Ash's final pokemon.

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shakir99 said:
four: NO, he does not!

Well he is kinda stupid. If he used some old Pokémon he would win but he's to stupid to do that. He's been saying he wwants to be a Pokémon master but the best he's done in an official tournament is in the top eight...
Ash totally needs a steel or dragon type - he has never had one! I would think that he should either get Scizor,Wevile,Garchomp, Gyarados and/or Forretress. An ideal team for him would be...

He traded Aipom. If you're going to post at ;east know whats going on. And he has no chance of getting some of those anyways....
actually bat addict aipom was traded to dawn for buizel. It hasnt been released in america yet but it has in Japan! Silver you can cool your jets a little he/she is new:p Have fun with that ban bataddict! Anyway whats the next episode to air in japan?
Well this is like the 3rd n00b who's done that it's kinda getting annoying....And the new episode is up like right now I think.
Luxray was cool! wish ash had one--but may be the writers dont want ash to have another electric type since that would take away the attention from pikachu.
Silver said:
Well this is like the 3rd n00b who's done that it's kinda getting annoying....And the new episode is up like right now I think.

I agree. Silver thanks for taking care of things for the past 3 weeks though. Anyways the next episode to air in Japan is the one where Aipom/Chimchar is supposed to evolve. Also, its been confirmed by the preview of it that Aipom will be the one evolving. So sad. But on the plus side, since by the games traded pokemon gain experience faster Buizel might be evolving soon. since Aipom is. But I would rather see Chimchar evolve first.
Ya luxray was awsome! I have no idea who that girl is though so ill have to wait untill it comes to the U.S :( Ya only one electric type for ash :( I would love for him to have a Luxray!! It might give him a fighting chance against paul:p

Man! Does an ambipom really fit dawn? O well cant wait for those pics to be up!
Ya she was kinda hot but Ash will never catch an electric type until he bacomes smart enoguh to ditch the rat -_-
Moneyking63 said:
Ya luxray was awsome! I have no idea who that girl is though so ill have to wait untill it comes to the U.S :( Ya only one electric type for ash :( I would love for him to have a Luxray!! It might give him a fighting chance against paul:p

Man! Does an ambipom really fit dawn? O well cant wait for those pics to be up!

Yeah Luxray is awsome. Apparently the girl was just some detective type girl. I think lol. But I doubt Ash will get Luxray. But if he gets Lucario and Chimchar evolves all the way to Infernape, then Ash will have more than a fighting chance against Paul. Seeing as half of Pauls team has a major fighting weakness.
Awsome thanks bonsly!! I know you really want lucario but im seeing more of a riolu! Ya Chimchar is definetly going all the way!! Maybe since ash is catching all his pokemon early there going to do something like they did in kanto. Ash catch riolu like 4 or 5th badge. Then ash catch another one and send it to oaks lab but then bring it out for the championship or something! That would be awsome!! Doubt it will happen but its a theory!
hey, that detective girl looked like a family member of The Officer Jennys'. Same features, hair, eyes....
Moneyking63 said:
Awsome thanks bonsly!! I know you really want lucario but im seeing more of a riolu! Ya Chimchar is definetly going all the way!! Maybe since ash is catching all his pokemon early there going to do something like they did in kanto. Ash catch riolu like 4 or 5th badge. Then ash catch another one and send it to oaks lab but then bring it out for the championship or something! That would be awsome!! Doubt it will happen but its a theory!

Your-welcome :). But im hoping in the end Ash's team will look like this:


That would be so awsome. But Lucario doesnt have to happen. I just want it to. But either way I will be fine with it.
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