The only reason Baton Pass is used in the first place is because it is the only move that passes on stat boosts. Other than that, Swords Dance is a good option unless, for example, you decide to be original and use Guts + Dynamicpunch Conkeldurr.

Then, when your accuracy is boosted, you hit hard, you don't miss, and you're speedy. This is actually a good set, now that I look at it. Here's what I'd use.
Ninjask @ Focus Sash
252 HP, 252 Speed
Speed Boost
X-Scissor, Hone Claws, Protect, Baton Pass
Pretty much Protect yourself every other turn, while using Hone Claws and X-Scissor when needed. When you've used Hone Claws at least 2 times, (So Dynamicpunch has 100 accuracy) Baton Pass into Conkeldurr.
Conkeldurr @ Flame Orb
252 Attack, 252 Speed
Stone Edge, Earthquake, Dynamicpunch, Mach Punch
Once you've Baton Passed into Conkeldurr, you have crazy attack with Hone Claws and your Guts boost and Dynamicpunch has 100 accuracy because it goes up 25 each time Hone Claws is used. Mach Punch is there for the Pokemon that do manage to outspeed you even with your speed boosts. Stone Edge and EQ are there for coverage. What do you think?