Ash's final pokemon.

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RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Well, what about a fossil pokemon. I don't think he has gotten one yet. I say he should get a shieldon. That would be awesome.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Dawn and Pachirisu said:
BK, what you're saying is if Dawn has Buizel, that means Ash gets one ? It makes no sense

Bonsly, I can't hear you...
Well of course you cant hear me. What I am saying is, since Dawn got Buizel, most likely that means no Buizel for Ash.
collidingdragons said:
roton crosonts said:
pokemon fusions rule

Dont spam here

RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

colliding dragons (spelling ?) was talking to that person he quoted, Bonsly

If he gets fossil, it won't evolve this season, and he probably won't take to a new region, unless they do something like Battle Frontier, where Ash took his entire Hoenn team with him
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Dawn and Pachirisu said:
BK, what you're saying is if Dawn has Buizel, that means Ash gets one ? It makes no sense

Bonsly, I can't hear you...

Did i say buixel no I didn't so don't make it seem like I did I was talking about gatrdon.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

But Zoey has it, and if they show a blue one, it probably won't go to Ash due to it's ineptness at battling on land
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Dawn and Pachirisu said:
colliding dragons (spelling ?) was talking to that person he quoted, Bonsly

If he gets fossil, it won't evolve this season, and he probably won't take to a new region, unless they do something like Battle Frontier, where Ash took his entire Hoenn team with him

I know that and I was thanking him for that because I dont want A bunch of spam in my thread. Also Ash never took his entire Hoenn team with him to the battle fronteir. He let Torkoal and Glalie stay at Oak's lab and brought Phanpy with him.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

then caught aipom closer to the end whichis awsome because aipom is awsome
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

collidingdragons said:
then caught aipom closer to the end whichis awsome because aipom is awsome

I 100% agree with that. I do think that if Ash doesnt get A new pokemon soon then one of the pokemon he has now will evolve. Most likely Aipom or Turtwig.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Staravia will evovle first, then maybe one of Dawn's Pokemon before Aipom and Turtwig evolve
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Dawn and Pachirisu said:
Staravia will evovle first, then maybe one of Dawn's Pokemon before Aipom and Turtwig evolve

No I dont think Staravia will evolve till around the 5th gym. And why does everything have to happen to Dawn first? I think that Aipom or Turtwig will evolve around the 4th gym.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Ya seriously you always think everything will happen to dawn and every idea we have for a pokemon for ash you say it isn't going to happen T_T
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

That means Starly was the first one to evolve in Ash's current team and will evolve again before any of his other Pokémon will.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

I know that idiot but what I don't understand is why they wouldnt evolve something else befor it
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Turtwig is Ash's newest Pokemon, it will be a while for it to evovle... Could Croakgunk be next to evolve ?
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