Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but now you can only speak Spanish.

I wish for a talking hummingbird that destroys anyone who tries to corrupt my wish.
Granted, but it dies.

I wish my Silver and Crystal versions actually worked, and I was able to play them.
Pokefan4000 said:
Granted, but it dies.

I wish my Silver and Crystal versions actually worked, and I was able to play them.

Granted, but they promptly break again!

I wish I wasn't ninja'd so often...
Granted, but then you are forced to listen to your least favorite music for eternity.

I wish that there was something called the Canadian Alps.
godzilla898 said:
Granted, but you die.

I wish the world was a good place!

Granted, but you must sacrifice yourself for it!

I wish I could see the new Transformers movie right now!
Granted, but you despise the movie and burn all copies that you get..

I wish for world hunger.
Granted, but it backfires because of your evil intentions and you starve to death.

I wish that the world was a good place!
godzilla898 said:
Granted, but it backfires because of your evil intentions and you starve to death.

I wish that the world was a good place!

Granted, but you wasted your wish, as it already is!

I wish a mod would post in this thread...
Granted, but there are plenty of beaches out there already, so, EPIC Fail!
And yes, I am always on the Game Corner!

I wish I was a mod...
Granted, but the Woopers drown you!!!!

I wish that everyone talked with a stupid accent.
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