Best set released so far

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RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

A junky set does not stem from the cards we don't use. You must factor in everything to call it a 'junky' set. When HP came out, the whole thing changed with Adventurer. I remember people saying it was the best Holon supporter out of them all. I see no reason to call it a bad set, overall. Maybe now because of the metagame, but if we were allowed earlier sets, people's opionins would change, drastically.

dmaser out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

well everyone expects so much from everything lolz Almost nothing lives up to the hype, the ps3 didnt, sw didnt, mt well it kinda broke the format in 2 with blissey and lucario lvl x and well wow yea its a great set no line its hawtness lolz All i care about is Smash bros Brawl lives up to the hype XD GE probably wont cause the hype for it is crazy right now but its always like that before every set lol
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

dmaster is right in there.. And one must not underestimate chomp's power.. He still hasnt found it's perfect tech.. And You can't call a set junk because some of the cards there were never used..
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Absolutely correct, riskbreakers. Yes, some things don't live up to the hype, sadly. But take a looks at the Wii and Super Mario Galaxy. :)>3333 Games) I'm thinking that people will totally hate GE once they have the actual cards/scans.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

^And now its stevens advice. And low and behold what set steven's is in.
Edit: That was for your first post that I didn't adress.
riskbreakers said:
When a set is junk it means the cards were almost NEVER used.. Just before DP came.. HP cards were widely used.. For example.. Before Roseanne's came out.. Garchomp users used aerodactyl HP as a tech.. So you have no right to call HP a junky set just because most of it's cards arent used now.. These cards were used before so you really cannot say it was junky..
Okay, I'm positive I went over how PK has double the amount of used cards over HP, so your case is dead. S_T(sorry about that), dragonite also gets powerful. Ray ray isn't dead. Absol isn't dead. Skar can still be teched. Swampert ex d is sexy. Sceptile ex d might see play in sceppy decks soon. Kingdra ex never died. Latios ex d will be revived. Delcatty ex is still teched in decks. Groundon ex may see alittle techage, as well as latias ex d. These guys may show up in a game near you.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Steven's Advice was in DF.. Why are you even talking about a supporter that I really don't care about?

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
Steven's Advice was in DF.. Why are you even talking about a supporter that I really don't care about?

dmaster out.
Cause obviously you like discarding a card and then drawing 3 over drawing 3 and then discarding or drawing 3+ and no drawback. idk. And wrong again. Its in PK.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

I wont really hate GE.. there are a few couple of cards i want to try there.. But the chop-off is a letdown..
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Umm most of the cards in the set have no potential lolz thats the point, if your a good player most other versions of lets just say for example kaputops, are much better. Adventurer helped a already broken holon engine lolz And no it wasnt the best supporter in the engine it was mentor, without mentor the engine would have been awful. At its prime hp, it has delta, r gon, and thats about it coming out of the set. The set is just full of poor made pokez, a lot like dp to be honest lolz
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
Steven's Advice was in DF.. Why are you even talking about a supporter that I really don't care about?

dmaster out.

Steven's Advice is from EX Power Keepers..
Anyway, I'm kinda surprised that no one mention the LatiS from EX Holon Phantom....

@ Capt. Petey: Actually HP isn't as bad as you think. Some of the cards in HP are widely used. For example; Rare Candy(DUH!!), Flygon δ, Lati-Lock & etc. As for PK, it is actually a bad set. Most of the cards in this set are reprinted & only some manage to shine like Delcatty PK while the rest being left behind. You may consider Blaziken PK but sadly, Typhlosion MT outshine it. The fossils might make an impact IF the future Kabutops and/or Omastar is an Archetype & the only pokemon-ex that is useful is Absol ex...
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
A junky set does not stem from the cards we don't use. You must factor in everything to call it a 'junky' set. When HP came out, the whole thing changed with Adventurer. I remember people saying it was the best Holon supporter out of them all. I see no reason to call it a bad set, overall. Maybe now because of the metagame, but if we were allowed earlier sets, people's opionins would change, drastically.

