Ash's final pokemon.

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Bonsly said:

That would be so awsome. But Lucario doesnt have to happen. I just want it to. But either way I will be fine with it.

great team! only i wont mind if it was gabite instead of Lucario!
shakir99 said:
Bonsly said:

That would be so awsome. But Lucario doesnt have to happen. I just want it to. But either way I will be fine with it.

great team! only i wont mind if it was gabite instead of Lucario!

I can't see Ash with Floatzel but I hope it will happen.Staravia might evolve in the much more later episodes since it evolved very early.Infernape-yes.Grotle-no.I think it''s better if it's Turtwig.I disagree with both Gible and Lucario.Lucario is too cool for a noob like Ash and Gible, well,I agree with what Silver said earlier on.These are just my guesses.
Plus I doubt Ash getting a Pokémon that was featured in a movie...

Oh ya...I got my 1100 post! ~does a little dance~
well, i have stopped taking such speculation for granted, they dont seem to follow these rules anymore!
if neither a gible nor a lucario happens, i will like ash to get a snover!
Ya that would be awsome, although i dont see turtwig, riolu or buizel evolving but hey, you never know! That would be awsome however!! And ya shakir your right she does look like them!
Ya! Staravia will definetly evolve because every bird ash has caught has fully evolved! Pidgeot, Noctowl, Swellow, and now staraptor! Turtwig wont evolve because its comfortable at the stage its at now and still packs a punch! Same with buizel! Chimchar will go all the way to prove to paul that he was worth something! I see ash with either a riolu, mothim, or snover!
I dont even see it going that, no 2 of ash starters have evolved in the same region! Its usually only one, i think infernape is a much better chance, although i do see grotle. I just see infernape more! (and mothim:p)
Well the writers are running out of ideas...maybe they want to change...and that was back when he got all three.
Why would you want him to have Piplup thatw as stupid how he got all three that would just fill up the spots on his team so there would be no variety...he would just gett another flying type, he would have Pikachu and that would leave one random type like Phampy.
Ya i never said it would be practical i just want him to get one cause that would be awsome!! Even awsomer if it evolved to empoleon!! I think his final team will look like

Just a guess! Ok gtg cya
Ya he needs another fully evolved fire type! The only reason i say mothim is because of butterfree!! I dont think he will get a burmy but he might catch a mothim! I really want it to happen!! Dont know if it will! We all have crazy ideas on what we want ash to catch. Silver you really wanted Seadra and Shakir you really want a gabite so i have my theory too:p!!!
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