future ex's

Maybe a MEWTWO EX.

110 hp
weakness: psychic
resistance: colourless/darkness
retreat: cost 2

poke-power: Energy circulation

Once during yr turn .blahblah blah......u may use any of any pokemons poke-power in play.follow effects blahblah blah.....

1 psychic : Poke' Psy - 30
search yr deck for a card and put it in yr hand

3 psychic : Psy Shooting - 50
defendingh pokemon asleep and if has a special energy,
20 dmg to 1 bench

5 psychic: Psy Whip - 100
- 10 dmg for each dmg counter on mewtwo EX, if opponent has eX poke mon, base attack 100
RE: Future EXs ideas

All of those cards sound broken/way overpowered. 160 hp the highest non wailord Hp and for a stage one is too much. Steelix the overpowered stage 1 has 150 Hp and I have heard many discussions on the cheap factor of this. Really, only the retreat cost makes it close to fair. YOur granbull has 3 retreat cost, not cheap but for that much Hp too low. The Fact it does 50 from being dmg is far to high. Basic pokemon are koed off the ability and even the highest exs take a chunk off that. and then combined with his attack makes a double clorless cost into a 110 Dmg attack. and for three cost 120 if they are evolved Plus the effect of them attacking it.

Houndooms first attack is too cheap for 50 and an effect. His second attack adds to much damage with his ability. The fact he can burn with any two types of energy cards is strong enough to ake Houndoom broken, then add in a four for 90 that can do 150 and you have over powered.

Mathace, you cards were good. If I were you Id give gligar one less retreat cost, possibly make it free. He has low Hp and decent moves, a low retreat cost to none could make him more playable. As for Whiscash, I hate the pokemon but love the card design.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Slaking: I'd recommend you cut down the hp by 20. But yeah its pretty good since it forces you to sleep. or switch off which is too costly for most.

Golem: It would be a less played ex. To require 6 energies to do max damage of 90, and then discard them, it basically would be a combo card or last ditch effort without going to the extreme that Gyarados star does. Its definatly fair, if anything.
RE: Future EXs ideas

If you don't mind, I'm going to go ahead and make the Ultimate ex.

Alakazam ex 150 HP [P]

Poké-BODY: Telekinetic Reaction
All Special Energy Cards attached to all of your Pokémon now also provide 1 React Energy but provide the number of energy that card provides at a time. When you attach a Special Energy card to one of your Pokémon, place one damage counter on that Pokémon.

[C][C] Mini-Psystorm 10x
this attack does 10 damage times the number of energy attached to your opponent's Basic Pokémon.

[P][P][C][C][C] Ultimate Reaction 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of React Energy cards in play. Alakzam ex does half of that damage to itself (rounded to the nearest 10)

W: [P]
R: N/A
RC: [C][C]

^If THAT ain't ultimate, nothin' is.
RE:  Future EXs ideas

Charizardian said:
If you don't mind, I'm going to go ahead and make the Ultimate ex.

Alakazam ex 150 HP [P]

Poké-BODY: Telekinetic Reaction
All Special Energy Cards attached to all of your Pokémon now also provide 1 React Energy but provide the number of energy that card provides at a time. When you attach a Special Energy card to one of your Pokémon, place one damage counter on that Pokémon.

[C][C] Mini-Psystorm 10x
this attack does 10 damage times the number of energy attached to your opponent's Basic Pokémon.

[P][P][C][C][C] Ultimate Reaction 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of React Energy cards in play. Alakzam ex does  half of that damage to itself (rounded to the nearest 10)

W: [P]
R: N/A
RC: [C][C]

^If THAT ain't ultimate, nothin' is.

If Ultimate Reaction needed (P)(C)(C) and didn't do damage to itself, then it would be near the ultimate EX. ;)
RE: Future EXs ideas

This is the Ultimate EX

Tyranitar EX
160 HP(D)

Poke Body: Most Extreme Power
If your opponent's defending pokemon is a type that Tyranitar EX is weak to, Tyranitar EX now has no weakness and Tyranitar EX's attacks now do double the damage.

