Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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No attempt to destroy Uberchu=Uberchu kills you.

I send Giygas to scare the heck out of Uberchu.
Uberchu steals his lunch money and Gigas runs home to his mommy.

I send team rocket's tickle machine to tickle Uberchu to death.
(what a hypocrite) Sure eat "it's" soul. I also assume you mean Neptune. In that case the jokes on you, Neptune has no soul.

I slice off Uberchu head.
Your sword/knife/other instrument broke.

I trap Uberchu so that he can´t escape.
Than I cut open Uberchu´s belly with an unbreakeble sword and I never miss.
With Uberchu still sealed away 9000000000ft under the sea with no one to help/hear him/no phone/no other contact possible in any way.
I organise a bean eating contest. Than Iisquise Uberchu as a toilet and no-one knowing it except me. Bring on land, and then he gets to face 90000000000 wet bean farts... He doesn´t survive.

-everything went according to plan.
-Uberchu couldn´t survive that many farts in his organs.
-no-body/nothing saved him.
-nobody took over the world with air.

Uberchu has those stare-proof glasses from that one youtube poop, so the impossible happens: Weegee gets infected by his own virus!

I throw Snorchu and Chuck Norris at Uberchu.
Thundershock still kills everything in plain sight. So he kills you.

I use Lock On, then Sheer Cold on Uberchu.
Uberchu is as hot as the sun.

A meteor fell on Uberchu.
Quote: "A meteor fell on Uberchu." That means that it's previously happened, and you didn't make an attempt to kill Uberchu.

I Squadallah Uberchu.
(props to Pokefan4000 for using these grammatical errors.) I'm sorry I don't know what that is, but it doesn't work because Uberchu dodges it.

I throw Uberchu into a black hole
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