Best set released so far

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RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Again, don't bash other members CP. I don't hate the Holon Engine. It's not used anymore, so why should you even freaking care? All you talk about is the dam playability.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Umm usually im in your shoes XD lolz i just remember papi manny always whining about the holon engine lolz Not really bashing the person when you know the person well

Well, when your a good player thats all you care about. Its whats the worst set in the format now. Its a card game, we go by what cards are the best from each set when you wanna define is as best. Art and everything else really isnt important, its how good they are. You just see it different thats all, thats cool
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

You just joined here, CP. You don't even know half the members I do. >..>

Who cares if you're a good player?? I take everything into account, and I don't care who says they're the best. People who do that are just n00bs.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
You just joined here, CP. You don't even know half the members I do. >..>

Who cares if you're a good player?? I take everything into account, and I don't care who says they're the best. People who do that are just n00bs.

dmaster out.

You would be shocking me im not new >.>

Noobs >.> I have just been called a noob from umm a NOOB LOLZ Dude take everything into account ROFL Like its pretty art >.> Trust me your the definition of a noob
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

I wasn't even directing that comment at you. And for the last time, don't bash other members. Oh, I see you have two accounts. ://

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Name-calling is not necessary. How about it stops immediately or I nuke everyone.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

lolz well he started it XD LOLZ But i will stop, yaz got a nuke, cant play around with that :-(

Hey at least we filled a good 4 pages of not needed information but hey thats why the forums here is the best right now, ACTIVE MEMBERS!!! Sleep sleep nite lolz
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Captain Petey said:
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Steven's Advice is from EX Power Keepers..
Anyway, I'm kinda surprised that no one mention the LatiS from EX Holon Phantom....

@ Capt. Petey: Actually HP isn't as bad as you think. Some of the cards in HP are widely used. For example; Rare Candy(DUH!!), Flygon δ, Lati-Lock & etc. As for PK, it is actually a bad set. Most of the cards in this set are reprinted & only some manage to shine like Delcatty PK while the rest being left behind. You may consider Blaziken PK but sadly, Typhlosion MT outshine it. The fossils might make an impact IF the future Kabutops and/or Omastar is an Archetype & the only pokemon-ex that is useful is Absol ex...

At the time we also had the emerald Rare candies so we never really needed the hp ones lolz But your right in many ways. The latis forgot about them lolz HP wasnt used that widely but it did make 2 great archtypes in delta and r gon but most of the rest of the set is pretty bad. Its worst set in the legal format now which is by far HP though.

PK now blaziken is better, as the GE blaze is just incredible and all of a sudden it outshines ty. Omastar d may make a little of a impact, tops is the worst tops though and is just bad lolz. Absol ex did make pk

How can you compare Blaziken GE with Typhlosion MT??
Both of their attacks are different & the reason why I compare Blaziken PK & Typhlosion MT is because of their Poke-Power & not to mention, Typhlosion MT attack can be used to counter Water Pokemon like Empoleon which is more useful than Blaziken PK's attack if you ask me. As for Blaziken GE, of course it is better if you play it with Blaziken PK since both of them evolve from the same pokemon but playing it with Typhlosion MT is not really a bad thing either as it can be used to counter Water Pokemon...
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
I wasn't even directing that comment at you. And for the last time, don't bash other members. Oh, I see you have two accounts. ://

dmaster out.
He doesn't have two accounts. lol. And ty was better then blaze before but now the roles have really switched with the new blaze.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Psychic Pokemon Master said:
How can you compare Blaziken GE with Typhlosion MT??
Both of their attacks are different & the reason why I compare Blaziken PK & Typhlosion MT is because of their Poke-Power & not to mention, Typhlosion MT attack can be used to counter Water Pokemon like Empoleon which is more useful than Blaziken PK's attack if you ask me. As for Blaziken GE, of course it is better if you play it with Blaziken PK since both of them evolve from the same pokemon but playing it with Typhlosion MT is not really a bad thing either as it can be used to counter Water Pokemon...

Is Typhlosions attack incredible, absolutely. Its not just to counter waters which it does decent in, it discards special energies which is a HUGE plus. Empoleon should still probably beat ty anyways but its attack against gallade and dres just great. Im comparing blaze ge cause it gives blaze pk the weapon ty would dream of lol With the release of blaze ge, blaze pk is now superior to typholosion (which i love so no bias here lol i hate it cause i just got a 3-2-3 line of it XD) as you already have sniping in blaze ge. If they release a really good typhlosion things may change, but right now blaze ge is just a devasting weapon that blaze pk will abuse.

Thats why i brought up blaze ge when comparing it to ty, cause it single handling makes blaze pk the choice over ty.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Yes because every fire deck wants to run a bulky 3-2-2/1 stage 2 line. No, Blazkein Pk is still crap this format in any deck that doesn't run blaze GE. Infact I'd still probably play Typh so I could play a 3-2-3 Blaze Ge line.

EDIT: Yeah this thread has such great disscusion. I'm done posting here now. And yes, I would rather play 2-1-2 Typh and 3-2-3 Blazke GE. If you would rather play a 4-3-2/2 Blaze line, be my guest.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Serjent_Tankian said:
Yes because every fire deck wants to run a bulky 3-2-2/1 stage 2 line. No, Blazkein Pk is still crap this format in any deck that doesn't run blaze GE. Infact I'd still probably play Typh so I could play a 3-2-3 Blaze Ge line.

>.> dude your saying you rather play ty lets say 2-1-2 and a 3-2-3 blaze ge line >.> Umm how about just a 4-3-2-2 blaze line instead >.>

Thats like saying you prefer to play flygon ex 3-2-3 and metagross 2-1-2 when it was popular >.> lolz Umm 1 line always better then 2, ALWAYS lolz
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Serjent_Tankian said:
Yes because every fire deck wants to run a bulky 3-2-2/1 stage 2 line. No, Blazkein Pk is still crap this format in any deck that doesn't run blaze GE. Infact I'd still probably play Typh so I could play a 3-2-3 Blaze Ge line.

EDIT: Yeah this thread has such great disscusion. I'm done posting here now. And yes, I would rather play 2-1-2 Typh and 3-2-3 Blazke GE. If you would rather play a 4-3-2/2 Blaze line, be my guest.
It was having a great discussion until people lost all form of common sense. And since when does a 3-2-3 and 3-2-3 take up less room and is more efficent then a 4-3-2-2 line??
Best Pokemon Set?

In your opinion what is the best Pokemon set in format right now!

This is a break off Worst Pokemon Set?

My favorite Pokemon set was D/P 1!
RE: Best Pokemon Set?

i think the best one is secret wonders lots of great pokemon
for example charizard blastoise lugia...
RE: Best Pokemon Set?

^I agree with everything but charizard and lugia^ they werent all that great! But what really contributed was Gardevoir,Gallade and Gardy Lv.X and the Weavile!^
RE: Best Pokemon Set?

probably SW even tho as a collector i hated the LV X with a passion.....

but they had alot of good cards to play....

as a collector MT cause of Time space.....
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