A REAL Solution

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I realised that I'm a n00b with my "U IZ TEH NUBZ" or "TEhR IZ NOTING RONG WHIT TEH FORUMZ". I now realised what I need(not really). What if I'm 12 but still don't post well like other 12 yr old members.

Anyways, I'm on 50-50 WPM. Sorry if I dissapointed you in anyway.
LadiesMan217 said:
Anyways, I'm on 50-50 WPM. Sorry if I dissapointed you in anyway.
And now I just HAVE to come and say this...

I seriously hope none of you come and support WPM's idea as it is just because it's WPM. That's sucking up, big time.
And no I'm not saying you have to be against him either. Just bring up your own ideas and try to bring out your own honest opinion with your own unique way of seeing this matter.

Just had to get that out...
LadiesMan217 said:
I realised that I'm a n00b with my "U IZ TEH NUBZ" or "TEhR IZ NOTING RONG WHIT TEH FORUMZ". I now realised what I need(not really). What if I'm 12 but still don't post well like other 12 yr old members.

Anyways, I'm on 50-50 WPM. Sorry if I dissapointed you in anyway.
Please stop trying to get WPM to move you up when the system's there, because for all we know, nothing might change...

If you don't act your age, you'll be moved up, and maybe even down -coughlcoughvcough-, If you are indeed the noobiest 20-year old imaginable, there's a change you might be move to the lowest category, probably.

The TCG age groups seem like a nice way to split, we're still more of a TCG forum, and because the formats are different for the 3 age groups, the players can get comments based on their own age group. I'd still prefer 2 age groups, though, 3 seems a bit too extreme.
Well, I disapprove of one part, the part that I disapprove is the age groups will be divided into 3 age groups, maybe 2 should be enough ? Either that, or could it be divided on yoour noobishness ? It's like all of the newbies/noobs would only be able to post in some forums that everybody can go, and the mambers at the higher ranks of the forums or the mods could answer all of their questions ? But, if you divide the forum by age, some people people would feel left out, and maybe would leave the forums.
cute-mew :F said:
Please stop trying to get WPM to move you up when the system's there, because for all we know, nothing might change...

If you don't act your age, you'll be moved up, and maybe even down -coughlcoughvcough-, If you are indeed the noobiest 20-year old imaginable, there's a change you might be move to the lowest category, probably.

The TCG age groups seem like a nice way to split, we're still more of a TCG forum, and because the formats are different for the 3 age groups, the players can get comments based on their own age group. I'd still prefer 2 age groups, though, 3 seems a bit too extreme.

That's why I suggest making groups not based on age. When members get put to a certain age groups, it just wouldn't be logical anymore with 12 year olds in 17+ and 20 year olds in in the 12 and under group for example. Though that would be kinda degrading to any 17+ year old members being in a "kiddie group" :p
But yeah, I'm still thinking something on the line of newbie (+n00bs), normal members and elite (VIP). Most would fall into the normal group and then move people around based on how good they behave. Age groups would just be confusing and would probably cause a mass out brake of stupid questions like "im 16 why im in rong gruup. fix plz" (I can't even write stupidly! X( How sad is that?!)
If this point has already been made it just proves how utterly lazy I am, but anyhow...The idea is very good, but what would you do if someone, such as myself, didn't want to broadcast how old they are?
TheSalmonOfDoubt said:
If this point has already been made it just proves how utterly lazy I am, but anyhow...The idea is very good, but what would you do if someone, such as myself, didn't want to broadcast how old they are?

In that case, I believe you would be sent to the youngest group. If you prove that you are above your age group, you would move up.
If somebody made an account claming to be 17, acted 17 with nobody thinking "Jeez, what a nooby 17 year old", and then turned out to be 10, would they get moved down? Anyways, If you can prove to be "Above your age", than it seems perfectly fair, as I haven't seen much better ideas.
I agree with Mewstor. I think this is a bad idea.

I don't think that the problem of noobyness is a problem you can ever fix. Try as you might, there will always be noobs who just don't get it. If they get really bad, ban them and move on.

Some of the users here act much better than their ages would suggest. I know I've been surprised more than once about a few members. In general, if you're smart enough to know that posting with proper grammar and punctuation makes you not look like an idiot, then you're not going to do something stupid and make a very pretty-looking thread with spam and flames and other assorted crap.

Also mentioned I believe were possible feelings of people who get put in a lesser forum category than one they'd like to be put in. No one wants to be labeled as a noob. No one (except Noobnerd roflz) thinks he's a noob.

I think that if you really want a forum for adults or adult-level thinkers, make a forum specifically for it and strictly enforce the need for proper grammar and punctuation, and start punishing those who ignore or disobey that rule.

I might post something else later. In a nutshell, I'm against this. I don't think it'll ever work.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
I agree with Mewstor. I think this is a bad idea.

I don't think that the problem of noobyness is a problem you can ever fix. Try as you might, there will always be noobs who just don't get it. If they get really bad, ban them and move on.

Some of the users here act much better than their ages would suggest. I know I've been surprised more than once about a few members. In general, if you're smart enough to know that posting with proper grammar and punctuation makes you not look like an idiot, then you're not going to do something stupid and make a very pretty-looking thread with spam and flames and other assorted crap.

Also mentioned I believe were possible feelings of people who get put in a lesser forum category than one they'd like to be put in. No one wants to be labeled as a noob. No one (except Noobnerd roflz) thinks he's a noob.