(F)(D)(C) Destructive Revenge 40
Discard cards from the top of your opponents deck equal to the amount of damage counters on Tyranitar EX.

(D)(C)(C) Crunch 60

(F)(D)(D)(C) Hyper Beam 120
Tyranitar EX can't attack during your next turn.
Weakness: (G)(F)
Resistance: (P)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)


                                           HYPER BEAM!!!
RE: Future EXs ideas

no,this is the ultimate ex:

Blaziken ex[ff] 160 hp
Pokebody:Agility Power
When the defending attacks Blaziken ex,flip a coin.If heads,the attack is successful.If tails,the attack is unsuccessful.

Blaze punch[rff]100-
this attack does 100 minus 10 for every damage on Blaziken ex.

Overhot blast[rrrr]200
discard all fire energy attach to Blaziken ex.

retreat cost:[ccc]
RE: Future EXs ideas

Fighting = {F}
Fire = {R}

Just an FYI. And neither {D} nor {G} are resisted by {F} or {R} in the TCG. :/

Blaze punch is overly broken, as is Agility power. Overheat(?) Blast kinda sucks...

And that TTar's power is overly broken.. although I assume it was supposed to be. This TTar >>>>>>>>>>>> this Blaziken.
RE:   Future EXs ideas

Charizardian said:
If you don't mind, I'm going to go ahead and make the Ultimate ex.

Alakazam ex 150 HP [P]

Poké-BODY: Telekinetic Reaction
All Special Energy Cards attached to all of your Pokémon now also provide 1 React Energy but provide the number of energy that card provides at a time. When you attach a Special Energy card to one of your Pokémon, place one damage counter on that Pokémon.

[C][C] Mini-Psystorm 10x
this attack does 10 damage times the number of energy attached to your opponent's Basic Pokémon.

[P][P][C][C][C] Ultimate Reaction 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of React Energy cards in play. Alakzam ex does  half of that damage to itself (rounded to the nearest 10)

W: [P]
R: N/A
RC: [C][C]

^If THAT ain't ultimate, nothin' is.

If Ultimate Reaction needed (P)(C)(C) and didn't do damage to itself, then it would be near the ultimate EX. ;)

No, then it would be plain broken:rolleyes:
RE: Future EXs ideas

That Alazakam would be tooo broken.

Well, I wanna see a Nidoking and a Nidoqueen in ex forms with massive dmages!!!
RE: Future EXs ideas

here's your wish, Jade:
Nidoqueen ex 150 HP {G}
Poke-Body: Poisonous Spines - If the Defending Pokemon does more than 40 HP damage to Nidoqueen ex, that Pokemon is Poisoned.
{GG} Megahorn 50x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads.
{GGGCC} Mega-Earthquake 100
This attack does 30 damage to each Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: {R}{P}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost:{CCC}

Nidoking ex 160 HP {F}
Poke-Body: Poison Resistance - Nidoking ex cannot be Poisoned.
{FF} Thrash 20+
This attack does 20 damage plus 20 damage for each damage counter on Nidoking ex
{FFFCC} Mega Kick 100
Weakness: {P}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {CCCC}

Please comment on these cards.
RE:  Future EXs ideas

bass_forte said:
Fighting = {F}
Fire = {R}

Just an FYI. And neither {D} nor {G} are resisted by {F} or {R} in the TCG. :/

Blaze punch is overly broken, as is Agility power. Overheat(?) Blast kinda sucks...

And that TTar's power is overly broken.. although I assume it was supposed to be. This TTar >>>>>>>>>>>> this Blaziken.

