Best set released so far

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RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

Clafable could be a suprise tech in a few matchups. Remember, Magnezone X can move the energy around.

In the Raichu matchup, it gives you access to voltage shoot and burst ball, two attacks that can quite easily disrupt the raichu matchup. Burst Ball serves as a remarkabbly cheap way to knock out a non-lvl x Raichu, while voltage shoot can cut off claydol, and stray pikachu, and even go far enough to threaten Bronzong. If used alongside the metal SF MagneTON, or Speed Shot Magnezone, you can pretty much threaten any pokemon in play to the point of where they MUST answer clefable, otherwise you can both play the "I harass your bench" game, and with Raichu decks having substatially less hp than Magnezone decks, its definately a game he doesn't want to play. Raichu decks are also set up more for getting energy to the hand, not the board, so forcing him to discard 3 for burst ball can really set him behind.

In AMU, your best bet is to copy Zen Blade early for some damage, but Deep Balance comes a long way towards harassing Mesprit. Magnezone decks generally don't like Azelf, but if you can force him to either waste a turn/2 killing Clefable, or force Mesprit active for the quick solution, you can force a game he doesn't want to play. If you even put 1 damage counter on Mesprit, most of your pokemon can go about having a knock out answer if Mesprit gets pushed up (and they need at least 1 energy in play to use any of their attacks, and bar a lucky energy pickup, threaten a Supreme Blast). Forcing Azelf can cause one of 2 senario's. Either you have now made Azelf able to be knocked out, and there's a good chance you will, or Clefable can go about handing deep balances to any of AMU's pokemon. 1 damage counter without snowpoint is enough, 3 with.

In Kingdra, any ammount of time you can force kingdra to weaken helps. If you dragon pump him, you put him in very easy range for any of the magnezone. If a fresh Kingdra comes up, use Gyro Spin to force it back and return clefable. Getting dragon pumped in the Megnezone matchup does Kingdra no good, as magnezone is one of the few decks that can consistantly hand out 70 damage. It doesn't hurt that we aren't too shy about discarding energy.

I'll post any other matchups you guys would like to see.
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

2 DP Magnezones are a must in all Zone decks simply because it means practically everything has free retreat. You will suffer a lot without it. SF wise, the Electric Zone is nowhere near as good as the Metal Zone. Even with Lake Boundary in play, it can't OHKO Kingdra without help, and it's power isn't required, the deck runs fine without it. The only good point I can see about it is that it can be sent forward for almost a free 60 damage, the switching seems quite useful. I'll have to test the Electric one first but I think 2 DP and 1 SSF Metal is the way to go in a Zone deck. And 1 LV.X obviously.
The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Please give me your opinions of the best pokemon cards ever,no judging.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

cynthia said:
darkrai lv.x. because I love dark type pokemon and help me a lotw ith its poke body.

Did you use him one of your decks?
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

luygia EX. IDK why... it's just really cool and won worlds, plus i played it in one of my first noobish rogue decks and won two cities and got T4 at regionals.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Darkrai Lv.X for sure. Only deck that was fast for me to get everything out.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET


80+ damage T2 constantly is scary. Combined with Slowking, you're pretty much locked up for sure.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Blastoise from Base Set, for sure endless Wtare Energies are great =)
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Zyflair said:

80+ damage T2 constantly is scary. Combined with Slowking, you're pretty much locked up for sure.

Sneasel is extremely overrated.

Doesn't Mightyena LA do the same thing? lolololol

Seriously, Sneasel only 2HKO's most stuff. That's pretty meh-ish for two energies.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

It's not a Stage one, but a basic. One thing to note about the unlimited format is that it favors the Basics more than the Stage One than the Stage Two.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Toss up between Brocks Ninetales and Flygon Ex LM. Both had extremely successful rogue decks, Ninetales in particular. Not to mention that both are just cool pokemon.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

In my opinion i think the best card has to be Claydol. The amazing draw power says enough. It may not be able to attack for anything but is very good. The best attacker i think is a toss up between Charizard EX and Lugia EX. The best defender when it came out was Mr.Mime from jungle.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

In my opinion I think the best card has to be Claydol. The amazing draw power says enough. It may not be able to attack for anything but is very good. The best attacker I think is a toss up between Charizard EX and Lugia EX. The best defender when it came out was Mr.Mime from jungle.
While I'm not very familiar in the unlimited format, I'm pretty sure there are much better draw engines.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Ariadosguy said:
Zyflair said:

80+ damage T2 constantly is scary. Combined with Slowking, you're pretty much locked up for sure.

Sneasel is extremely overrated.

Doesn't Mightyena LA do the same thing? lolololol

Seriously, Sneasel only 2HKO's most stuff. That's pretty meh-ish for two energies.

As Zyflair said, Sneasel is a Basic, which makes it easy to swarm. Also, while on average it does 60, if it dealt 100, you would be in big trouble. Stages 2s in that day has around 100HP. Also, you can account for some Special Darks in the attack cost as well, which averages to 80. 80HP was also more common than it is now. 4 heads and 2 Special Darks reaches the magic 100.

Not to mention it has access to the best locker in PTCG history: Slowking....

Another thing about Neo was that attacks did not do 60 and 20 spread or 40 or auto-KO Basic (for 1) in those days. Those things would probably cost three energy in Neo.

Sneasel also didn't have a Weakness (Mightyena does) or a retreat cost, but a Psychic Resistance of 30. This stats are waaayyy better than Mightyena's.

Bottom line: In its time, Sneasel outsped and OHKO'd almost everything.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Slowking from Neo Gensis has a power that let you flip a coin. If heads, you opponent couldn't play Trainers during their next turn.

This doesn't sound too bad, but when I say it is stackable....yeah...I have 3 Slowkings in play, there is only a 12.5% chance of you being able to play Trainers next turn.

What makes it even more broken is that there weren't any Supporters or Stadiums os Pokemon Tools in those days....

...that's what I thought....
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Not to mention the fact that Lass destroys your hand anyway.
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