Cardfight!! Vaguard Group Discussion

I wonder If Bushiroad is going to errata all the current Perfect/Null Guards in the game to where they have the new Sentinel keyword from BT10 so that players don't end up running 8 Perfect/Null Guards in one deck, that'd be stupid won't it? Think about it though cause the Sentinel cards have different card names than their Perfect/Null Guard predecessors.

By the way I upgraded my Pellinore/Gamore deck which looks alot like HerO's build that he posted on his YouTube Channel called DifferenceInSkill except his runs Sleygal Dagger in his Grade 1 slot and mine runs Blackmane Witch although he did suggest running the Witch though. Anyway here's the build:

Grade 0 (17)

4 Elixir Sommelier (Heal Trigger)
4 Speeder Hound (Draw Trigger)
4 Silent Punisher (Critical Trigger)
2 Weapons Dealer, Gwydion (Draw Trigger)
2 Flame of Victory (Critical Trigger)
1 Spring Breeze Messenger (Starting Vanguard)

Grade 1 (15)

4 Halo Shield, Mark (Perfect/Null Guard)
4 Knight of Elegant Skills, Gareth
3 Listener of Truth, Dindrane
2 Blackmane Witch
2 Charjgal

Grade 2 (11)

4 Knight of Superior Skills, Beaumains
4 Lop Ear Shooter
2 Player of the Holy Bow, Viviane
1 Sacred Guardian Beast, Nemean Lion

Grade 3 (7)

4 Great Silver Wolf, Garmore
3 White Hare in the Moon's Shadow, Pellinore

Deck Total (50)

Came really close to beating Dimension Police with this deck with the Sleygal Daggers over Blackmane Witch except my opponent somehow managed to gain momentum in drawpower late game so to speak. It did pretty good against Shadow Paladin and I also tested my Amber Dragon Kagero deck against Dark Irregulars and managed to win pretty easily despite getting grade locked from playing Amber Dragon, Daylight early game. Thought about getting some Wyvern Guard, Barri's for the deck as a defense but I'm trying to get rid of my Kagero deck and stick with Gold Paladin.
Both my Royals and Dark Irregulars are getting better... Death Anchor is all kinds of fun. I also have Dimension Police, but I'm not doing much with it until we get set 5, as I'm interested in an Enigman Rain/Miracle Beauty build. Set 8 will help even further, of course.
Played in a small Vanguard Tournament again last Saturday and did okay, went 1-2 out of 3 rounds with Best 2 out of 3 Swiss. 1st Round I came really close to beating Angel Feather but I lost the 2nd or 3rd game due to gradelock, 2nd round was against Spectral Duke and I somehow managed to beat it only because I kept putting my opponent's Duke at the bottom of deck when cutting, then came 3rd round when I got my butt handed to me again by Granblue from a player who has the best luck in the game I've seen so far.

I kid you not, every time he declares Final Turn on me he always gets 2 Crits on a Twin Drive Check that ALWAYS hits for winning the game. Anytime I manage to try to get in that 6th damage to win the game against him he always gets a Heal Trigger to save himself for one more turn to win when my hand is nearly depleted to guard against his attacks. He did manage to lose one game in the tournament but I think it was against either Bermuda Triangle or Pale Moon which was played at the time and it was the second Vanguard Tournament where he got a bye on his first round since we've had only 7 people including myself participating lately.
Yeah that's the new Clan Misaki is running over Oracle Think Tank which makes sense when the Tsukiyomi Ride Chain that she ran got killed off from the Japanese Restricted List so it makes sense for her to change Clans in that kind of situation, same way Kai gave up Kagero because DOTE got restricted as well. Aichi on the other hand wanted to run both his Old Clan and New Clan from Season 2 so he got Liberators.
Fraxureking said:
Meaty said:
Dark Irregulars did it before it was cool. ;p

Genesis has a Grade 1 Emblem Master like card though D: .

Talk to me when they get flirtatious succubus, alluring sccubus, yellow bolt, and Doreen the Thruster in one clan. :p
I just recently pimped out my Garmore deck but instead of running 3 Pellinore with 4 Garmore I'm running 2 Blond Ezel and 2 Gigantech Destroyer with 4 Garmore. I also took 2 Blackmane Witch out for 2 Sleygal Dagger cause it's so much better for hitting those high numbers. 6k boost is decent but won't do much at all really unless you get a Trigger boost.

I tested my deck against my friend's Shadow Paladin deck and it did amazingly good, now I gotta see how it does against Dimension Police although I don't think it will do all that well against Granblue which seems to be a Clan that alot of people take for granted cause Superior Calling from the Drop Zone is stupid good. Infact I'm a bit surprised it hasn't done all that well in competitive tournaments.
Card Slinger J said:
I Tested my deck against my friend's Shadow Paladin deck and it did amazingly good, now I gotta see how it does against Dimension Police although I don't think it will do all that well against Granblue which seems to be a Clan that alot of people take for granted cause Superior Calling from the Drop Zone is stupid good. Infact I'm a bit surprised it hasn't done all that well in competitive tournaments.