Tyranitar's power is not "overly broken" it's probably over powered, but that's what it's like when an EX comes up against a Safe Guard pokemon. All the EX can do is sit there and wait to be knocked out. For this tyranitar, if it comes up against it's weakness then it becomes like a safeguard Pokemon to your opponent.

Here's what I mean:

Safe Guard Pokemon attck and completely destroy Safe Guard Pokemon

Most Extreme Power attack's Pokemon it is weak to.
RE: Future EXs ideas

neh,this is the ultimate ex:

salamence ex[c]160 hp

pokebody:dragon fang aura
as long as salamence ex is your active pokemon,the defending pokemon's attack is reduced by 30 and salamemce's attacks does 30 more damage.

dragon flame[ccc]70
the defending pokemon is now burned.

dragon hyper beam[ccccc]100+
this attack does 100 damage plus 10 more damge for every energy attach to the defending pokemon.

retreat cost:[ccc]
RE: Future EXs ideas

wow pretty cool ex. it should have some attacks that take water and fire energy. and if it were to be real it would be secret rare or not allowed to be played.
mybe wobbuffet ex or pidgeot ex

pidgeot ex hp150

poke-power swoop down:
once during yur turn before yur attack yu may search yur deck for one card (exluting pokemon ex) if yu do put it in yur hand yu can't play more then one swoop down and pidgeot is now asleep

{c} {c} dive bomb 30
flip a coin if tails this attack does nothing

{c} {c} {c} sleep flight 50
if pidgeot is asleep the base damage is 70 instead of 50
Liked the topic! I had "invented" Hypno ex, Tentacruel ex and Xatu ex long ago, the three my favorite pokémon. :) I'll post them

Tentacruel ex
110 HP
[Water] (ex)

Poké-body: Colonial protection.
As long as Tentacruel ex has any special energy cards attached to it, ignore both [L] and [P] weakness to all your pokémon.

[C] Jellyfish pod
Search your deck for as many pokémon with Tentacool or Tentacruel in their names as you want and put them in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[C][C] Random tentacles 40+
Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, this attack does 100 damage instead of 40. If both are tails, the defending pokémon is now paralyzed and poisoned. Place 2 damage counters between turns instead of 1.

[W][W][C] Jellyfish invasion 40 +
Show your hand to your opponent. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 damage times the number of pokémon with Tentacool or Tentacruel in their names you have is in your hand. Then, shuffle those pokémon back into your deck.

Weakness: [L][P]
Resistance: -
Retreat cost: -

Hypno ex
110 HP
[Psychic] (ex)

Poké-body: Pendulum distortion
Whenever a player uses a trainer card, poke-power, poke-body, attack, special energy card or any other effect that requires him or her to flip a coin (like special conditions), consider the result of the flip as tails automatically (all the flips, if there are more than one).

[P] Dream eater 70
If the defending pokémon is not asleep, this attack does nothing.

[P][C][C] Mind shock 60
Don’t apply resistance.

Weakness: [P]
Resistance: -
Retreat cost: 1

Xatu ex
100 HP
[Colorless] (ex)

Poké-power: Visionary gaze
If Xatu ex is your active pokémon, flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent’s hand. Choose up to any three cards you find there and shuffle them into your opponent’s deck. Then, your opponent may draw 2 cards. If tails, the defending pokémon is now asleep (choose 1 if there are 2). You can’t use more than one Visionary gaze poke-power each turn. You can't use this power if Xatu ex is affected by a special condition

[P] Wish
Discard an energy card attached to Xatu ex or this attack does nothing. In the end of your next turn, remove damage counters from your active pokémon (choose 1 if there are 2) equal to half its maximum HP. (rounded down to the nearest 10) (after applying any effects affecting the HP) (benching Xatu ex does not end this effect).

[C][C][C] Psychic wing 60
If Xatu ex has any [P] energy attached to it, Xatu ex’s type is also [P] until the end of this turn (before applying weakness and resistance).