I think that if you really want a forum for adults or adult-level thinkers, make a forum specifically for it and strictly enforce the need for proper grammar and punctuation, and start punishing those who ignore or disobey that rule.

I might post something else later. In a nutshell, I'm against this. I don't think it'll ever work.

Naturally. Why waste your time trying to deal with something you have no control over? They'll keep coming and coming.

However, if this indeed does go into effect, there are some parts I'm still hazy on:

1. How do you move up to a higher-ranking group? Some members have explained the obvious answer, but I'm looking for a more elaborate one. As Mewstor stated in an earlier post, it may take months to a year to have an intelligent member's posts recognized.

2. This is, in summarization, age discrimination. I do realize members can be moved up or down on how they act, but a "solution" like this shouldn't even be put into effect.

3. The lying of ages? A big problem. I've yet to see a possible resolution for this problem. Of course, members can be moved down if they prove to be "not of their age," but you still can't prevent a member from lying about their age.

I do understand this solution is an endeavor to solve a problem, but believe me, the system as is is effective enough for me. This proposal will cause more issues than we already have. Ban the offenders, and move on. This way is also effective, because n00bs learn to become flourishing members this way as well.

These are some major flaws I see so far in this proposal. For one, this endeavor will not be worth the effort, and the irony will be in the end when no problems are solved.

To address the deletion of the forums... There's really no apparent reason to do that. 'Nuff said.

Shawn out.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
I think that if you really want a forum for adults or adult-level thinkers, make a forum specifically for it and strictly enforce the need for proper grammar and punctuation, and start punishing those who ignore or disobey that rule.
You know, PMJ does have a pretty good alternative there. A lot easier for everyone, which means it's more likely to work. I'm for this over an entire forum split (but I'm still for the forum split).
All right, I've just noticed something, and it's absolutely unprecedented.

If you would take a look at Ketchup and Mustard's profile, you'd see what I'm talking about. He feels ridiculed and refuses to post until, in his opinion, he can "make more intelligent posts." This is unacceptable. Members should not be feeling discriminated upon or ridiculed because "veterans" think he's a big spammer. Spammer or not, he should feel welcome here.

This is exactly what will happen when members get assigned to their groups. They'll most likely be offended, and driven away.

Now, I ask you: Is this what you want?

Shawn out.
CCloud =F said:
All right, I've just noticed something, and it's absolutely unprecedented.

If you would take a look at Ketchup and Mustard's profile, you'd see what I'm talking about. He feels ridiculed and refuses to post until, in his opinion, he can "make more intelligent posts." This is unacceptable. Members should not be feeling discriminated upon or ridiculed because "veterans" think he's a big spammer. Spammer or not, he should feel welcome here.

This is exactly what will happen when members get assigned to their groups. They'll most likely be offended, and driven away.

Now, I ask you: Is this what you want?

Shawn out.

I can't understand why he did that. He can tell he is posting more intelligent things (Well he should anyway). It's not as if K&M is someone who's post meaningless ideas. He came a long way, I can't see how he portrays himself as someone who needs to post much more intelligently.

Maybe we should just put this into play for a certain amount of time, just to get the idea across. Then, change it back to normal. But then again, when it's back to normal, the spam will come flooding back....

Well, the spam problem here isn't as bad as SOME popular forums around. So, maybe we could deal with the problem in a less-drastic way. Nothing that involves restarting the forums, etc.

I'm starting to change my opinion. The more I think on it, the more it just doesn't seem right. :/

EDIT, after seeing Zaroco's post: I can see exactly why he put that there. I know how he feels. I feel like that sometimes. Not here, but in other places. Yes, when he posts, he posts intelligently, but having that fear of being criticized if you post something wrong, or something that you think the others might bash you for, is not a very fun feeling at all. It takes the fun out of being around other people in a forum. I'd have to agree with CC on this one.
Togeshroob said:
I'm starting to change my opinion. The more I think on it, the more it just doesn't seem right. :/

I have been thinking about this a lot today and I am starting to feel the same way. One of the most important aspects of PokeBeach is that it is family friendly. With the forums divided, several members will feel unequal and inadequate. After taking a look at a few other forums, none of the have age boundries.
I think were all starting to see its not a good idea..... I wasnt a fan from the start, but I think the more people start speaking out on the matter, the more people are against it.....

-Black Rayquaza
I'm not saying that the concept of age influencing noobishness is wrong. I'm just saying that dividing the forums into three doesn't seem too family friendly. I realize that WPM is trying to change PokeBeach into a more mature and adult friendly society, but it sends everything that this place has gained so far down the tubes (in a way).
Bad idea... really bad idea. I saw it, and, this thread is full of suck-ups :/ AEX is brilliant. Just plain brilliant. Age, postcount, grammar, and everything else doesn't matters... the person matters.

I, myself, am 10. I would, as CC said, be A WHOLE LOT offended to be restricted from posting in the Clans and Clubs, Gaming Discussion, etc. I would properly quit in such an absurd and discriminative situation.

I, myself, go mostly to the Game Corner, Clans and Clubs, Gaming Discussion (with Sub-forums), and Site Discussion. If I were restricted and forbidden to post in EITHER of these, I would quit, without even saying a mere goodbye to anyone, and never more open the forums's homepage, and restrict myself to the main page and chatroom.

Resuming all... I totally disagree with this idea. It's stupid. I won't suck up to anyone, and I'm talking with all the Sincerity out of my heart: No. Just no. This is a stupid idea.
I see the light now. Finally, we've got some meaningful posts. WPM, we don't support you anymore. :O
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