Ash's final pokemon.

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RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

And that matters how? They've met up with people they are freinds with in different regions that they met them in.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

He does need to have a fully evolved water type although i just cant see ash with a feraligator but i still think that would be totally awsome!!
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Silver said: Pokecommunity there was someone who said this but I don't belive it...:

I got the scoop on Ash's next pokemon... it will not be Aipom, Turtwig, or Staravia... no listen very carefully, a friend of mine that is a developer for Pokemon Studios, gave me the scoop, its actually none other then ... well... i cant actually tell you ... but its one of Ash's old Pokemon... think back in the old episodes... =D

So if that were true I would suspect Totodile because it's likethe only water type he has back there that he had with him for any legnth of time
I saw this a while ago and because people now bring up totodile I have to say why is it that someone alway has a friend/uncle/parent or anything that work at pokemon all the way in japan even when you know that the person is not from there.I do not think this will happen of couse it fake.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Silver said:
I never said I completely belive it.

I never said you did I'm talking about how people are now bring totodile(old pokemon)into this because of that false statment and I say it false because that was so vague and random.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Okay first off, Ash will not bring back Totodile or Squirtle. Ash wont get Blastoise because his main rival Gary already has one. So no. Totodile, I dont see him happening unless Ash goes back to Johto. The trade is something that could happen. If you cant accept that then something is wrong with you. You cant say the trade will happen or it wont. But I still think Riolu will be on Ash's team.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Bonsly said:
Okay first off, Ash will not bring back Totodile or Squirtle. Ash wont get Blastoise because his main rival Gary already has one. So no. Totodile, I dont see him happening unless Ash goes back to Johto. The trade is something that could happen. If you cant accept that then something is wrong with you. You cant say the trade will happen or it wont. But I still think Riolu will be on Ash's team.

One of the upcoming title is "Aipom and Buizel! Respective Roads!!" so there a trade maybe.
If you want to see the proof of the title go down.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

We don't know if it will, we have to see the episode first, this is just based on opinions
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

How would it make their temas better? He doesn't NEED a water type you people just suddenly think he does.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Dawn and Pachirisu said:
We don't know if it will, we have to see the episode first, this is just based on opinions
I never said it will happen I am just saying the title might be a clue.

Silver said:
How would it make their temas better? He doesn't NEED a water type you people just suddenly think he does
Who said that.I didn't see anyone say he need a water type lately.

Edit:my bad the post were stuck so I didn't see Monferno 11 put that.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Look. Aipom likes contests and Buizel likes to battle.
Ash F Dawn F
Aipom Buizel
After switch..
Ash A Dawn A
Buizel Aipom
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

My God..If they traded Aipom will be happy because it will be in contests! Buizel will be happy because it will be in Gym Battles! Do you understand it now?
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

You said their teams would be better but Buizel is the only Pokemon she has that can battle if she trades it she's gonna gett killed. And the trade isn't confiremed maybe they will both battle each other evolve and gain respect for each other or something.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Silver said:
You said their teams would be better but Buizel is the only Pokemon she has that can battle if she trades it she's gonna gett killed. And the trade isn't confiremed maybe they will both battle each other evolve and gain respect for each other or something.

So apiom can't fight is what you are saying?.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

when does this trade actually supposed to happen, and im not saying i believe this poke community stuff but didnt Ash bring back bulbasaur for part of hoenn? O well ya i think riolu is a good bet if the trade happens, but if it doesnt i think he needs a water type
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Moneyking63 said:
when does this trade actually supposed to happen, and im not saying i believe this poke community stuff but didnt Ash bring back bulbasaur for part of hoenn? O well ya i think riolu is a good bet if the trade happens, but if it doesnt i think he needs a water type

There is no trade no one know if there will be any yet.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Im talking about If thier is a trade, im not saying it is going to happen or not im just saying if anything like a trade happens
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