Weakness: [L]
Resistance: [F]
Retreat cost: -

Hypno ex's power is the one i've been praying for ages! I hate to lose a game because my opponent is lucky in his 3 lifeherbs, 4 reversals and i get asleep 3 times in a row. I'm very unlucky when playing, nothing I can do about it. Well, tentacruel ex have pokebody and 3 attacks, quite uncommon. Hypno ex doesn't have a attack that puts to sleep, and Xatu ex would be vulnerable to Battle frontier in purpose because i find its power a little broken. I could use them in one deck combining their powers (can you guys see the combos I planned? :D) and also use non ex versions. I don't like pokémon ex, except those ones :) !

I tried to balance things a little. Not my intention to make overpower unbalanced pokémon ex, my intention is to make a good Hypno, Xatu or Tentacruel :D
I decided to make a comment to all pokémon ideas made so far in this topic. Sorry if the post got too big, most are quotes, anyway.
Balance is a thing necessary in the real game, but here we are not supposed to care too much about that. (that’s because balanced cards seems much more attractive to me) :). Anyway, I’d like to express my opinion so I made some suggestions.

jayh272416 said:
My first choice- Delcatty ex
110 HP
pokepwr- search for cards
Once during your turn (before your attack) If delcatty ex is on your bench, you can search your deck for any card and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
CCC Lullaby 30
Your opponent is now asleep
WWCCC Blizzard 90

Weak- Fighting, Grass
Resis- None
Retreat Cost- CCC

Interesting power, but why does Delcatty ex have weakness to grass (not according to the game boy…)? And three to retreat? I think she should have 1 or zero to retreat since she is a light (not heavy) pokemon.

bass_forte said:
Gengar ex
Type: (P)
140 HP
STAGE 2 - Evolves from Haunter
Weakness: (D)
Retreat cost: (C)(C)
Rarity: ex
If Pokémon ex has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 prize cards.

Poké-Power: King of the Shadows
As long as Gengar ex is in play, if your Active Pokémon attacks, if it is a (P) Pokémon, the attack does 10 more damage to the Defending Pokémon. If it is a (P) Pokémon with (D) Weakness, the attack does an additional 10 damage to the Defending Pokémon.

(P)(C) - Descent into the Shadows - 20
Switch Gengar ex with one of your Benched Pokémon, if any.
(P)(C)(C) - Shadow Ball - 50
(P)(P)(C)(C)(C) - Wrath of the Night
Put 8 damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like.

Really good Gengar ex! No resistance, but only one weakness to compensate! But I think that the poke-body should apply to both players. [P] usually have weakness to themselves, so this power would make some carnage in the game and that would be fun to watch!

bass_forte said:
Machamp ex
Type: (F)
160 HP
STAGE 2 - Evolves from Machoke
Weakness: (P)
Retreat cost: (C)(C)(C)
Rarity: ex
If Pokémon ex has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 prize cards.

Poké-Body: Vengeful Spirit
If Machamp ex is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Machamp ex is Knocked Out), put a Revenge Counter on the attacking Pokémon. If a (F) Pokémon does damage to a Pokémon with a Revenge Counter on it, that attack does 20 more damage. Remove the Revenge Counter after 3 of your opponent's turns pass.

(F)(C) - Call of Revenge - 20
During your next turn, if a (F) Pokémon does damage to a Pokémon with a Revenge Counter on it, that attack does 30 more damage instead of 20 more damage.

(F)(C)(C) - Bulk up - 40
Remove 3 damage counters from Machamp ex.

(F)(F)(F)(C)(C) - Fists of Vengeance - 80+
Does 80 damage plus 20 damage if the Defending Pokémon has a Revenge Counter on it.

[Yeah, counters don't exist... yet! Heheheh.. >_>]

Machamp ex. Brute just like Machamp is. Very cool too!

elyorchh said:
Acording with mi count right now is kinda this way:

Basics pokemons with no evolution got
25 ex from 74 pokemons

Stage 1 Pokemons, in some cases including their Basics got
36 ex from 83 pokemons

Stage 2 Pokemons got
28 ex from 42

mmm, I hope that they continue doing diferents pokemons ex... at least of the stage 2... that would be awesome....

