XY Do you want any game mechanics changed in X and Y?

I want them to bring back the underground. And poffins. And I'd like it if you could have a pokemon walking around with you again. Perhaps it wonders off if you stand still doing something for a long time. Maybe they behave like their natures dictate.
I agree, we should have something to the nature of Poffins or Pokeblock, I think that they were both very useful. (I'd also like contests to go with this, but I don't see it happening. Contests was a big reason why I wanted a Gen 3 remake.) An Underground world be great, but I don't see it happening, I think it'll always be a Sinoh exclusive. Though I could see something along the lines secret bases like in RSE.

I'm really excited for the easy visibility of IVs and EVs, hopefully we'll be able to see what our Pokemon has. That's one mechanic I'm really hoping for.
I'm thinking that the "The wild ____ you stepped on!" message is a special case, maybe a storyline event or some new mechanic for finding Pokemon.
Im thinking it will be more of like the hidden ninjas in the grass mounds or the dirt rustling in caves? Like you see a dirt mound and step on it and there is a chance of a pokemon, but now it gives you the message that you stepped on it.
So now we're going to be intentionally stepping on pokemon*. Wonderful, good thing they made 'amie' to counteract this.

*If you're running around jumping on those 'rustling dirt' spots looking for a pokemon, then youre obviously /trying/ to step on pokemon. Dur
So, apparently the Pokemon-amie thing can be used to raise your Pokemon's evasion and crit rates. I guess that means they are stats now? Maybe we're getting an EV overhaul to go along with the two new stats?
Cinesra said:
So, apparently the Pokemon-amie thing can be used to raise your Pokemon's evasion and crit rates. I guess that means they are stats now? Maybe we're getting an EV overhaul to go along with the two new stats?

No. I sure hope that those aren't stats. That's going to be terrible. Hax is supposed to be hax.
I'd prefer that crits go die in a fire, but I guess having a stat you can train would be more competitive/strategic than just a RNG.
Cinesra said:
I'd prefer that crits go die in a fire, but I guess having a stat you can train would be more competitive/strategic than just a RNG.

I'd also prefer that there be no crits, but I'd rather it just be everyone having the same amount of chance for hax rather than there being a way to increase your chance of getting lucky. But evasiveness would be the worst, there's a reason it's moves are banned competitively, the idea that you could increase that would be just plain annoying.
I don't do competitive stuff, so this is great IMPO. Especially evasion; double team, etc never ever worked really. Always worked for the other mons though. Psh.
I know this thread seems mostly dead, but what do you think of if a move would have been a critical hit, but the accuracy check says it's a miss, the battle message was "the move grazed your/the foe's/the wild ____" and deals half the normal damage (excluding OHKO moves and status moves, of course)?
TheGuy said:
Cinesra said:
So, apparently the Pokemon-amie thing can be used to raise your Pokemon's evasion and crit rates. I guess that means they are stats now? Maybe we're getting an EV overhaul to go along with the two new stats?

No. I sure hope that those aren't stats. That's going to be terrible. Hax is supposed to be hax.

Ever heard of focus energy, slash, leaf blade, air cutter, night slash, etc?, those give hax a boost in your favor, and no one complains.

Anyway, don't worry, hax won't go anywhere, we still have status, confusion, multi-hit moves, accuracy, and those other randomized things.
Besides, if someting unbalances the metagame too much, it would just be banned/resetted. smogon (like life) always finds a way.
Pokémon X and Y should do away with name raters! we should be able to change the names of our Pokémon any time we want without having to go to some guys house. And they should invent a key item that you get that allows all of your Pokémon to battle under water. It just bothers me that game freak allows fire, rock and ground type Pokémon to battle under water without explaining it. A Charizard can not battle under water; not to mention Pokémon like numel and camerupt! They also need to do a better job with the surf animation and do something different with the HM move fly.
blackmercy said:
Pokémon X and Y should do away with name raters! we should be able to change the names of our Pokémon any time we want without having to go to some guys house. And they should invent a key item that you get that allows all of your Pokémon to battle under water. It just bothers me that game freak allows fire, rock and ground type Pokémon to battle under water without explaining it. A Charizard can not battle under water; not to mention Pokémon like numel and camerupt! They also need to do a better job with the surf animation and do something different with the HM move fly.

Its kinda been a problem since the beginning how fish-pokemon can battle ANYWHERE besides while surfing so its not like this is a new issue.

But you're missing the problem IMO. Pokemon shouldn't be able to battle underwater because they cannot breathe, not because of weaknesses.
I mean what the heck do weaknesses have to do with it? Rock pokemon cant battle on grass then?
If something is weak to say Grass or Water TYPE, its weak to damaging moves of that TYPE.
All that means is that instead of getting regular damage, they get bigger damage. Just standing in water or on grass does 0 damage. Multiply that by 2 or 4...doesn't make it more damaging.
Reggie McGigas said:
How about a key item that allows you to see your pokemon's EVs and what hidden power they can learn.
It's already been confirmed that EVs and/or IVs will be made more visible. To what degree, though, is still a mystery.
Can HPs PLEASE not be determined by IV's. It really stinks when you have a pokemon who you want Max IV's for certain stats, but also need a certain HP for coverage. And woop wouldn't you know it, the two you want don't match up!
TheRoyalXerneas said:
I would love for the hidden grottos to make a return!!!

As long as they improve the odds so you don't end up with junk 90% of the time, I'm okay with bringing them back.