RE: What is the strongest card in the world????
Back to the part about the Sneasel, PRAISE THE GOODNESS OF PIZZA YOU BROUGHT THAT UP! Yet, another Neo Genesis card has been banned, Slowking. A misprint on the card says, BTW, this is according to Wikipedia, so I'm not plagerizing, "Slowking from Neo Genesis had a Pokemon Power that allowed its user to flip a coin whenever the opponent played a trainer card, if that coin was heads, the trainer would return to the users deck without affecting the game. In the Japanese version of the game, this Power could only be used while Slowking was active. When the card was translated to English, however, the card was translated incorrectly. The English version of the card not only allowed you to use the Power while Slowking was benched, but the power was cumulative, meaning you could flip a coin for each Slowking you had in play every time your opponent played a trainer, if even one was heads, that card would return to your opponents deck." There you have it. Oh, not to mention Birthday Pikachu.... people even lie just to say, "Guess what? It's my birthday! 80 damage to you!" Yeah, for only two energy, phew! OK! I'm done!