Someone did pretty well with a 12-crit Cocytus build of Granblue at my last local tourney, actually.
Depends on what cards you're looking to get out of it since most of the chase cards in BT05 are on the Restricted List that the English version of the TCG doesn't have yet. With the direction the TCG is going everyone is probably going to run Gold Paladin and alot of Japanese players who play Vanguard are quitting the game because of how broken Break Rides are plus from what I'm hearing from players the mechanic itself is even worse than Crossrides.

The biggest problem with Break Rides is that they have no cost or downside to them, you just ride them on top of a Grade 3 you already have as your Vanguard with 4 cards in the Damage Zone for Limit Break and proceed to give 3 +1k boosts to 3 of your Rear Guard Units. It's kind of like SSD only worse, I'm not sure If all Break Rides give boosts to 3 units like Gancelot does but the fact that they have no cost to play them makes it stupid. Can you imagine Break Riding Gancelot onto Platina Ezel or Spectral Duke? That's almost like a OTK in Yu-Gi-Oh! right?
I'm not actually afraid of the restricted list coming to the english format, I actually wouldnt mind seeing less Tsukuyomi and although I have a Kagero deck and I don't want to run The End. It's all about Blockade, man. Gancelot is the only one that has that particular Break Ride, and from what I've heard, Bad End Dragger's going to be just as bad.

I can't wait for the Genesis break ride though.
Btw, Dragonic Descendant is a pain to play against.
I guess the only downside to Break Rides would be similiar to performing a Persona Blast when you need discard fodder from your hand to pay the cost of a card ability or more than likely needing discard fodder in hand to play Perfect/Null Guards or should I say Sentinel cards since Bushiroad practically changed them that way. Even still there's this one guy whose been testing Vanguard decks online and he tested a GP Gancelot deck with the new Alfred and Platinum Ezel, it was basically akin to a OTK in Yu-Gi-Oh!. It'd probably be like rage quitting to losing against a DOTE Kagero deck which thankfully got nerfed by the Restricted List.
I want the Genesis Break Ride just because it's name is Himiko which coincidentally is Rise's Persona from Persona 4 lol. Genesis also sounds like a fun clan to use
So I thought I'd do a Tournament Report for Vanguard cause ya know, why not? Anyway, I came in 3rd place out of 8 players who attended with a Win-Loss Record of 2-1 out of 3 Rounds. 1st place I believe went to DoTE Kagero, 2nd to either Granblue or MLB Royal Paladin, and 3rd to my deck being Garmore/Ezel Gold Paladin which I gotta say I like alot better than Pellinore. Maybe If I ran 4 Heals and 12 Crits I might of had a better chance but 4 Heals, 6 Draw, and 6 Crits seems pretty legit. I was just glad I didn't go up against that 12 Crit Granblue deck I always keep losing against.

1st Round I lost against DoTE Kagero and throughout the entire game he never managed to Persona Blast for DoTE's ability which I found quite odd. Even still it was a very close match between me and him though. 2nd Round I played against MLB Royal Paladin and managed to win against it by a hair, and 3rd Round I played against RP Garmore/Snowgal where I managed to overpower him with Blond Ezel. He's just amazing although sometimes his Limit Break has helped a couple of times. Has anyone else besides me had trouble beating a deck with 4 Heals and 12 Crits cause it just seems difficult for some odd reason.
Went to a team tournament today, I played my Pendragon Royals and my teammates played The End and Spectral Duke. First round we played against what was probably the best team there and my opponent was playing The End. I misplayed HORRIBLY because when he first attacked with The End I perfect guarded in fear of its persona blast, but then I later realized he didn't even have 2 unflipped damage. Next turn, when he DID have the two unflipped damged I had to take the attack and he got it off... That pretty much cost me the game, along with the fact that he healed successfully twice, and only one of my teammates won his game. Next round they were missing a player, which happened to be my opponent, and we easily won the one game we needed to win. Our next opponents were also pretty easy, I beat a Shadow Paladin deck pretty badly by superior riding SSD turn 4 and having a nearly full field including Barron/Pegasus Knight column out, becoming 30k right there. My DOTE partner beat a Snogal Royals deck easily, standing The End twice in one turn (the guy left his Brugal in the front. xD) This made me happy because that Royals guy think he's really good at card games but he sucks and he just really annoys me... But I guess I should be grateful to him, since he (reluctantly) let me borrow a Blaster Blade, only because his nicer friend playing the Shadow Paladin deck convinced him to. Then my SDD partner had his game in the bag but purposely milled himself lol. We won our next round as well, and my game was rather easy since he was playing Pale Moon and stuck at grade 1 for a few turns. I rushed him badly (I even rode Gancelot lol) and won before he hit grade 3. I think both of my partners won as well, but then the next round we lost 0-3... I played against Angel Feathers and lost to a badly timed crit (as is usually the case, when I guarded 2 to pass at 4 damage he hit nothing, and when I don't guard he hit a crit.) I suppose it didn't matter anyway since DOTE lost to a bad matchup against Soulless OTT, and SDD lost due to missing the grade 2 in the ride chain. We placed 3rd overall, and I won... a high five from the TO, after some insisting for a prize. Woot.