Now, with this topic only, add more 9 stage two pokémon ex, 7 stage one and 3 basic to the list (if i didn't count wrong) :D

Here's my idea for a future EX.

Whiscash EX
130 HP (Water)

Poke-Power: Barbel Sensory
Once during your turn(before your attack) you may search your deck
or discard pile for a card and put it into your hand. This can't be used if
Whiscash EX is effected by a special condition.

[C] Defensive Barbs 20
If the defending has any Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies, it is now poisoned.

[W][C] Surf 30
Does damage to each of your opponent’s Pokemon. Don't apply weakness and resistance for benched Pokemon.

[W][F][F] Undersea Rift 70
Flip a coin, if heads this attack isn't affected by, resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies or
any other effects of the defending Pokemon.

Weakness: [G]
Retreat cost: [C][C]

Whiscash is one of my favorite Pokemon because I love to fish and I like to catch catfish. Enjoy this card.

Powerful Poképower! The cost of Whiscash ex’s strongest’s attack is hard to achieve, so, it compensates the poké-power.

armaldoEX said:
Maybe a MEWTWO EX.

110 hp
weakness: psychic
resistance: colourless/darkness
retreat: cost 2

poke-power: Energy circulation

Once during yr turn .blahblah blah......u may use any of any pokemons poke-power in play.follow effects blahblah blah.....

1 psychic : Poke' Psy - 30
search yr deck for a card and put it in yr hand

3 psychic : Psy Shooting - 50
defendingh pokemon asleep and if has a special energy,
20 dmg to 1 bench

5 psychic: Psy Whip - 100
- 10 dmg for each dmg counter on mewtwo EX, if opponent has eX poke mon, base attack 100

Mewtwo has to cause a lot of damage even being a basic, otherwise is not a mewtwo right? . If I had to balance it, I would definitely remove resistance, however. It is a Mewtwo, can’t have resistance to darkness and colorless according to gameboy. The first attack is too strong for the cost, your pokémon is likely to survive and attack again. I would give 10 base damage instead of 30 because Mewtwo ex is basic pokémon. The third attack I would make 70 base damage instead of 100, because of the effect which already adds more damage. And finally, reduce in ten HP (to 100HP), to make it easier to be KO in compensation for the powerful poke-power. As I said before, Things don't need to be balanced here anyway...

dark vaporeon said:
mybe wobbuffet ex or pidgeot ex

pidgeot ex hp150

poke-power swoop down:
once during yur turn before yur attack yu may search yur deck for one card (exluting pokemon ex) if yu do put it in yur hand yu can't play more then one swoop down and pidgeot is now asleep

{c} {c} dive bomb 30
flip a coin if tails this attack does nothing

{c} {c} {c} sleep flight 50
if pidgeot is asleep the base damage is 70 instead of 50

An ex card that ressembles its most popular non ex relative. Interesting and well characterized. That’s the original idea of the pokémon ex concept, on the beginning. I believe that Pidgeot ex can attack even if it is asleep, right, so, turning the disadvantage of the pokepower in an advantage. :D
Or how bout this.....


110 hp
weakness : grass
resistance : none
retreat cost: 3

poke power: Mind Force

Whenever yr opponent's pokemon is devolved, put 1 damge counter on that pokemon. U can't use this power if slowking EX is affected by a speacial condition.

(P)(P) Psy Punch- 30
not affected by resistance

(P)(P)(P) TElepathic Whip - 70
if the defending pokemon is a stage 2 pokemon, this attacks base damge is 110 instead. if the opponent's defending pokemon is an EX pkkemon, put 2 damge counters on 1 bench and this base attack is 90.