an idea of is:

Trick Golurk
Nature: Brave
Ability: Iron Fist
Item: Choice Scarf/Fighting Gem
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Hp
IVs: 0 Speed
Shadow Punch
Mega Punch
Grass Knot

Again this is what i am thinking for a trick room sweeper or tank. if i could get some suggestions or directions for the correct thread that would be greatly appreciated.
First I would recommend using the ability No Guard. It requires you to get it in the Dream World if you are using this on your game. This allows it to take advantage of Dynamic Punch's perfect confusion rate. If you are unable to get No Guard on it, use Brick Break instead. I'd recommend taking out the move Mega Punch because it isn't giving any additional coverage for it. Golurk doesn't really have good Special Attack in the first place so I would replace it with a physical move such as Stone Edge, which has perfect accuracy if you have the No Guard ability on it. The Special Attack EVs should go into HP then the remaining 4 go to either Defense or Special Defense. Choice Scarf is not something you want to use since it is for a Trick Room Team. Leftovers would be better since it gets you some recovery.
dragonexpert said:
First I would recommend using the ability No Guard. It requires you to get it in the Dream World if you are using this on your game. This allows it to take advantage of Dynamic Punch's perfect confusion rate. If you are unable to get No Guard on it, use Brick Break instead. I'd recommend taking out the move Mega Punch because it isn't giving any additional coverage for it. Golurk doesn't really have good Special Attack in the first place so I would replace it with a physical move such as Stone Edge, which has perfect accuracy if you have the No Guard ability on it. The Special Attack EVs should go into HP then the remaining 4 go to either Defense or Special Defense. Choice Scarf is not something you want to use since it is for a Trick Room Team. Leftovers would be better since it gets you some recovery.

I'd also recommend Choice Band if you want to hit like a truck.
It really depends on which role it's playing on the team, but I usually go with Bulk Up. This set is generally more annoying and plays a more defensive role, which I think Scraggy is best at. Speed just doesn't seem as important to me. And speaking of Golurk, how do you guys see him from a competitive standpoint? I think he's usable, but just barely. There are better options.
I'd say bulk up. Scruffy carries drain punch, so if you invest in spc. D evs and attack, after bulk up he doesn't need to be fast. He can just heal damage. Not to mention, he's so slow, he can use dragon tail without worrying about getting hit hard.

Scrafty @ life orb
Nature: careful/adamant
4 hp evs/252 attack evs/ 252 spc. D evs
Bulk Up
Drain Punch
Dragon Tail

I would use payback over crunch, because he's slow, and would suggest shed skin so he is less likely to be harmed by toxic or will-o-wisp.
Alright guys...I got a Mild Victini. What do I do with him!?

Mild @Choice Specs/Scarf
-Searing Shot/Overheat
-Shadow Ball

Mild isn't exactly a very good nature for Viciniti. Depending on he set your running, you would use a different nature. Adamant / Jolly for Scarf and Band, Naive for Mixed, Timid for Special.