dmaser out.
Okay, so one staple into an already great engine makes a set? If thats the case then I guess DS is super Mentor and scintist were better. By alot. But adventuer was constant. And I went over how neo 4 was the worst set of all time. But HP would still be t3 worse set ever. Only 8ish cards that came out of that set were even played. Its sad when I can count the number of decent cards on two hands.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Oh, you're comparing it to Adventurer. And you keep on talking about the playability. Well, wrong I was talking abuot when HP just came out, so you're sentences mean nothing to what I'm talking about.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

riskbreakers said:
I wont really hate GE.. there are a few couple of cards i want to try there.. But the chop-off is a letdown..

ya, i was really disappointed when they took out the eeveelutions, i was getting the deck box for it and everything lolz But just cause of that doesnt make the set awful, its great. But the waiting for a bit more does sux.....btw the best cards in the format now were suppose to come out in this set so we shouldnt complain that much....but that did make gallade freaky broken....
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
Oh, you're comparing it to Adventurer. And you keep on talking about the playability. Well, wrong I was talking abuot when HP just came out, so you're sentences mean nothing to what I'm talking about.

dmaster out.
Subtract the other parts of the engine and TV>adventuer. So your point is mute.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?


Steven's Advice is from EX Power Keepers..
Anyway, I'm kinda surprised that no one mention the LatiS from EX Holon Phantom....

@ Capt. Petey: Actually HP isn't as bad as you think. Some of the cards in HP are widely used. For example; Rare Candy(DUH!!), Flygon δ, Lati-Lock & etc. As for PK, it is actually a bad set. Most of the cards in this set are reprinted & only some manage to shine like Delcatty PK while the rest being left behind. You may consider Blaziken PK but sadly, Typhlosion MT outshine it. The fossils might make an impact IF the future Kabutops and/or Omastar is an Archetype & the only pokemon-ex that is useful is Absol ex...

At the time we also had the emerald Rare candies so we never really needed the hp ones lolz But your right in many ways. The latis forgot about them lolz HP wasnt used that widely but it did make 2 great archtypes in delta and r gon but most of the rest of the set is pretty bad. Its worst set in the legal format now which is by far HP though.

PK now blaziken is better, as the GE blaze is just incredible and all of a sudden it outshines ty. Omastar d may make a little of a impact, tops is the worst tops though and is just bad lolz. Absol ex did make pk
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Well, I have people who thought it was the best, but then Mentor got big popularity when it was re-released in DF. Scintist = Useless. It was the least used out of all of them. I don't compare to other Supporters because they're either better or equal to the Holon ones. TV/Steven's/Celio's are all the best, don't compare them to Holon. Holon was bad, but at least they added variety. >...>

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

then mentor got popular >.> dude holon transceiver made the deck lolz dont eva call scientist useless!! lolz Umm the holon engine>tv/celios/stevens
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
Well, I have people who thought it was the best, but then Mentor got big popularity when it was re-released in DF. Scintist = Useless. It was the least used out of all of them. I don't compare to other Supporters because they're either better or equal to the Holon ones. TV/Steven's/Celio's are all the best, don't compare them to Holon. Holon was bad, but at least they added variety. >...>

dmaster out.
Where do you get this???? Mentor was always the choosen one. LBS ran 2-3 mentors and 1-2 sci. Adventuer was only 1. What does that say? Scientist was sooo superior to adventuer. If it was around today I would be running it even without trans. HOLON WAS BAD??? You have just lost all crediblity in my eyes. Seriously, you must've started last year because you would not be saying that otherwise.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Papi/Manny said:
Where do you get this???? Mentor was always the choosen one. LBS ran 2-3 mentors and 1-2 sci. Adventuer was only 1. What does that say? Scientist was sooo superior to adventuer. If it was around today I would be running it even without trans. HOLON WAS BAD??? You have just lost all crediblity in my eyes. Seriously, you must've started last year because you would not be saying that otherwise.

shut up fool he is 5 levels higher then you!! you betta have respect fool!!! lolz umm a lot of people hated the holon engine
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