Ash's final pokemon.

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Whats your point? Then it will take another weakness to fire. (And you don't know it will evolve)
Gligar might be like when he first got aipom. Just a random pokemon catch! I agree riolu or snover are really likely! I really want mothim:p not going to give up on it:p
Nah it wont evolve. Too big for ash! The only real big pokemon ash has had are charizard (nearly burnt him to bits) Pidgeot (realesed right after evolved) and Kingler (never uses! He SHOULD USE IT WAY MOOORE!!)
Moneyking63 said:
Nah it wont evolve. Too big for ash! The only real big pokemon ash has had are charizard (nearly burnt him to bits) Pidgeot (realesed right after evolved) and Kingler (never uses! He SHOULD USE IT WAY MOOORE!!)

Forgetting something???----SNORLAX !!!!
Silver said:
Whats your point? Then it will take another weakness to fire. (And you don't know it will evolve)

ooh!...stop making such excuses. When has ash thought about weaknesses and stuff like that! he just catches a random pokemon!
Silver said:
Thats why he's such a loser -_-

No he's not. Okay lets think for a moment, if Ash did, bring back his best pokemon out of all the regions he has been through right now, sent the others back, then thats what you would want. Okay but what happens when he goes to a new region? There might be some cool pokemon that you or me or anyone might want him to catch and that could become a powerhouse on his team. But no he couldnt catch it or any other pokemon. You know why? Because he would have all of his old ones. Then you would be complaining about that so shut-up about this Ash is a loser talk.
The Fallen said:
And a noob.

You too?! Ugh. Okay first off, when you buy a pokemon game, we all catch random pokemon. So that makes us all noobs and losers. Ash isnt a noob. Its like im the only one who still realizes this. In Hoenn Ash came in second place. Without any of his older pokemon. Now in Johto Ash brought back several of his old pokemon and didnt even make the top 5. So if he would have brought back those old pokemon in Hoenn then he wouldnt have gotten as far as he did.
Silver said:
Well it would be better if he could win once and a while -_-

He does win. Im getting tired of your attitude. Anyways I think the possibilites left for Ash are:


Those seem more likely to happen IMO.
Well I'm looking at his overall skill >.> If he brougth badck his old Pokémon he would reach his goal....and if he didn't win if he used his strongest...then we could all agree that he's a n00b >.>
Silver said:
Well I'm looking at his overall skill >.> If he brougth badck his old Pokémon he would reach his goal....and if he didn't win if he used his strongest...then we could all agree that he's a n00b >.>

Like I said he brought back his strongest pokemon in Johto but still didnt win. So please stop whining.
Silver said:
Back in Johto he didn't have very good Pokémon but all of his Pokémon have gotten stronger.

Yes they have but even then that still doesnt mean he will win. Anyways im hoping that he gets Riolu or Gible. Either one is fine.
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